Ibram X Kendi, born Henry Rogers, is just another race hustler in a long line of race hustlers who advocate racism as a solution to racism and take money for that advice. I hate to tell him that that ship has sailed as the US Supreme Court, an organization with some solid intellectual bone fides, especially with Clarence Thomas, has ruled that reverse racism against White persons is just as bad as racism against Black persons. Racism does not solve Racism. How hard is that to understand?
Kendi rebranded himself from Henry Rogers to Ibram X Kendi to give himself some cache, I mean, you know, 'Malcolm X' or something. Radical chic. It worked. He spent his entire life in "academia" getting Bachelors, Masters and a Doctorate in newly designed degrees called "Black Studies"-- and probably not paying a penny in tuition fees or anything else. Think Barack Obama -- who never had to work a day in his life as he coasted through life in colleges then faculty lounges (for a few months); all paid-for because 'Black.' Both Kendi and Obama, were promoted far beyond their abilities, making them basically imposters, have done huge damage to our country. And they have no shame. They are even smart enough to see how damaging they are. This is especially true of the Left's Black Jesus (Obama.)
Kendi had a stint at American University in 2019 to 2020, and then it suddenly disappeared as he moved onto Boston University in 2020. Now, just after two years (give or take), virtually nothing was created or published, and we're learning that he pissed-away about $50 million in money in that short time. So, let's assume 30 employees (see below) and $100k annual salaries for all, that only amounts to $7.5 million for 2 1/2 years. WHERE DID THE REST OF THE MONEY GO? Kendi???
We only learn about this after hearing of layoffs of about half his staff. Boston University, after numerous questions about the "output" of the AntiRacist center, decided to investigate this matter this past week. Once they finally woke up (no pun intended), they found another black mess of fraud, incompetence, zero productivity, chaos, vitriol -- exactly what you'd expect from anything Black.
College Fix "The Fix" has been reporting on Kendi at Boston U for a long time, saying in September:
Boston University will investigate the center’s “culture and its grant management practices,” following complaints. The center reportedly raised $55 million, which includes at least $10 million from former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.
This comes not only after Professor Saida Grundy first raised concerns in 2021, according to the student newspaper, but after The College Fix and other media outlets have questioned Kendi’s output.
Most recently, and just prior to the public implosion of the center, The Fix reported that Kendi had not written an academic paper in the past four years. The Aug. 21 article noted he had written at least two children’s books in the same period.
In March 2021, The Fix asked “What exactly does Ibram Kendi do all day,” following original Fix reporting that found the center director had made at least $300,000 lecturing on how America is racist.
The Fix also questioned a promised “Racial Data Lab” in January 2021 that was supposed to be a partnership between Professor Azer Bestavros and the center. When asked for comment on the tracker, Bestavros said it had nothing to do with his work. “Your questions are not about my work or my research,” he said at the time in an email.
The Fix asked him if he had any concerns about Kendi’s inability to follow through on projects – media reporting had shown he also failed to deliver on a similar racial data tracker, instead relying on volunteers with The Atlantic. Yet, Kendi cited the “COVID Racial Data Tracker” as an accomplishment of the center in his Sep. 22 statement.
So, the Antiracist Center was established in 2020, given at least $50 million dollars, plus Kendi's gets his huge speaking fees. The center had something like 30 employees that apparently did next to nothing.
The episode at Boston University reveals—once again—the pecuniary and intellectually bankruptcy and essentially fraudulent character of racialist ideology. It follows exposures of another duo of celebrity “anti-racists,” Nikole Hannah-Jones and Ta-Nahesi Coates, who have likewise accepted millions of dollars from corporations for an institute at Howard University that has produced negligible work, as well as the ongoing revelations that Black Lives Matter, presented to the public as a “movement,” is little more than a hollow shell created to disorient the youth and suck up corporate cash for the personal use of the grifters who run the organization.
Gender studies, Women's Studies, Black studies are ALL bullshit majors with little real content or even real-life usefullness. You can safely bet that ALL of these programs are EXTREMELY second rate and basically meaningless. But it even gives students who graduate the feeling that they actually did college level work, even though that is doubtful.
Black studies and these other degree programs are/were designed to give 2nd rate high school kids (typicallly black and hispanic ones) a way to go to "college" to attend a 2nd rate"program of study" in order for the college to cash-in on more government student loan money. It's simply glorified High School within colleges. They're really attending remedial High School. Colleges continue to cash-in by accommodating inferior students at "college"FOR THE STUDENT LOAN MONEY (that will NEVER be repaid).
In the same way, many black kids are graduated from High Schools despite astronomic absences, abysmally low performance and bottom-of-the barrel academic achievment test results. Even their parents believe it. But when their "graduate" can't even do basic math or reading and can't get a job, they shout RACIST!!! They feel sure of this because their kid graduated, right?? They have a point, but all of these people are being deceived by our lying education system (especially black ones). When it comes to US blacks, it's "all lies, all the time."
Kendi at American University
In a brilliantly named article "Billionaires Buy Ibram Kendi’s Woke Promises, But He Doesn’t Deliver" from Freebeacon.com in Sept 2020 said the following:
In August 2019, as young journalists agitated for their newsrooms to pivot toward social justice, Dr. Ibram X. Kendi's research center at American University secured a $50,000 grant from the Ford Foundation to develop a "racial reporting guidebook" to help the media hew to Kendi’s "antiracist" principles.
The school touted the grant as one of its 2019 achievements, and Kendi’s academic perch at AU, the Antiracist Research and Policy Center, proudly advertised on its website a fall 2019 symposium on "racial reporting."
But neither the guidebook nor the symposium ever materialized—further details were promised well into 2020. The project’s mysterious disappearance is but one instance in which Kendi and colleagues’ big promises never came to fruition.
Kendi's story mirrors that of other fixtures of the new progressive establishment, like White Fragility author Dr. Robin DiAngelo, who have elevated themselves as academic experts on racism and gotten rich as corporations, foundations, and many of the country’s wealthiest people scramble to prove they are on the right side of the country’s racial reckoning.
Kendi at Boston University
The center opened at Boston University in the summer of 2020, soon after the death of George Floyd and the subsequent riots that engulfed much of the nation. In response, the university received a $10 million donation from former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey (a world-class idiot), as well as $1.5 million donations from both the biotech company Vertex as well as the Rockefeller Foundation, according to the Globe.
But this same kind of thing brought $90 of millions of dollars of donations to BLM in 2020 from clueless corporate leaders who wanted to jump on the virtue-signaling bandwagon forgetting that "Black" and "abject failure" go hand in hand nearly ALL the time.
It All Falls Apart in a Blaze of Incompetence, Theft, Wrong-Think and Bullshit
Now, after several years of accusations of fraud, BU has decided to look into the "AntiRacist Center."
Boston University will investigate the center’s “culture and its grant management practices,” following complaints. The center reportedly raised $50 to 55 million, which includes at least $10 million from former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.
Like Kendi, Patrisse Cullors at BLM squandered ALL $92 Million of their generous donations. It was pissed-away (and then some as they have a $2 million deficit); much of it spent on 4 or 5 luxury homes for Cullors and hefty payments to family. How many millions did deserving or needy black persons receive? I'll wager ZERO. That is the safest bet I can make. See my post BLM Was Just Another Race Hustle.
Kendi, like so many other negros, blames black underperformance in academics and therefore in many other areas of life, on "systemic racism" and is unable to see that there are real and persistent racial differences. There IS Systemic Stupidity in the black population. Blacks mostly can't do high school level work at a proficient level. This despite that America has thoroughly fixed all of the "supposed" impediments to blacks since the 1960s.
Fortunately in America, you don't need high intelligence for most jobs. Black persons in America are actually having good success in well-paying jobs across this great land. Black unemployment is quite low. Black incomes are only a little lower than the average White person, not by much. Of course, we never hear from the upstanding blacks, do we? Why would we? They're too busy working, raising their kids and mowing the lawn. We only hear from loud-mouth grifters.
There would be even more opportunities for them and everybody if Democrats stopped importing super-cheap foreign labor (migrants). But, as always, US blacks are mostly (but not completely) oblivious.