A Violent Minority Ruins the Reputation of Entire Groups: Islam Edition
What makes a group "bad"? Violence, murder, slaughter, theft committed by 15 to 30% of a population ruins everything for the rest. Sorry Gazans, 30 to 60% of you support Hamas hate. To hell with you.
Islamic communities often have a very violent and deadly minority in many countries— which results in many people in the wider community to see them as“bad.” US Black ghettos have a similar problem. They scream “discrimination!,” demand more govt benefits, preferred treatment and/or reparations, but THEY caused their own problems. It’s sad in a way when 15, 20 to 30% of your group is ruining the reputations, lives and futures for the other 70+%. But this is happening nearly in MANY areas where Muslim groups live and in most or all of the US Black ghettos. It’s even known why this happens. It’s due to unequal genetic (and cultural) heritages leading to dramatically unequal cultural and intellectual attainment. In each case it becomes Clashes of Civilizations and Differences In Intelligence Cause Clashes of Civilizations.
I wrote a post about Islamic murder and violence in 2017 called Are Muslims Bad People? The short answer is YES. The more nuanced answer is that very often when Muslim communities come in contact with other groups, really most other groups, there tends to be violence, murder and bombings. [I’ve pasted-in the 2017 post “Are Muslims Bad? post below for reference. This post is really a follow-up to it.]
The Gaza attacks against innocent civilians in Israel is the best example of my point. For over 100 years, Arabs in the eastern Mediterranean have been trying hard to eradicate ANY and ALL Jews AND Christians in the Levant. They’ve basically succeeded in eradicating both groups—except Israel. Also see A Pandemic You Rarely Hear About: 360 Millon Christians Persecuted Worldwide. This de-Christianisation and attempts to eliminate Jews completely continues today in many areas of the Middle East, North and East Africa and many other areas.
Like most uncomfortable truths, this information is being hid from the public in the West. For a detailed history of when “Palestinian” Arabs negotiated at least 3 different peace deals with Israel in the past 70 years that included a ‘Palestinian’ homeland, (see my Debunking the Palestine Lie and The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and the Fuhrer.) Each time, just before signing an agreement, PLO or Fatah leaders not only walked away at the last minute, but instantly launched bloody, murderous intifadas (death marches) against Israel. It shows that they were “negotiating” in bad faith each time. Hate is a terrible thing.
Bombings, murders and violence have continued since the 1920s and more recently to the point where Israel was forced to erect concrete barriers with razor wires and checkpoints to convert Gaza into a large open-air “prison.” [Sadly, this might need to happen in Black ghetto inner cities in America. But America already has a HUGE prison system largely for them. Blacks have a plurality in US prisons even though they are only 14% of the population.]
Guess what? It worked for awhile. It stopped the bombings and murder until October 7th 2023 when murder and slaughter re-commenced for the umpteenth time. Now the world is “shocked” that Israel is basically intending to eliminate many/most of these “prisoners” after 1400+ Israeli kids, party-goers and nearby innocents were once again slaughtered by Muslims.
There’s no living with these people. And yes, I feel sorry for some of the innocents, but 30 to 70% of many ordinary Palestinian persons in Gaza are sympathetic to Hamas and their deadly aims. Jew hatred rules there.
Even then, I don’t want to see non-militants slaughtered. Jesus said “Do not fight the evil one.” and then said “turn the other cheek” if slapped/insulted. It’s because, when you fight evil, you tend to become evil yourself. It’s true. It’s now making Israel evil too.
This is not new. This has been going on for 1400 years—since the creation of Islam. For a more recent story of Arabs in the area near what is now Israel: see my post How Israel Emerged In the Collapsed Ottoman Empire and my post Palestinians-100+ Years Of Hatred and Rejectionism. Also Worldwide Islamic Jihad Casualties in 2023: 16,100 Dead/Injured So Far and Polls Routinely Show Arabs in 'Palestinian' Territories Are Most Supportive of Violence and Hamas.
Europe’s Muslim Experiment/Disaster
Massively ignorant cretins, charading as politicians in Europe, have been indiscrimanently importing large numbers of predominantly young Middle Eastern and N. African Muslim men with some women, for decades now into previously homogenous all-white cultures for so-called “diversity” or “enrichment.” These politicians are either evil or dumber than rocks. Worse, they NEVER LEARN and refuse to face facts.
The results are Muslim ghettos, populated with poorly educated and limited intellectual abilities, no host language skills, permanent and widespread unemployment and welfare, extremely limited cultural integration, widespread rapes, knife attacks, bombings, cultural war and/or actual war in France, Sweden, Belgium and also in Southern Philippines, Southern Thailand, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Myanmar, Indonesia (Aceh) and other Middle East “hotspots.” Diversity is Our Strength: If You Want Murder, Crime, Decay, Rape and Bombings, Part 2: France Is On Fire.
Also see my recent post Worldwide Islamic Jihad Casualties in 2023: 16,100 Dead/Injured So Far from October 2023. Click on any image below to open a slide show. The data is from thereligionofpeace.com:

Unlike US Blacks, Islamic leaders are basically supremacists who believe fervently that a woman’s place is to be barefoot and pregnant—with no other options. Even basic education is denied for many young Islamic girls; the same girls who clitorises are cut-off at birth to deny any sexual pleasure for them. We saw that after the American soldiers left Afghanistan. Young girls were immediately ousted from all levels of education.
But it’s Muslim violence and killings year after year that make these people “bad.” Just the past two or three days, there is news of Muslim violence: “One dead, two injured after man upset over Gaza war attacks tourists near Eiffel Tower with hammer, knife” and this about continued Islamic violence in the Philippines from Japan Times:
Philippine forces were on high alert on Sunday after a bomb killed four people and wounded several others during a Catholic Mass in a university gymnasium in the south of the country, an attack the authorities called Islamist terrorism.
Finally, take a look at What to Expect From Palestinians If We Bring Them Here from a Danish writer.
Are Muslims Bad People? Part 1 (A Re-Post from 9/2017 Link here)
When is a group's reputation deserved? Is it unfair to generalize about a group of people due to the actions of a minority? Are Muslims bad people?
Sadly, the evidence is that Muslim communities across the world are causing nothing but strife and murder wherever they are found. They don't seem to be able to get along with either themselves or anyone else.
For example, even though Muslims are an extremely small portion of Thailand's population (<2%), there's been over 4500 murders of peaceful Buddhists by the Muslim minority in Southern Thailand since 2004 alone. And Thailand is a peaceful, prosperous and tolerant place No tourist wants to go there! Eventually, you'll hear MSM complain about another "genocide" when Thai authorities finally drive these people out. How many thousands of dead bodies will it take before the Thai army loses their mind over this problem and they lash out at this group?
Backlash and possibly genocide against Muslims is occurring right now in Myanmar--Thailand's neighbor. This week alone, normally peaceful Myanmar Buddhists are chasing 100s of thousands of Rohingya Muslims out of their country due to clashes and violence with this small (<4%) minority. This violence and strife has been going on there for 100+ years.
There has been a murderous Islamic insurgency in Mindanao in Southern Philippines for many decades. This week alone in the Philippines, some 24,000 Muslims are being displaced by Philippine military action against Jihadists in Mindanao. Even Indonesia had a war against Aceh's Muslim fundamentalists until the 2004 tsunami wiped out about 300,000 of these people in Banda Aceh in Aceh State. Only then was there an peace accord.
Speaking of just this week, Muslim murderers have killed 273 people and injured 259 in 14 countries -- all in the name of their Allah and religion. This from TheReligionOf Peace website.
The murderous ISIS has been running rampant in the Middle East and now N. Africa causing mayhem and murder there and now in Europe. Sorry Obama, ISIS see themselves as the standard-bearer of Islam whether you see it or not. Obama and Hillary funded and created ISIS by their efforts to depose Assad. That was real smart consider what happened after Hussein was deposed. It’s idiocy on top of idiocy.
Obama, a true idiot once said that 99.9% of Muslims are peace loving, but it’s not even remotely true—especially elsewhere in the world. Europe has seen some 35 major Islamic terrorist attacks in the past year alone despite Europe's well-meaning effort to provide refuge to Muslim Arabs fleeing the failed economies and cultures in the Middle East and North Africa.
These refugees will bring their failed ideas and ruin Europe. It's a clash of civilization that is entirely avoidable. Absurd, politically correct fools in Europe are responsible. Political correctness causes death!! The Left wants death and destruction and is therefore sympathetic to destructive and violent Muslims.
Muslims are the epicenter of religious violence across the world. Since 2001 alone, world-wide there have been about 250,000 Islam-inspired murders and another estimated 250,000 wounded from Jihadi attacks (a total which excludes war-related deaths). That equates to ~2 million deaths per century--NOT including wars! The entire history of Islam is full of violence and murder.
Muslims are full of terrible and ignorant ideas that bring nothing but misery and death to themselves and those around them. Most of Arab/Muslim regions in the Middle East and North Africa are now in a cultural and political collapse. This collapse is due to their failed Muslim/Arab culture, their beliefs, their bad ideas, their self-imposed poor education (emphasis on religious education) -- all of which is causing chronically failed economies and tyrannical leaders. "Islam" is nearly synonymous with failed countries and cultures. Shitholes.
One of their biggest problems with them is that there are often motivated and violent minorities within Muslim communities that believe in violence as a means of advancing their agenda or conflict resolution. And yes, their scripture, the Quran, has plenty of passages that justify "wiping out" infidels (anyone else) as a means to an end. Even today, middle east Muslims are actively wiping-out Christians in that region--continuing centuries of war against both Christianity and Judaism. Don't forget that nearly every Muslim country is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and all the Jews.
Hatred of Jews and even Christians is part of their religion and has been since it's inception since it's supported by their Qu'ran. Remember that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem sat at the right hand of Hitler in WWII.
And wherever there is Jew-hatred there is gay-hatred. ISIS has been throwing suspected gay people to their deaths off of tall buildings ignoring any kind of due process or anything else that might be called civilized.
Another integral part of their ideology is their belief in "conquering" and dominating the world by creating an Islamic dominated Caliphate (of misery). I lived in Jakarta in 2007 and saw an entire football stadium full of "mainstream" Indonesians celebrating this belief. Islam is a supremacist (and bigoted) ideology.
And for every violent Jihadi attack, there are brothers, sisters, mothers or others that know what is about to happen, but they never inform authorities. And very rarely does anyone in this religion speak out forcefully against the violence caused by their own community.
Muslims are really today's modern day Nazi party. And there were plenty of "nice" or "good" people in the Nazi party too, so don't kid yourself.
There is so much wrong with this group. Muslims are full of bad ideas that cause poverty, unhappiness and violence in their communities. Their inability or refusal to reform or change makes them bad people. They have been bad people for a VERY long time.