The mass and indiscriminate immigration, engineered by The Left and Democrats, is intended to marginalize white voter totals and populate their states with impoverished, poorly educated immigrants from poor nations for unending political power. California is the model here and discussed below.
It starts with the “great replacement (of whites)” which is entirely real and is best exemplified in California. From Wikipedia, in 1960, California was 92% White persons and about 5.5% black. There was a vibrant Republican Party then too. Now, after the Democrats basically banned white European immigrants in 1965, California's population is only 41% White (non-hispanic), 14.5% Asian, 40% Hispanic/Latino and 5.5% Black. Now, there’s hardly a Republicans in California. California is already a one party State. Republicans are an endangered species there and soon everywhere else. Dems want the death of republicanism; the very philosophy of the new United States in 1789.
Oh, all the States are trending toward this demographic model. California has always been the bellwhether state for the rest.
Here’s the 2 minute video explaining the Democrat’s strategy. It’s all about permanent power. The transcript is below the YT video (link here).
The Democrat open borders plan to entrench single party rule explained in under two minutes:
Flood the country with Untold millions of illegals by land, sea and air from all over the world—enough to eclipse the populations of 36 individual US states so far.
Prioritize the needs of these millions of non-citizens over the needs of the American citizens with free flights, buses, hotels, meals, cash cards with $2000 debit cards, and phones ensuring their loyalty to the political party that imported them.
Keep them in the country at all costs even when they commit violent crime like murder and rape. Attack the language used to describe the criminals as opposed to the criminals themselves. Slander critics as racist.
Ensure their privileges are made irrevocable with city and state Sanctuary laws that act as population magnets. Codify permanent status and ensure non-cooperation with ICE.
Count the non-citizens in the census that will determine Congressional apportionment in the House of Representatives. As of now that would provide 13 extra congressional districts--a tremendous amount of electoral Power.
Wage a massive, heavily funded law-fare campaign to change State voting laws that legalize mass mail-in ballots, no signature verification and no proof of citizenship requirements making it nearly impossible to prove voter fraud.
Lock-in a permanent voting majority with campaign promises of lavish benefits and permanent privileges enshrining generational fealty to the Democrat Party
Win elections forever
Then entrenched single-party rule has been achieved. The best part your tax dollars are paying for it.
California Is Farthest Along the Road to Shit-hole Status
The following data from California helps explain the effect of large minority populations. Remember this is what Democrats want; dependents!! You could easily say that Democrats are in the “Poverty Business” (for permanent power of course). This is exactly how tryrants in Nicaragua, Argentina, Venezuela, the PRI party in Mexico, maintain permanent power.
Poverty in California is the highest in the nation at 15.4% (after all government support is considered).
Another 10.3% of California population would be "impoverished" or about 25% without government transfers. This is the highest in the nation.
California also has the lowest literacy rate in the nation at ~75%, meaning ~25% of the population is illiterate. For comparison, New Hampshire has a 95% literacy rate with very few minorities.
California has the 2nd highest tax rates when adding State and Local taxes at 13.5% after New York state at 15.9%.
Per capita income of Hispanics is one half that of non-Hispanic whites, and household net worth is less than one tenth.
Fifty percent of Hispanic households use some form of welfare, the highest rate of any major population group.
Hispanics are 3.3 times more likely to be in prison than whites; they are 4.2 times more likely to be in prison for murder, and 5.8 times more likely to be in prison for felony drug crimes.
Young Hispanics are 19 times more likely than young whites (and slightly more likely than young blacks) to be in youth gangs.
Hispanics drop out of high school at three times the white rate and twice the black rate.
Even third-generation Hispanics drop out of school at a higher rate than blacks and are less likely to be college graduates.
From 1992 to 2003, Hispanic illiteracy in English rose from 35 percent to 44 percent.
The average Hispanic 12th-grader reads and does math at the level of the average white 8th-grader.
At 43 percent, the Hispanic illegitimacy rate is twice the white rate, and Hispanic women have abortions at 2.7 times the white rate.
Hispanics are three times more likely than whites not to have medical insurance, and die from AIDS and tuberculosis at three times the white rate.
In California, the cost of free medical care for illegal aliens forced 60 hospitals to close between 1993 and 2003.
Only 33 percent of citizens of Hispanic origin consider themselves “Americans” first. The rest consider themselves either “Hispanic/Latino” or their former nationality first.
The crux of the Democrat strategy is to import black and brown people; foreign imports without much education, many don’t speak English, few have any skills to make themselves employable. The vast majority of these people will depend on government aid (happily supplied by Democrats, ‘government’ and your tax dollars (or printed money) for the rest of their lives. Any political party or movement that wants to cut ‘welfare,’ like Republicans, will be voted down by these new invaders. Voila! Permanent Democrats power!
It’s shown that, on average, illegals are low skill/low IQ immigrants are shown by FAIRUS, to never generate enough income tax revenue to become net-positive contributors to our country’s GDP. Any positive net impact is left to Asians and Whites. See my post “Illegal Immigration Cost to US Taxpayers: $133.7 BILLION Per Year and Rising.”
Leftists also love the fact that lower IQ blacks and Hispanics gravitate to the disaster of Marxism like Chavez, Castro or even Obama. It's because they can't take care of themselves or build a working society; they want a big government and/or tyrant leader to take care of them. In short they vote for hand-outs! They can't handle freedom like the self-organizing white Europeans that came to N. America. And most white people (used to) know how the big govt/tyrant path works out (or doesn't).
Also see my posts: Dem's Plan to to Assure Electoral Dominance: Make the US a 3rd World Shit-hole and my cheeky-titled Make America White Again, The Crux of Our Black Problem. And illegals from Central America, Latin America, the Middle East are a net fiscal drag on our country for all their lives: And again, Illegal Immigration Cost to US Taxpayers: $133.7 BILLION Per Year and Rising.
You see, Gulfcoastcommentary has been all over this scam for many, many years.
I just put this on Facebook!!! and everybody else that reads this???? needs to also put it on Facebook!!!!! Or put it on any other social media platforms,!!!! And if you don’t do it, then you are part of the problem!!!! you are also for this happening if you don’t spread it far and wide!!!
This is absolutely sick!!!! this is flat out evil !!!! And, everybody that is part of this????? needs to be shot in the head so that way they are dead!!! 💀 ☠️ this has pissed me off to no end!!! and I don’t see how in the world it can be stopped from happening!!! and everyone of these illegal piece of shit. Aliens that ever sign a ballot for voting???? they also need to be shot in the fucking head!!! that way you can make sure they’re dead!!!! 💀