I thought about titling this post “The West Has Daddy Issues.” or “The Rise of Matriarchy and Demasculinization of the West.” There were many aspects to the widely-publicized Marxist Feminist movements in the 1960s to redefine what is masculine and what is feminine, suggesting that men should be more like women and women more like men. Hanna Herland addresses these issues very well in numerous posts and says that these Marxist movements were designed to marginalize or replace Christianity and to destabilize America. My goodness, that’s right!
Not only did our Greatest Generation of men win the war against unspeakable evil in the Pacific and in Europe, but these same heros, boys still, came back, took advantage of GI Bills in the 1940s, finished university and created the greatest consumer-led middle class ever seen in history in the 1950s and 1960s. Young mothers were sprouting children, and mom’s most often were able to stay home and supervise the clan. Men were off building cities, highways and enterprises and brought unbelievable prosperity and happiness to the land. Yeah, it was a little boring, but that time was NEVER better.
After WWII, “Government” shrunk down from >50% of the economy back to ~10% of the economy—allowing for real economic growth to compound over an entire generation —making Americans the wealthiest nation on earth and the envy of the planet.
Although I don’t know why, there have been repeated debates, never won as clearly as should be, about the virtues of capitalism and the many problems about Marxism or Socialism. To me, the answer was CLEARLY OBVIOUS. Even questioning something so clear could only have happened in a society at it’s peak level of ease, comfort and convenience, ie., the late 50s and 1960s, ie., good times.
In the 60s, various feminist and Marxist movement(s) promoted the downplaying of Christianity and questioned everything else. The big question is: Who asked for their opinion?? “Who asked for you to fix anything?” Huh? The answer: NO ONE!
In many cases, these movements were led by those of the Jewish persuasion; fresh graduates from Marxist indoctrination in Universities here and from Europe, led many of these Marxist “projects.” This has led to a lot of justified anger and suspicion at the unnaturally cozy relationship between the Zionists and the US government and Jewish political power is very strong. Jews are so often found at the top echelons of institutions and power due to their intelligence, but they have historically taken lead roles in the destabilization of America whether they knew it or not.
Then Workers had to be unionized! And Blacks, who had ALREADY gained full citizenship after the Civil War thanks to Repubicans, and then fell back into Jim Crow slavery once again for another 80 years or so thanks to Southern Democrats. It’s an extreme irony, that it’s the Democrats who take credit for Black Liberation in the 1960s!! Republicans gave FULL citizenship and rights to Blacks in the South in 1870, rights enforced by Northern REPUBLICAN Troops! For a brief history lesson, See The Trainwreck Of Black/Democrats Idiocy Continues to Run Amok.
Government welfare programs completely disrupted Black households. In the early 1960s, there were fathers in about 75% of black (and white) homes. Now there are virtually ZERO. And all those dumb black kids need plenty of discipline and teaching but aren’t getting any. Prosecutions and jailed citizens mount up to the sky.
Then South Africa HAD to be fixed! It was and it’s about to revert to the stone age when that nation’s power grid goes dark for good. Already lights are on only about 8 to 12 hours per day. In the event of a nationwide blackout; the grid can’t be restarted (due to the power required to be available for restart).
Everything was questioned to keep the population in turmoil and off-balance —a Marxist tactic practiced by Professional Marxists like Hillary and Obama, all the while the other Marxist politicos (theives) do their dirty deeds of stealing money, the government and the nation itself. Don’t kid yourself, these people are master manipulators even today.
The “Product” of all that Fixing?
Now look at us! Government spending is back to over 50% (maybe over 60% including State Govt spending) of the economy again and it’s not even war-time (yet). Such a preponderance of Government spending leads to nothing but stagnation and inflation. Why? Because GOVERNMENTS CREATE NOTHING, IT PRODUCES NOTHING. TODAY, GOVERNMENT IS AN EVIL CANCER SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OUR BODY-POLITIC. GOVERNMENT IS ENTIRELY PARASITIC. IT’S THE SAME IN CHINA; THEIR GOVERNMENT IS EVEN A WORSE AND SICK PARASITIC CANCER ON THEIR PEOPLE AND THE EARTH ITSELF.
It must be reversed or “nature” will do it for us in a very unpleasant way. Nuclear war is bandied about like never before while our cadaver-in-chief may not be able to answer that 3 am call. Remember, it only takes about 1 or 2 minutes before nukes, launched from submarines near the US coast, hit their targets. Can they wake anyone in time? We already know Lloyd Austin is unreliable and of that I’m not surprised. (DEI hire!!)
The generation that fought WWII and won it exemplify the “Hard Times Created Strong Men” and then these “Strong Men Created Good Times” in the 1950s and 60s.
Now we’re well into the latter part of the cycle called “Good times Created Weak Men(—and overcompensating WoMen)” and finally we are flooded with weak, feminized men and bat-shit-crazy women WHO ARE CREATING HARD TIMES. See the graphic below:
So, now we’re left with a clash of generations and civilizations now as crazy-ass bitches like Rachel Maddox expose their entirely demented and false reality to large numbers of women who lap that stuff up. Or how about the incredibly stupid Joy Reid or Whoopi, who show just how stupid blacks in America remain: really, really stupid! Of course they’re darlings of the Media conglomerates!
Or now that the country has discovered suddenly that the US sitting president is as demented and as brain-dead as one can be, suddenly we hear the “Caw Caw” of the Hitlery dragon who is truly desperate to run the now-biggest corruption show in world history AND start World War III so that government spending ramps up to 110% of GDP. Even without a nuclear hit, that would be THE FINAL NAIL IN OUR USA COFFIN.
Collapse of the Family Means Civilization Collapse
Professional feminists, many Lesbian, and many MAN-HATING freak-a-zoids, never had or raised a family and left a lasting legacy. It’s as if they’re saying “don’t bring kids into this terrible horrible world.” And they didn’t. It’s a sign of extreme mental illness. So extreme Feminism might really mean the end of civilization—when birthrates fall, populations shrink and civilization degrades and shrinks. THAT is their unintended legacy. (I’m living now in Cambodia and young kids are bouncing all over the place; it feels joyous and normal! It’s like the people are optimistic about their future. It’s buoyant and alive! It’s quite a stark contrast to the pessimissm and decay in the US—now clearly dying.)
I got a great and thoughtful comment from a Substack reader John Holmes. I thought I’d share it:
America was created by The Founding Fathers based on a male dominant social order that we now call the patriarchy. When men ran America it functioned very smoothly. When the economy collapsed in the 1930 depression there were no riots, no massive increase in crime.
Now women out vote men because they vote more as a block than men do. Women are also more vocal and demanding of government and see government as the solution to their problems. Women do not tolerate different opinions. Anything they dislike is either hate speech or some sort of safety issue to them. Their knee jerk response to opposition is to cancel the opposition.
You and I are corresponding here on substack because major social media platforms do not allow speech that women disagree with. You cant even say that men cannot waive a magic wand and be women cause muh feelings. You couldn't oppose covid masks or quarantines or vaccination online because women disagreed so all tech companies would cancel you for expressing any of those opinions. The list never ends.
Women control every institution in America now. They have brow beaten men into complying with their censorship. Look at corporate America or government jobs. Say anything that women dont like such as most inmates in prison are raised by single moms and you will be punished.
Our constitution was written for men who have honor and rules of fair play. White Anglo Saxon Men. Now that women control government, the media, universities, k-12 education, the fucking US Military God's sake, all our institutions are being misused to punish enemies and reward friends of the Left. Oh, and White men need not apply to Disney, we’re told by a Disney official speaking to the O’Keefe agent. White Men are dirty words which is entirely false of course.
Socialism is a feminine construct. Women evolved over thousands of years to share things. Things that men produced. They are natural born socialists who will always default to everyone should get an equal share even if they didn't help produce it.
Western Civilization survived the collapse of the Roman Empire, Barbarian hoards, the Black Plague, Stalin and Hitler. It won't survive women being able to vote to give everything their men produced to themselves and hostile foreigners.
We are already several years into the collapse of Western Civilization. Soon the US Gov debt will be so large that investors will choose to not purchase US Gov bonds. That will cause the end of the buying power of the US $ and the collapse of the tower of babel that women built. The violence and chaos that will result will be horrific. You wont be able to find a woman who identifies as a feminist when the electricity no longer works and the police no longer show up AND America is no longer a cohesive intact culture but a diverse bunch who all hate each other and are fighting over scraps.
We live in a matriarchy. All matriarchies are failed societies. Black America has been that since women voted for the welfare state. Now the other races are catching up. Fast.
"Karens" are the perfect personification of Leftists, because first, they're hysterical, never logical. They want their way or the highway. Hysteria was already a warning sign that there is a psychological problem, but wait until you tell them NO! Already, you can begin to see the problems of Karen-centric or matriarchal societies. They are busy-bodies who want to control you. They just have that need. And control you, they do! Pocohontas is like that. All the Democrat's bitches from freakshow Maddow, other non-breedier Lesbians, bitches, to the Neocons warmongers like Hitlery are overbearing mothers without a father to control them. And Donald Trump is the old fashioned father figure who would bring order to their hysteria, is HITLER, MUSSOLINI!, STALIN, THE DEVIL. But here's the kicker: IT'S WHO THEY ARE!
Kunstler’s Observations about Our Feminized Society and the Mythical Monster Trumpenstein
From Sick Of and Done With by JHK :
America’s Woke lunatic-in-chief reigning on MSNBC Rachel Maddow warned this week that the return of Trump would lead to her (and millions of her fans) getting jammed into “concentration camps.”
Maybe you’ve already noticed that Rachel Maddow lives in a concentration camp of-the-mind located inside her own batshit-crazy skull. Dunno about you, but for the first time in a life lived through many decades of purportedly rational post-war Modernity, I’ve developed a sympathetic view of how come people in earlier eras resorted to burning witches. They are obdurate public nuisances. Their “magic” lately is the ability to provoke a mass formation psychosis, an actual “threat to our democracy” or, more precisely, to our republic.
Maddow, the proudly out-front lesbian non-breeder is living proof that renouncing motherhood is a predictor of Cluster-B personality disorder — the condition that defines the “progressive” Wokery of these times.
But we are truly faced with the fact that the devastation in sexual relations and failures of family formation in recent decades has produced a very particular form of anomie in Western Civ’s female population — and the dynamic has badly deranged increasingly feminized men, too.
The government played the role of “mother” in the Covid caper, keeping you (her “children”) safe. You’ve noticed, I’m sure, that claims about safety and safe places have been major themes in Wokery both before and during Covid. Anyway, as usual with Munchausen-by-proxy syndrome, the “children” (i.e., the US population) were injured badly by the “treatment,” the mRNA vaccines. And also as usual with mothers displaying Cluster-B personality disorder, the “bad” children who refuted the narrative and refused the specified “treatment” were punished severely. (Cluster-B is sadistic.)
One thing this suggests is that the cabal running things behind the empty suit “Joe Biden” is dominated by women, and my guess would be the women directly associated with Barack Obama: Susan Rice, Lisa Monaco, Kathryn Ruemmler, Sally Yates, Valarie Jarrett, Samantha Power, Avril Haines, Torie Nuland, give-or-take some combo of them, et al.
I have alleged for years that the motif driving batshit-crazy, Cluster-B Democratic Party women is that Donald Trump represents Daddy’s-in-the-house. In their boundaryless state-of-mind nothing threatens the Cluster-B ladies as much as the imposition of boundaries by a fearsome daddy figure. Daddy = the monster of monsters to them, ie., Trumpenstein.
Thus, the “Biden” regime’s remorseless persecution of Mr. Trump — like the village rabble hunting down Frankenstein with torches and pitchforks — and the fantasies, were he allowed to live, about being sent to concentration camps by the likes of Rachel Maddow. There’s nothing like barbed-wire and sentry towers to vividly suggest the imposition of “boundaries” on your behavior.
I could not agree more with your entire comment. I read it over in my email, in its entirety. And let me tell you, it truly is, Absolutely, 👍 Outstanding, my friend!!!!