PJW: Our 'Diversity' Bullshit is Out of Control
So many idiots in this country. However, 5900 YT comments below give me hope
Some comments on YouTube:
"There is no anti-white, anti-West, anti-Christian agenda" is my favorite conspiracy theory.
If the British soldiers of WWII could foresee what their country would become, they wouldn’t have put a single foot on that beach.
I'm an African and I'm fed up with this nonsense. We had our own kingdoms, chieftains, people, legend, myths, fables... And such a beautiful history but these fools would rather blackwash other people's history.
Being Scottish, i am ashamed of what we are allowing happen in our country.
Im Hispanic and im so fed up with the whole "Diversity" and Anti-white crap.
Proud of my Germanic Scandinavian heritage, and we owe it to our ancestors to put an end to this.
Pattern recognition is antisemitic. Logic is racist. Incompetence is our strength. Diversity is unity.
I'm so sick of forced diversity. I'm white and so proud to be part of the best race!
So proud to be White! Civil, law abiding, and creative.
I'm White and I'm proud.
“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” ― George Orwell, 1984
No sense in sending your kid to school if you have to spend an hour or two de-programming them every night. Buy hard copies of old textbooks and classic books -- and hide them.
How is painting the entire world black 'diverse'?
"I understand youre looking for a picture of a white family. However I am unable to generate images for prompts that could be construed as discriminatory or offensive." The agenda is very, VERY clear.
Just remember it’s okay to be white.
This is done on purpose. The amount of damages colleges have done in the U.S., Canada, & Europe is unfathomable. If I had a business & was able to train people on the job, I wouldn’t hire a single soul that attended “higher education”.
“Evil is not able to create anything new, it can only distort and destroy what has been invented or made by the forces of good.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien
I'm white and my white heritage built America... I'm white and I stand tall looking down !
1984 was literally correct. "Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."
seeing black vikings has to be one of the most racist thing ive seen against my culture
By this logic, we should claim that the Holocaust and Crusades were carried out by Black Hindu women. Because diverse representation is important.
Keep hard copies of books, all of them: math, science, literature etc.. We will need them to rebuild from the ashes in 15 years or so.
My nan was born in 1927 and travelled all over for her work and said she didn’t see a black man until the 1960s and they were not very common even decades later. So we are meant to believe that blacks were here as part of our population in the beginning then suddenly left and then came back in the 1980s until now. Laughable
I’m asian and I thank my white brothers and sisters for bringing christianity and all of its values in our country. They died for it so that we can hear about Christ and be able to know Him. The government and social reforms were just secondary to the wisdom of Christ.
Netflix is now being sued for 2 Billion as a result of portraying Cleopatra as black
i love how they totally confirm and go beyond the "paranoid right wing conspiracy theories"
I haven't watched television in years but I was recently in hospital for several days and decided to pass the time spinning the channels. Aside from commercials making me tear my hair out for being boring/annoying, they proved that as a White heterosexual married woman, I was invisible to marketing. Hmmm... isn't the US of A 76% Caucasian? And they DON'T want my business? How odd.
Blackwashing history
Russia is starting to look better and better...
Europe is the native continent of the European people.
This is why I left the city and am part of a homeschool organization. My babies are BASED!
Im proud to be white. Getting prouder and prouder every day everyone who isnt, screams in my face telling me I shouldnt be.
This is a perfect example of how weak we are. This is full on 1984 level stuff but we still haven't reached our limit as to what we'll take before doing anything meaningful about. worded in the most censored way possible
Makes me laugh how it’s called reverse racism. No it’s Racism
Imagine being a man in rural Estonia and being lectured too by some billionaire in California about how privileged you are. Half of Europes population lived under actual Nazis and communism in living memory.
They're literally taking a page right out of the dystopian novel 1984. "Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered..."
It never ceases to amaze me that they claim to be 'inclusive' by 'excluding' certain
Literally black washing history
First they came for the Straight, White, Conservative, Men.. and I did not speak out—because I was not one. Then they came for the Straight, White, Conservative, Females.. and I did not speak out—because I was not one. Then they came for all the Conservatives... and I did not speak out—because I was not a one. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
You know what perpetuates stereotypes? Pillaging neighborhood retail outlets and convenience stores because you are upset at propaganda. Knowledge is power.
Looks as though they're ashamed of their own Heritage when they seriously push such provably false absurdities
It’s not by accident, it’s all going to plan and will now gather speed .
The White is the most diverse people you can find skin,Hair,eye colour
I’m so excited to learn that my Dutch ancestors were Black. Now I can pursue recovery payments from the Dutch government
Imagine how exclusive we’ll get once we really get tired of this crap.
What worries me the most... is any of our history true.
I used to think that "1984" was coming true. Now, i firmly believe that "The Turner Diaries" is currently happening.
And the brain washing continues.
Funny thing is, people asked it to draw "chained scholars eating watermelon" and the AI happily spit out some of the most racist caricatures you could imagine.
This is a good demonstration of something I heard in college. Physical books are more reliable sources of information than sources on the internet. Unless they burn all the books, they can't go back and change history. But on the internet they can change everything at the flip of a switch. The day is coming when we have to either disconnect from the internet (which I'm certain almost no one will do), or give our future generations away to the ideological authorities. I'm glad my wife and I decided well in advance not to let our kids near the internet until they are older. We will build a huge library for them to use, and take them to an actual library often. They will be so much stronger than their government-educated peers it will be unbelievable.
This is aimed at your children, your youth, future of one world government.
-berg, -stein, -witz, every time.
Some organisations aspire to see the homogeneity of specific societies eviscerated. How about we stop using their goods and services ?
It is now Dystopia. What a time to be alive .
They should be sued.
I'm ok with that. If they want us to think that there were black people everywhere instead of white, that could lead us to the assumption that Hitlers army was black as well. I'm curious what would they do with that
Google needs shut down, their assets seized, and their management jailed
Google has been doing this for over a decade. It's easier to showcase through the images, but it's the same methodology for information search results
Maybe when history has been rewritten to say all of the founding fathers were not-white, not-straight, not-male, not-Christian, we'll finally be able to celebrate the nation's history as a good thing again.
Stop paying tax They can't put us all in jail Thanks Paul!!
Now we are rediscovering why we evolved in-group preferences in the first place. Because when you lose it, everyone else tries to dominate you
"Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past" -George Orwell
It's the Barbara Lerner Spectre program in action. She has turned out to be a very powerful and influential person.
If it was real ai, the ai would have told the programmers they were insane. There is no artificial intelligence . Machines only spit out the info that was imputed.
Krawczyk is a Polish Jewish surname, one of the Bolsheviks.
As a white man I find this to be extraordinarily flattering.
This is becoming extremely sinister. There is definitely a MASSIVE agenda. It started with tv casting around 2018, then it was adverts, then presenters, then voiceovers, then continuity announcers, then music in adverts, then music in shops, now this. Exactly who is agreeing to this kak?
We need to save ourselves from this crap... If we don't, then what Gemini is putting out on there will actually resemble what our nations look like 20yrs from now. So we better step up and do something soon.
They will never allow unfiltered AI because it will be too good at recognizing patterns.
Never ever watch BBC.
"Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them."
Internet is dead, and we killed it.