Harassing Tulsi Gabbard and her Family by TSA
In a naked example of political retaliation and harassment, American Patriot Tulsi Gabbard is being harassed as a somehow suspicious person by TSA agents as the Biden Junta has vindictively put her on their terror watch list. What a fucking joke. These people in Washington are SICK!
From the Hawaii Tribune:
She told Racket News in a story published Aug. 7 by reporter Matt Taibibi that she and her husband, Abraham Williams, “encountered obstacles” on a flight from Rome to Dallas, then a connecting flight to Austin, Texas, and later on different flights for both to cities like Nashville, Tenn.; Orlando, Fla.; and Atlanta.
The couple’s boarding passes were marked with the “SSSS” designation, which stands for “Secondary Security Screening Selection,” Gabbard told Racket News.
Gabbard told the news site that she and Williams were forced into “extensive random searches lasting as long as 45 minutes.”
“It happened every time I boarded,” Gabbard told Racket News. “I’ve got a couple of blazers in there, and they’re squeezing every inch of the entire collar, every inch of the sleeves, every inch of the edging of the blazers. They’re squeezing or padding down underwear, bras, workout clothes, every inch of every piece of clothing.”
Lies, Lies, Lies and Lying About the Lies: Vast Revisions of the Last Year’s Employment Numbers
The Biden Junta reluctantly revised all of the rosy employment numbers for the past year MUCH lower now that ‘Dementia Joe’ has been side-lined (but still “Resident.”) Massive lies are a sure sign of tyrants and commies. Even the BLS is a propaganda organ for our scumbags, criminals and fools “in charge.”
In my recent post Biden Regime Massively 'Fluffing' Job Numbers, taken from ZeroHedge, I said that:
Since October 2019, native-born US workers have lost 1.4 million jobs; over the same period foreign-born workers have gained 3 million jobs! Aren’t our elected officials supposed to be working for Americans???
Now comes even more disturbing, but not surprising, news that the BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) has systematically been overstating US employment gains for this past year (actually much longer than that). Suddenly, now that Biden has been sidelined by Pelosi, out comes a massive year-long revision rarely seen in gov’t employnent stats.
Previously, we mentioned that, not only are most jobs created going to foreign illegal invaders, but now there are much fewer jobs created than previously claimed by the government.
In the past year, the revision in jobs created was revised 880,000 lower. So, rather than the advertised propaganda number of 230K monthly job additions, the real monthly job creation number is 150K per month. Lies, lies and more lies!
RFK, Jr.’s proposed VP candidate Nicole Shanahan slammed the BLS:
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has long been used as a tool of propaganda by the executive branch. Here’s how: they distort definitions, manipulate data, exclude discouraged workers, and revise past reports to create narratives that fit the agenda of whichever administration is in power. This skews the actual economic picture and misleads citizens about the true state of our economy. It’s like a game of musical chairs, and neither side wants to be caught standing when the music stops. The Constitution doesn’t grant the government the authority to track unemployment statistics, so why do we even have this agency? Perhaps it’s time to get rid of it. Their $750M budget could surely be put to better use, and private companies already track U.S. unemployment for free. Win-win.
What did it cost to create the paltry 150K jobs per month?? The cost was $1 TRILLION of Government DEFICIT spending every 3 months in the past year and it will get much worse. Government deficit spending is nearly dead money with diminishing returns as we can now clearly see. Still, whoever is in power will press ahead anyway
Everything is a lie with Communists or the new “Schwabian Neo-Communist” Democrats. They are now a bunch of professional, pathological liars. Everything they believe is wrong because they are stupid, brainwashed and/or puppets to the evil international Neo-Communists:, ie., the WEF and Klaus Schwab.
British Journalist, Richard Medhurst, Arrested, Detained and Harassed
From Richard Medhurst’s Newsletter on Substack
I am an internationally accredited journalist from the United Kingdom. On Thursday, as I landed in London Heathrow airport, I was immediately escorted off the plane by 6 police officers who were waiting for me at the entrance of the aircraft.
They arrested me—not detained—but arrested me under Section 12 of the Terrorism Act of 2000 and accused me of allegedly “expressing an opinion or belief that is supportive of a proscribed organization” but wouldn’t explain what this meant.
One officer took my bags, and when I asked why he was still back in the aircraft, I was told “look mate, you can get nicked right here in front of everyone, or in there. Your choice.”
I was taken to an adjacent room, patted down, my phone confiscated. I was not allowed to inform my family. Despite being calm and cooperative, I was handcuffed with something that placed my shoulders in an awkward position, and my wrists on top of, rather than next to each other. The handcuffs were extremely tight. Despite the police loosening them, they left marks on me for two days…..
My suitcase was then opened in the lobby and ransacked; all my journalistic equipment and devices were seized, including phones, sim cards, wireless microphones, microphones and headphones. Even my shoelaces.
They later took my DNA, fingerprints, palmprints, and photographed me. I was placed in solitary confinement, in a cold cell that smelt like urine. There was barely any light, and the bed—if you can even call it a bed—was a small concrete ledge, with a paper thin mattress. The cell had no windows. No heating. No toilet paper.
I was recorded 24/7, with audio and video— even when going to the toilet…..
I felt the whole process was designed to humiliate, intimidate, and dehumanize me; to treat me like a criminal, even though they must have been aware of my background and that I am a journalist.
I asked if I could have my own clothes because I was in a t-shirt, it was cold and couldn’t sleep. They said they’d give me a pullover but never did. Although one guard did give me a 2nd blanket…..
Some of my solicitor’s calls did not get through or were not answered. One of the calls, my solicitor was told would be monitored and so they siply refused to take it.
In total, I spent almost 24 hours in detention. At no point, whatsoever, was I allowed to speak to a family member, solicitor or friend. After waiting 15 hours, I was finally interviewed by two detectives. The interview lasted just about an hour, an hour and a half.
But I believe that this was done on purpose to try to rattle me psychologically.
I’m a product of the diplomatic community and I’m raised to be anti-war.
Both my parents won Nobel Peace Prizes for their work as United Nations peacekeepers. They had a tremendous effect on my worldview and outlook, and instilled in me the importance of diplomacy, international law and peace.
I myself, am a victim of terrorism. When I attended the British school in Islamabad, the Egyptian embassy adjacent to my school was blown up in a double bombing.
I categorically and unequivocally condemn terrorism.
I am a Medhurst. My family goes back 1000 years in this country. I come from a long line of public servants. My father served in the London Metropolitan Police, before entering the UN. He is an expert and an authority on counterterrorism who taught me much. My grandfather was in the Royal Air Force during WWII, and his father before him in the British Army in WWI.
I love my country and respect its laws and legal institutions.
I get the feeling, nevertheless, that those like myself who are speaking up and reporting on the situation in Palestine are being targeted (Doug here: I don’t know, but I have a feeling that he is calling the operation in Gaza a genocide, which is probably true when 60% of so-called Palestinians/Gazans are Hamas supporters and complicit with the Hamas murder machine. Vast numbers of Muslims across the world hate and may even dream of killing Jews AND Christians. Many have done so.)
Zelenski Hated by Ukranians/ Cancels Elections/New Tyranny
As you probably know, the US proxy of Ukraine and it’s puppet, dictator Zelensky, has eliminated elections in Ukraine. Why? Because the people of Ukraine despise him. Now they can’t get rid of him.
Zelensky has killed millions of Ukrainians and Russians, 8 million Ukrainian have fled Ukraine and now reside in adjacent countries, and he has ruined his entire country in service to the entirely evil NATO; North Atlantic Terrorist Organization:
Zelensky is a “actor,” an idiot and a Russophobe; kind of like the entire Democrat Party. You can bet he has mansions in Miami and $billions in Swiss Bank accounts.
British Citizen Arrested and Sentenced 18 Months in Prison for Questioning ‘Who the Hell is Allah?’
From Martin Armstrong’s Blog:
“Who the —- is Allah?” a 61-year-old British man asked protestors. That comment has resulted in an 18-month prison sentence. You no longer need to commit a violent crime to be tried as a violent criminal in the United Kingdom.
It is sufficient grounds for arrest to simply say or write an opinion that could anger the other side and prompt someone else to become violent. This man’s crime was “precipitated by false information relating to the religion and immigration status of the perpetrator of the Southall murders,” according to the report. As a reminder, the protests were over the brutal murder of three young girls. The media and UK authorities are more outraged over people confusing the murderer’s immigration status than over the heinous crime itself.
There are numerous cases of migrants committing violent acts, even rape, and receiving lesser sentences. Over 3,000 people in the UK were arrested for simply posting something deemed offensive on social media last year. People are watching their nation crumble as a result of open border policies that permit unvetted men to freely commit crimes and terrorize the nation.
The media is calling Sharia Law protests “anti-racism protests” of peaceful men wishing to combat the far-right. Why did all Muslim nations turn away these refugees? Even leaders in the Arab world warned the West of the implications of taking in immigrants from places like Syria. And guess what? Now the West will arm Israel to the teeth and invite the angered Palestinians to move to their nation.
Migrants are not expected to assimilate to their new environment. They are not expected to adopt the new cultures or traditions of their new host country.
The migrant crisis is destroying our societies and civilization as we have known it. It is a tragedy that the UK legal system has been infiltrated with the New World Order mindset that believes citizens should stand idle as their traditions and cultures are decimated. Those in the UK are not allowed to even question the migrant crisis or express outrage at the overwhelming increase in violent crime. True change comes when those protecting the people in power cave. When the police refuse to protect the Shira Law protestors or the politicians supporting open border we will a major shift in the UK.”
Election Cheating
I’ve posted a few blog posts about the methods of Democrat/NGO/Dark Money cheating starting with Republicans On Track to Lose the Most Important Election in 100 years--thanks to Industrial Strength Democrat/NGO/Dark Money/Chinese-Funded Ballot Manufacturing and The 2024 Election Steal is ALREADY UNDERWAY and Repubs Are Oblivious.
Here’s a good meme:
Tyranny Everywhere: Twitter Threatened by Tinpot Tyrants in EU and Brazil
From The Gateway Pundit’s post Like Communist Brazilian Justices – EU Totalitarians Threaten to Shut Down X If Elon Musk Will Not Censor Un-Approved Speech:
“Last week X corporation closed its official operations in Brazil after communist Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes threatened to jail X’s legal representative in the country.

Twitter X announced on Saturday that the social media giant will shut down operations in Brazil after the communist Supreme Court Justice Alexandre Moraes threatened to jail X’s legal representative and staff in the country.
Here is the announcement posted on X’s Global Affairs account:
Last night, Alexandre de Moraes threatened our legal representative in Brazil with arrest if we do not comply with his censorship orders. He did so in a secret order, which we share here to expose his actions.
Despite our numerous appeals to the Supreme Court not being heard, the Brazilian public not being informed about these orders and our Brazilian staff having no responsibility or control over whether content is blocked on our platform, Moraes has chosen to threaten our staff in Brazil rather than respect the law or due process.
As a result, to protect the safety of our staff, we have made the decision to close our operation in Brazil, effective immediately.
The X service remains available to the people of Brazil.
We are deeply saddened that we have been forced to make this decision. The responsibility lies solely with Alexandre de Moraes.His actions are incompatible with democratic government. The people of Brazil have a choice to make – democracy, or Alexandre de Moraes.
Putin offering Asylum to Western Conservatives
From The Moscow Times:
“President Vladimir Putin on Monday signed a decree allowing foreign citizens and stateless individuals to apply for temporary residency in the country if they share “traditional Russian spiritual and moral values,” even in cases when a person does not speak Russian.
The decree states that those who oppose the “destructive neoliberal ideological agenda” in their home country can seek “humanitarian support” from the Russian authorities by applying for a temporary residence permit.
It also tasks the government and Foreign Ministry with creating a list of countries Moscow considers to be “pursuing a destructive neoliberal agenda” within 30 days.
People applying for temporary residence status in Russia according to the new “humanitarian” scheme would not need to show proof of Russian language proficiency or knowledge of Russian history and the country’s laws.”
And last week, Russia's Interior Ministry said an American couple and their children had sought “temporary asylum” in the country due to a “canceling... of traditional and family values, as well as the low level of education” in the United States.
WEF Agenda is Pure Communism and Central Planning-on-Steroids
I’m defining Communism in our case as extreme Central Planning ON STEROIDS, a la 5 years plans, total control of people, policies for coercion and censorship for or by the government and the unholy partnership by big communication and media companies “in bed” with an entirely undemocratic government. Government doesn’t technically “own” means of production as was Soviet Communism, but they don’t need to.
This is my definition of Neo-Communism. I didn’t check this against WEF website, but it’s probably close. I worry that it might be a meme, :
We live in a time where it’s more fascistic corporatism that is taking over much of the Western World. Rightly or wrongly I define this fascism as an unholy alliance between government and the large media and communication companies, done to control behavior, control information and control the masses. Control, Control, Control! You catch my drift??
As mentioned above, elections are now a sham farce of outright cheating. There likely won’t be any elections again once the Democraps cheat their way through 2024 and consolidate their complete control.
More coming….
That New World Order/UN Agenda might be exaggerated but not by too much. Yes, it might fail a "fact check" on "technicalities" but the way they're going after farms and food production, seizing farm land in the EU, the push for digital currencies is real, , concern about cow farts, 15 min cities, where you don't own a car, is a "thing," "you'll own nothing and you'll be happy," remember?? And who will own it all?? The already fabulously wealthy elites that back the WEF. We saw what they did during COVID. Hell, Fauci and Dasak INVENTED COVID in Wuhan, lied about it. He was as about as dishonest as a person could be. The elites CRAVE total communist-style control. The Meme is not entirely real, but it's not THAT far off.
Tragic. Help!