Insane Biden Bolshevik's Plan to Use Hot War with Russia to Retain Power
Risking nuclear annihilation to retain power is truly insane. The whole regime must be escorted to Guantanamo NOW. Calling any patriots left in the US Military...
From Revolver:
The entirely insane Biden “administration” is willing to risk nuclear war with Russia in order to “win” the next election. Their “thinking” is that they will be re-elected during a time of international war.
From Revolver:
So, why is this happening? Simple: because Joe Biden is a political relic from a time when Americans could be duped into cheering for pointless foreign wars and rallying behind leaders, afriad to make a “change” during “righteous” conflict. That’s how Biden’s out-of-touch regime still thinks Americans will react in 2024.
In addition, as outlandish as it might seem, the threat of nuclear war could ironically pave the way for a massive resurgence of mail-in voting, and we all know how that worked out for Democrats last time, right? It’s time for Americans to wake up and see what’s really happening as we approach the next election with our eyes wide open to all the horrific possibilities that are on the table and what this regime, desperate to hold onto power, is willing to do.
I couldn’t agree more with the guy below me. That’s going by the moniker, John Holmes. The real one wound up dying in a VA hospital, from AIDS. Not only is Biden out of touch, his entire administration is truly ready for the loony ban!!!!!! as far as my comment is concerned, I am for putting Joe Biden in the rest of them behind bars, ASAP!!!!
Whatever plans exists in the White House, they are Barack Obama's plans. Biden can't plan to hold it until he finds a bathroom much less plan a war or an election strategy.