US Black Culture in Collapse
US Black culture is collapsing in front of our eyes. Blacks are killing some 140 persons per week (52% of 14,000 murders per year according to BJS, Table 1); week in and week out. Some 90% of victims are other blacks. Instead, everyone focuses on the sensational cases like the pathetic thug Michael Brown or the sad case of Trayvon Martin. I don't know what happened in Baltimore, but neither do the hothead looters and rioters.
This cultural collapse extends all the way to the White House. Did you know that protests in Sanford and Ferguson were coordinated by the Obama administration? Does that surprise you? This trouble-making by our Anarchist-in-Chief is therefore responsible for the ridiculous, free-for-all looting in Ferguson.
Dire statistics detailing the collapsing "culture" of Black Americans:
They receive 3 times the benefits given to whites but remain unhappy as 'welfare' just keeps people more comfortable in their poverty. Yet, more welfare is the Left's only idea.
If you add the numbers of black men in prison to the ranks of unemployed, unemployment for black men is 20%, (not 10%)
Black are committing crime at 7 times the rate of whites (page 11 of link)
Blacks (mostly black men) committed 52% of all murders, 57% of the gun murders and committed 66% of the drug related homicides (1980 to 2008) or about 7 to 8 times the crime rate of whites. (table 7 at this link) Remember, 90% of victims are black.
Black men comprising only 6.5% of the population, are committing more than 50% of all violent gun crimes. But no one will suggest seizing all the guns from black men!
From the BJS (page 11), in 2008, the offending rate for blacks (24.7 offenders per 100,000) was 7 times higher than the rate for whites
By the time they turn 18, one in four black children will have experienced the imprisonment of a parent.
More young black high school dropouts are in prison or jail than have paying jobs.
In 2008, one in nine black men was incarcerated on any given day. (Huffpost).
Blacks make up about 40% of prison population but only 13% of the population. Whites are only 34.7% of the prison population but 77% of the population. Blacks are therefore about 7 times more likely to be in prison.
Comparing all males aged 20 to 34 yrs old, black rates of incarceration in 2010 is 10 times that of white Americans. (link)
Some 37% of blacks aged 20 to 34 without a high school diploma are in prison right now! (link)
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that black women accounted for 35.4% of all abortions in 2009 but only represent 12.5% of the population. Abortion rates for black women is 4 times the rate of those for all other women. Sadly, no one wants to adopt black babies.
Blacks are 44% of new HIV infections or about 8 times the rate for whites (link)
Washington DC has higher HIV infection rates than most African countries (and DC is only 58% black) (link and here)
Black gonorrhea infections among young black men (aged 20 to 24) are 26 times those of whites.(CDC)
72% of newborn black babies are born to a family without a father. (link)
Over 80 percent of black children have been abandoned emotionally and usually economically by their fathers. (NYT)
No one wants black people on juries.