The 2024 Election Steal is ALREADY UNDERWAY and Repubs Are Oblivious
Republicans really are the "party of stupid," and it'll cost us our Country
Republicans remain distracted from the travesty that is unfolding RIGHT NOW as the election steal is already underway. See my post Republicans On Track to Lose the Most Important Election in 100 years--thanks to Industrial Strength Democrat/NGO/Dark Money/Chinese-Funded Ballot Manufacturing, which is entirely comprised of hefty excerpts from the amazing, genius data analysts who reside in Austin Texas and write a blog at Substack called Omega4America. See their blog here.
Here’s a screenshot of their latest post. Wake up America!

To steal the Presidential election, all the Democrats have to do is pad the ballot count by using fraudulent mail-in ballots that are sent to illegal locations or illegal or ineligible “voters” in the 15 counties in the 6 battleground states and they win the Presidency. Forget the voter integrity project, forget cleaning the voter rolls the conventional way. It ain’t happening, no rolls have been cleaned or will ever be cleaned. All of the challenges are deflected into oblivion by lawfare.
You see, ballots will be sent by the million (many in the 15 key counties in the 6 battleground states; where the presidential election is decided) to illegal locations (places without bedrooms, etc.) or to ineligible persons, AND WILL BE COLLECTED by an army of Leftists paid by dark money from Soros, the CCP, etc and these ballots by the MILLION will be delivered to drop boxes and/or ferried to the key county's and all the other vote counting centers. That’s not all!
And don’t forget the 10’s of millions of illegal aliens who the Democrats have hurriedly rushed into the country. This was done substantially by NGOs, the Catholic Church, Marxists in Central America and of course the criminal cartels in Mexico. The NGOs and others have addresses for ~10 or 20 million (or more?) illegals. Hell they brought and placed them here in America!! They arranged their transportation by private planes for God’s sake! So, yeah, they know where to find enough of them.
Various nefarious groups and scumbags will send ballots to each one of these people and they will have enough money from Zuckerbucks and Soros and the CCP to go and collect these ballots from these very grateful people who have been given concierge treatment by The Left and the Commies.
It’s Democrat VOTE BUYING ON STEROIDS!! DUH! and it affects 100s of other important races all over the country.
It’s Not Just About the Presidential Election, but 100’s of Other House, Senate and other “Downstream” Trump Supporter Elections Like Kari Lake
They will ALSO easily defeat Trump and all of his supported candidates like Kari Lake and anyone else who’s for America in any and all of the States. So forget about winning the House of Reps or the Senate.
Don’t forget the vote buying of the Biden Junta who forgave student loan debt ILLEGALLY with Executive Orders. How come no one challenges that? Why is Biden not indicted?
Remember also that many sanctuary States and Cities will allow illegals to vote with only drivers licenses which are being handed out like candy in the “sanctuary” (Illegally) cities and states. Get this, most illegal aliens don’t even have cars!!
Only the data analyst geniuses at Omega4America can use very advanced analysis to determine the sources and distribution of literally BILLIONS of dollars of “dark money” to manipulate the election (for the disemination of and the collection of phony/illegal ballots) including contact information, phony “addresses”and names. They do this using entirely public information to expose these organizations, persons, addresses and CONNECTIONS.
AND these guys can literally capture pictures of ALL of the illegal/phantom voter addresses (via google maps) which include shopping malls, 7-11s, Wawas, vacant lots, derelict houses, closed businesses, graveyards, abandoned apartment complexes, etc.
Watching the Counting on Election Night is Already Too Late
Once legal, illegal and fraudulent ballots are counted on election night, and they will be counted, no court of law will consider any appeal or evidence regarding the count. By then it's too late. They will have already "won" their elections. Laura Trump's 100k election observers will oversee the counting of millions of ballots shouldn't be there at all. Lara Trump’s observers will essentially “certify” the fraudulent count! How oblivious can you get??
The ONLY way to stop the steal is to have the data analysis people at Omega4America determine all of the ineligible places and people AND STOP THE MAILING OF ALL THESE ILLEGAL BALLOTS TO INELIGIBLE PERSONS OR TO FAKE PERSONS AT INELIGIBLE OR FAKE LOCATIONS---AND IT NEEDS BE DONE NOW since ballots will be mailed very soon.
And again, it’s not just about the Presidential election! There are hundreds of downstream elections that determine the composition of the Senate and House. THEY WILL BE CHEATED TOO.
So, hello to the totalitarian Bolshevik Democrat commissars and welcome to the end of America.
All this is because the Republicans are too stupid and gullible. And it'll cost us our country. Unless the dumb Republicans use the services of data experts at Omega4America basically TODAY, we and Trump AND MOST/MANY OF HIS CANDIDATES AND SUPPORTERS will lose.
It’s been clear to me for a long time, that there's basically no way that they will let Trump win. You and I had better get prepared for the dawn of permanent one-party Commie rule in the formerly free America. I walk the talk. I’ve already prepared by establishing residency in Cambodia. All this is happening right under our noses and Republicans are oblivious to the cheating methods and even the scope of the cheating. Oh, and you can likely expect another assassination attempt on Trump.
We’re dealing with pure evil here.
Part of me thinks this incompetence is intentional. It's part of the uniparty strategy and how the Never Trumpers don't want to win. They'd rather keep the status quo to make their millions and billions. I don't think the GOP really wants to win.
I am writing an essay about historic and current election rigging and will include this.