War on Russia it is Then. Red Lines are Being Crossed Now.
Proceed to your Bug-Out Locations??? It couldn't hurt; just take sick leave this week and Bug Out to a Safer Location.
See my first warning Strong Alert: Armstrong is Looking for the Start of War in May
Despite repeated warnings by Putin and Orban of World War III, we're looking at war within weeks as Ukraine is collapsing
Then my most recent post from Scott Ritter from Trends Journal: Ritter: Russia Not Bluffing With Nuke Drills! Wake up people!!
Just now, Germany announces it’s ready to send 35,000 troops to Ukraine which is red-line for Russia. It was announced just 5 hours ago at 11:30 PM May 6th. May 7th is Putin’s inauguration day. It’s already May 7th here in Asia.
Look, I’m relying heavily on the only sage and experienced analyst that I trust: Martin Armstrong. I’m mostly relaying warnings from him on what we’re up against. He’s the only person online who is issuing stark warnings.
No one is going to be perfect in predicting the future, but take a look at one of the most influential newscasters in Russia issuing a stark warning of armageddon (that almost certainly is approved by the Kremlin.) The video warning below is from Armstrong Economics).
From Armstrong Economics:
Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselyov (born 1954) is a major TV host, and his latest warning to the West is to issue an ultimatum to the UK and the US. On Russian TV, Kiselyov warned that if a Western power deploys soldiers on the ground in Ukraine to ‘inflict a strategic defeat on Russia,’ it will result in Armageddon. Of course, what I find stunning is how the Western press characterizes him as “Vladimir Putin’s propagandist,” and the implication of those words is that they are not a real threat. The press takes NOTHING said from Russia seriously – it’s all a joke, just propaganda.
Then there’s this headline from MSN:
I think that you should evacuate yourself to your chosen “bug-out” location now. It may be a false alarm, but are you going to risk it???? Are you going to risk you or your family? It may take longer to play and it’s a false alarm, but maybe it’s not. Look, maybe I’ll have egg all over my face for relaying these warnings, but I think we’re close to something big.
It is said that Putin ordered a nuclear test, which is much less provocative than a demonstration nuclear blast in space, but still sends a message. I tell you, Putin is the most rational, prudent and measured leader in the world. He may be TOO careful given what he's up against in the West. As The West "keeps coming for him." They will push too far of course.
...and never underestimate the likelihood and ability of Biden or "Joe Biden" to fuck things up. We don't even know who the "puppet masters" are.