Every Year US Police Kill Many More Whites Than Blacks
Although White persons are ~5 times more numerous in the general population, Blacks are arrested and incarcerated about 6 times more than whites. For instance, in a recent year, US prison population was 42% Black and only 40% White despite blacks being only 13% of the population vs 69% for white.
So you could say that police interact with whites and blacks on the street in about the same frequency.
Police killed 370 whites vs only 235 blacks in 2018. Similar numbers are found in other years. Police likely kill whites more often because I suspect that whites have more guns than blacks. Again, blacks are involved in crimes at 6 times the rate as whites.
See my post Blacks, Mostly Black Men, Remain a Huge Burden to the US. to see the crime stats and other horrific details about Blacks in America.

Whites Are Killed More Often than Blacks with Similar Interaction Rate