Islam Has Long History of Capturing Women, Making Them Sex-Slaves; It's Sanctioned by Mohammad and Quran
With gratitude to the website Islam; Making a Difference, One Body at a Time.
A staggering 1,500 people were killed in the first 3 months of 2014 in Boko Haram violence in Nigeria. But lately, a new dimension has been added to the sufferings of Nigerian Christians at hands of Boko Haram Jihadis. On 14 April 2014, Boko Haram militants attacked a secondary school and abducted 276 young girls. In another incident, 8 girls were abducted from a village on May 6, while 12 persons were hacked to death in a separate incident on May 5.
The latest in this abduction saga is the release of an hour-long video by Boko Haram commander Abubakar Shekau, in which he claims responsibility for the abductions and threatens to continue the same. About the abducted girls, he said:
“I abducted your girls... They are slaves and I will sell them because I have the market for selling humans. Allah says I should sell them. He commands me to sell. I will sell women. I will sell.”
He also said that he abducted the girls because they dared to accept sinful western education defying the dictates of Islam and the Sharia.
Far from being against the spirit of Islam, capturing women by attacking non-Muslims and keeping them as sex-slaves as well as selling them in the market is sanctioned by the Quran and tradition of Prophet Muhammad. For example, the holy Quran says that Muslims, aided by Allah, can attack and kill the non-Muslims, and take some of them, namely the women and children, as slave (captive):
And He (Allah) brought those of the People of the Scripture (i.e., Banu Qurayza) who supported them (i.e. the Quraysh) down from their strongholds, and cast panic into their hearts. Some (adult males) ye slew, and ye made captive some (women and children)… [Quran 33:26–27]
The holy Quran (33:50) also gives divine license to Muslims to use the women, captured in war, as sex-slaves:
O Prophet! surely We have made lawful to you your wives whom you have given their dowries, and those whom your right hand possesses (i.e. slaves) out of those whom Allah has given to you as prisoners of war… [Quran 33:50]
These divine writs of Allah, the Islamic God, were also duly put into action by the Muhammad, the holy prophet of Islam. For example, Prophet Muhammad attacked the Jewish community of Banu Quraiza in 627 AD, and after killing all of their grown-up men (600-900 in number), captured their women and children as slave, who were distributed among his followers. The prophet himself took the 17-year-old beautiful girl Rayhana as his sex-slave. (see Ibn Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad, Karachi, p. 461-470)
The prophet did exactly the same thing in his attack of Khaybar, i.e. after killing the men, he captured the women and children as slaves and distributed them among his followers. There, he took the exquisitely beautiful 17-year-old Safiyah, wife of the young leader of the Banu Nadir Jewish community, as his own sex-slave. (ibid, 510-518)
Islam is one fucked-up, fascist cult. When your prophet Mohammad was a pedophile and rapist, what would you expect?
Oh, a summary of worldwide Islamic Jihadist attacks for April 2014 totaled 4,000 casualties worldwide:
Monthly Jihad Report
April, 2014 Jihad Attacks: 203Countries: 23 Religions: 5Dead Bodies: 1571Critically Injured: 2452