Biden's America: Black Murder & Crime Is Out of Control, but Dems Name 'White People' Enemy #1
This is a bit old; originally posted in June 2021, But nothing much changes with Black people
It's entirely probable that the US and World are now in the process of a historic collapse -- one that will only be recognized in hindsight in the fullness of time and history. You see, it doesn't feel like it from day-to-day, but from a longer term perspective the events that are associated with the collapse of finance and society are increasing in frequency and severity. Taken together, collapse is happening. It's entirely possible and probable that much more notable and dramatic events are in store for the future.
1) Black Murder and Crime Is Out of Control: But White People Are Villified, Demonized and Our History is Re-written
There's an ongoing attempt by the Marxist Left and Democrats (basically the same thing), and now the Government, to re-write history to fit a narrative basically that "White people and this country were never really good." Only Blackness is good. Whiteness is bad. Oh... and Orange Man Bad. Check out my post: The Very Racist, Marxist and Whacked-out Black Lives Matter.
We had a bad discrimination problem in this country, but it's been fixed. Now, benefits (reparations?) shower disadvantaged folks of all colors--deserving or not. Only blacks and Democrats want to re-live an unhappy time in the past and wallow in victimhood.
So, despite all the success in eliminating racism, Whites are now under full assault in this country and are being portrayed somehow as insane and violent white supremacists. Full-on reverse racism has taken hold. Horrible white persecution was initially encouraged by people like Hillary Clinton. If every white person is Hitler, then obviously they must be destroyed. Now everyone has jumped onto that bandwagon.
The NYT's 1619 project was intended to demonize this country and White people in particular by portraying Slavery as America's core value and that Black people are the real saviors for this country. No surprise it's written by a Marxist Black chick Nikole Hannah-Jones.
That the NYT picked this up is no surprise either. The New York Times, who promoted and apologized for Stalin in the 1930s is still Communist and is still pushing fake history. The 1619 Project is fake history. The movie, "Hidden Figures" is fake history and white demonization.
To set the record straight, Judeo-Christian values are the core values of this country. This country was discovered and populated by white Northern Europeans of Christian faith. The earliest settlers of this country were in fact religious Puritans who came here in 1620.
White Ni**as and Blacks Complain About Whiteness But "Blackness" is THE Huge Problem in this Country
So much of US black "culture" is just endless chaos--really total cultural collapse: slums, disorder, gangs, thuggery, criminal and thug "worship," drug dealing, violence, stupidity, murder and shaming the responsible blacks as "uncle toms" or too "white." They literally can't build up ANYTHING. They only destroy. They can't even pick up trash in their neighborhoods. It would NEVER dawn on them! I'm generalizing but you get my point.
Despite overwhelming evidence that many can't take care of themselves, there remains a large minority of black people in America who want to create a separate and black "culture." Blacks live in a subsidized state of "custodial care" in America, courtesy of our dwindling white culture. Blacks and The Left cannot or refuse to see that US Government programs have actually hurt them.
We saw exactly what black culture becomes when CHAZ or CHOP was established in Seattle last year. Raz Simone, an Islamic so-called "rapper," appointed himself warlord-in-chief. Within hours, violence commenced, whites in attendance were "shaken-down" and blacks confiscated "reparations"of $10. It was all shutdown due to chaos, fights, thuggish attacks, shootings and vandalism. This is US-style BLACKNESS. And it's horrible.
They are unable to go their own way with or without financial support from Whitey. If allowed to "go their own way," and they descend into chaos and murder, like most black cities have, then they complain about "RACISM!!!"
Instead, the utterly failed and collapsed US black "culture" (really un-culture) is being held up as a shining model for our country and is, in fact, being IMPOSED on you. It's part of a communist revolution underway in the EU, Canada, the USA and Australia under the guise of a Covid "crisis.
Propaganda and lies have been so effectively propagated that the political left in this country is utter deluded and detached from reality. Any attempt to puncture their delusions is met with hysterical cries of "racism," "homophobic," "xenophobic." This is in part to the evil and insanely corrupt Madame Clinton, but also the feckless and destructive Barack Obama.
The radical Left and Democrats, basically the same thing, excuse all of this and even promote this crap because Leftists want to wallow in the past, and wallow in victim-hood and keep "ancient" history alive to complain and attempt to stay relevant. The truth is that The Left is now entirely deluded, intellectually bankrupt , irrelevant and entirely destructive. They can't move on. They have to keep dredging the past in a vain effort to stay relevant --- but they're entirely NOT.
The Epicenter of RACISM in This Country IS IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY -- NOT White.
It's a fairly safe bet that 90% of black people will agree with the statement: "white people are holding them down." Why wouldn't they believe that? The Democratic Party has been drumming that message home for decades. They still are! The problem is that it's not true. It USED to be true but no longer.
I also know for a fact that US Blacks HATE the African Blacks who have distinguished themselves academically and take US college and graduate school positions. If that doesn't show you what sore losers US Black are, than nothing will. Nigerians come to the US to get advanced degrees and typically stay on afterwards, get great jobs and make more money than the average white worker. It's true, search it on DuckDuckGo. I know some of these successful Nigerians in Houston.
What's holding US black people down is their inability to graduate high school, the failure to speak proper English, the self-segregation of themselves into separate and very unequal and violent communities, their anti-white racism, bad attitudes, the collapse of black family, the absence of black fathers, their behavior--the outrageous black-on-black violence, the crime, the murders, the HIV infections, the prostitution, hoochie mamas, shameful thugs and despicable rap "culture," the gangs and the large rate of incarceration of black youths and men, their horrible national black "leadership." Worse, they are wrong about EVERYTHING! All of the black people who claim that white people are "holding them down" need to look in the mirror. Will they EVER take responsibility? US BLACKS ARE JUST SORRY ASS LOSERS FOR THE MOST PART! Fortunately there are plenty of exceptions to the rule.
The largest number of hate groups in the US are black separatists. But there are very few hard core white racists. They’re such a small minority of the population as to be statistically irrelevant. The Ku Klux Klan has only several thousand members nationwide, which pales in comparison to the at least 100,000-200,000 members of the Alt-Left militant group “Antifa”, which has proven to be much more violent and dangerous than their Alt-Right counterparts.Militant Black Separatist groups are the most numerous category of race haters.
The Charlottesville White Supremacist parade and subsequent propaganda shows everything you need to know about the agenda of the Left to ultimately overthrow Trump and the nation.
First, that the Charlottesville police department told their police to stand down was probably arranged in advance by Leftist troublemakers/organizations to be sure that some incident occurred. Second, the instigators/agitators were bused-in and paid by Leftist groups such as Soros or even Obama's "Organization for Action" group. Then Google/YouTube suppressed video evidence that the peaceful white protesters were attacked by paid thugs (and didn't fight back). Then, when Trump dared suggest that Left Wing Thugs were as bad as the Supremacists (they were actually worse and violent), it started the MSM propaganda campaign to smear Trump and his supporters as a racist (once again). After all, Trump = white supremacist, right??
And we'll never find out the true facts of this case in any kind of official report because the entire government, the corrupt Deep State, all of the politicos in Washington DC are aligned against Trump and plotting a scenario to justify overturning the 2016 election. They don't want the truth known. They want Trump out! It's massive sedition and treason in our own government.
The end game of the Left is clear. Stir up trouble, twist the facts to incessantly imply that all white people are racist and hope for the day that some fed-up white people lash out at black or brown thugs in a real crime, then brand more white people as racists---especially Trump.
As noted at Zero Hedge; "the “Deep State” and Soros-affiliated Alt-Left groups want to spark pronounced disorder and chaos in the US to fuel a Color Revolution which would then rapidly descend into an Unconventional War of urban terrorism and political killings, all with the intent of driving Trump to become the “fascist dictator” that they fear mongered he’d become so as to have a basis for pushing through impeachment proceedings against him should racial minorities be killed if he implements limited martial law in response."
Black Murder and Crime Is Out of Control: The Epicenter of Murder and Crime in this country is BLACKS, NOT WHITE
(data from 2013, but it doesn't change much year to year)
African American Black persons, mostly young black men, commit the majority (57%) of gun homicides. They also commit over 52% of all homicides. The sensational massacres, as horrific as they are, are much less than 1% of gun homicides.
Blacks make up 13% of the population (both sexes) but commit 57% of gun homicides. It's even worse since it's more like 6.5% of the population (males) committing 57% of the gun homicides. Where is this discussion in the media? Where is the program or plan to alleviate this problem?
On average, Blacks committed 52% of all murders, 57% of the gun murders and committed 66% of the drug related homicides (1980 to 2008)
It's Dangerous to be Black in this Country. When you talk of day-in and day-out gun violence and murder, it is blacks (and mostly black men) who are the number one cause of murders (all) at 52%. And 90% of their victims are other black people. It's dangerous to be black in this country thanks to black men! 7) Black Murder and Crime Is Out of Control: Black Americans Commit Majority Of Gun Murders. So Take Away the Guns From Black Men Here's the raw data below from the BJS (Bureau of Justice Statistics) on Table 7 (click as usual to enlarge):
There were about 11,000 deaths in 2010 due to guns. There were about 16,000 homicides by all means. See data from the CDC here (on table 10). Since we have 315 million persons, gun deaths are about 3.5 gun homicides per 100,000 persons. For all homicides, the rate is about 5.3 total homocides per 100,000 persons. From the BJS (page 11), in 2008, the offending rate for blacks (24.7 offenders per 100,000) was 7 times higher than the rate for whites (3.4 offenders per 100,000).
On average, Blacks committed 52% of all murders, 57% of the gun murders and committed 66% of the drug related homicides (1980 to 2008) 8) Black Murder and Crime Is Out of Control: Black Men Are 31 Times More Murderous to Blacks Than Police In 2019 police officers fatally shot 1,004 people, most of whom were armed or otherwise dangerous. African-Americans were about a quarter of those killed by cops last year (235), a ratio that has remained stable since 2015. That share of black victims is less than what the black crime rate would predict, since police shootings are a function of how often officers encounter armed and violent suspects. In 2018, the latest year for which such data have been published, African-Americans made up 53% of known homicide offenders in the U.S. and commit about 60% of robberies, though they are 13% of the population. [Doug here: I said in my earlier post that police interact with blacks about the same frequency as whites because blacks are committing (actually over) half the crimes, even though blacks are only 13% of the population. That was a good, even conservative estimate]
The police fatally shot nine unarmed blacks and 19 unarmed whites in 2019, according to a Washington Post database, down from 38 and 32, respectively, in 2015. The Post defines “unarmed” broadly to include such cases as a suspect in Newark, N.J., who had a loaded handgun in his car during a police chase. [Doug here: again, police are interacting with blacks slightly more than half the time because blacks are committing more than half the total crime, therefore police are less likely to kill unarmed blacks than whites in the most recent year]
In 2018 there were 7,407 total black homicide victims (53% of the total homicides). Assuming a comparable number of victims last year, those nine unarmed black victims of police shootings represent 0.1% of all African-Americans killed in 2019. [Doug here: actual police shootings of blacks in 2018 were 235 from my post. Therefore, police only killed 3% of the total homicides in '18. Black men did the rest.]
By contrast, a police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer."
[Doug here: nearly all of the 7,407 total black homicide victims were killed by other black men. Black men are the biggest danger to blacks by far! 31 times as dangerous as police!]