Neil Oliver Explains the Nature of the Evil That We Face
He's says be of good cheer as we're seeing the beginning of the end of all that's wrong. Guard your children and beware of even more False Flags
Rough Transcript and Highlighting by Doug:
As things stand at the moment we owe it to ourselves to be of good cheer. I say this to you with all sincerity fellow Travelers, be of good cheer in the hope that we're finally witnessing the end of all that's wrong in the world, and it won't be pretty--this ending of all that's wrong--- on the contrary, it will be ugly there's no getting away from it.
You have to face up to it. But it has to happen. It's a process through which we have to go and once the ending is over there will be of course a beginning, a new beginning. And we can definitely, if we if we are minded so to do, we can see the beginning of the ending now. And it's revealed by the fact the target of the dying last moves of the perpetrators of all that's wrong is finally our children. In the UK, the enemy, and that's my short hand for the perpetators of all that's wrong in the UK, the enemy talks about bringing back national service.
That's how they couch it, cuz you know people who remember watching Dad's Army and the like and and so on and so on and who have parents or grandparents who perform national service uh it's an iron fist in a velvet glove and, in the present context, on account of those who are in charge, it's the on ramp to the motorway heading towards conscription--conscription of our children into forever Wars.
And we needed to see this final revelation because it reveals the enemy's ugliest face. Those who would control the world always Target the children sooner or later-- it's inevitable. If you're anti-human and the perpetrators of all that's wrong are anti-human to their core, then you desire and require nothing less than the death of the family which means the death of the children --the actual death of children. It's obvious now in every way and if enough of us hold the line in defiance and in open contempt of all the old tricks; old tricks being played one last time, then we can be rid of our tribulations once and for all.
It wasn't me actually it was Trudy saw was walk past a newsstand and she saw a headline on one of the UK papers: "national service will toughen up British teenagers to face increasingly dangerous world." It was in The Daily Express I believe this very week uh and the Daily Express is not by any means the worst of the foul drags but it's nonetheless illustrative of the terminal decline of the enemy
The emptiness of the adversary we face it's complete lack of any sound substance of its own leaves it no option but to wrap itself, to cloak itself, to disguise itself with the garments of another since it's the antithesis of Life and Humanity-- what it means to be human and alive--- the enemy needs to pretend at all times to be something else --needs to disguise its true nature. Now national service; is a call for volunteers and service is right enough --there's nothing wrong with it when it comes from a good and honest place or when it invites the following of a good example set by benign leaders, benign Shepherds, you know where you're in circumstances that the leaders are good and dedicated to the well-being of good people then the call for service might be positive and productive. But don't be fooled by the headlines now. What we are seeing is the antithesis of all that's good and right. The enemy hiding its anti-human nature, its anti-human Reality, by seeking to imitate all that it is not and that it can never be.
So see this pathetic, terminal behavior for what it is. And as I say thereby Endeavor to be of good cheer because before the adversary falls once and for all it must and will manifest its very worst self.
Before we can be rid of it, we have to see it clearly and that time that opportunity is before us now. I would say be ready for the Servants of the adversary; the ventriloquist's dummies, to line up and trumpet whatever desperate nonsense is seen to be required and and urging support for that nonsense. So be ready for more headlines and be ready for more hollow empty sock-puppets taking their turn one after another behind whichever Podium to pretend their Master's moves are well intentioned.
As part of the increasingly desperate efforts towards diversion and distraction, there will surely be more false flag events as well. So that I predict we will see more terrible things before it's over. False flag atrocities have presaged War throughout history--wounds deliberately self-inflicted or or else planned and executed by others and not prevented when the consequences suit evil intentions all around.
Some of those false flags of the past that strike me are the sinking of the USS Maine before the Spanish American War, the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand before the Great War, the first World War. The attack on Pearl Harbor before World War II. It's widely conceded that that that attack was had been planned and was coming was well known uh but nothing was done to stop it.
Sometimes the evil in question is committed so as to make convenient the pointing of fingers at whomever the adversary might attack next, say Iraq and always and only for their own ends. Other times likely atrocities are detected in advance but they're allowed to happen if the dreadful consequences might be exploited. And once you learn to spot false Flags you might join other dots to correctly identify many more because false flags are set up against again and again. Innocent people have died before and more innocent people will die again --because false flags are tricks that work.
False flags are the stock in trade of the adversary and he will have spectacular atrocities in mind. I'm quite sure. Horrors shaped to frighten the gullible into accepting any offer of protection— even the protection of the erstwhile "tormentor." which is the adversary. A bad boy did it and he ran away --that would be the the horrified headlines in the aftermath of whatever happens. And you know we'll be told to be safe from more of it that it's necessary to accept digital IDs, Central Bank digital currencies, social credit scores, even more surveillance, limiting of energy, limiting of food, limiting of travel -- all for our own good. But anyone with any sense however will not gather in that shadow cast by the Tormentor but will choose to find the light instead.
I say the adversary is falling like a tree-- all but cut through at the base---and finally hurt beyond survival by self-inflicted wounds. The enemy of all that's good, all that we might be and all that we might enjoy-- that enemy is angry and frightened and angry and frightened as never before on account of those wounds. And in the way like wounded Predators, it's lashing out at the most vulnerable. And so as I said at the top it's the youngest Generations that are in the crosshairs.
The Forever Wars already being waged and those that will come along in time unless enough of us spot the tricks and say no to them--- and mean NO---then those forever Wars will be the inevitable destination for the Children's Crusade that I predict to be called for by the false prophets.
The adversary we face is capable only of death and destruction. Every time the adversary gets his way, it's ordinary people that pay the price; black, white and brown Christian Muslim and Jew-- whoever. The intention once more is to set the same creeds against the same creeds, the same people against the same people. And even were the adversary to get his way once more and make more smoking rubble and more piles of dead, nothing at all will be raised in the aftermath.
The adversary is incapable of creativity, incapable of positivity or of optimism, incapable of all that is life and that which makes life worth living, and this is why we are surrounded by death, decline and decay ---moral decay, infrastructure decay, you name it, war and chaos, the general rendering of all into rubble— all that we see in other parts of the world. And this will keep happening until we see what is obvious and take the steps to be rid of it.
Here's the thing, I say that when you you get right down to it the adversary is empty. In the end in spite of all the chaos caused the enemy is just pissing in the wind in the end there's nothing there-- it's an empty void. I furthermore say the enemy is weaker now than it has ever been. It's more exposed than it's ever been and therefore likely for some time to come to be more destructive and meddlesome than it has ever been.
But if enough of us hold the line now, and by so doing encourage others, to waken up and do likewise then the enemy is going down not today, not tomorrow, but in the end the enemy is going down!