Melanie Phillips Address to the National Conservatism Conference in Belgium
All of the Belgian authorities again tried to shut down the conference, free speech and truth, but it did go ahead afterall
From Melanie Phillips at Substack
Here’s her very compelling statements about the Hamas attacks on Israel, how subsequent reactions were made-up and her arguments of how Conservatism has lost it’s way. It’s 24 minutes of powerful brilliance:
I wrote here about the extraordinary attempt by the Brussels authorities to shut down the National Conservatism conference that was held in the Belgian capital last week and in which I was a speaker. The three city mayors involved in this attempted silencing — articulating the received unwisdom of left-wing western commentators too — had decided that the speakers and topics were so dangerous the event had to be stopped. The participants faced them all down and the event went ahead. You can access the presentation I delivered by clicking the arrow below.
See her article about that their ordeal : The Brussels gangster state.
Here, Here Melanie!!
Also see Murray on Hamas’ Philosophy: All Civilians, all Children are Tools of War and Raymond Ibrahim: Europe Welcomes It's Historic Enemy with Open Arms (Idiots!!)