When Blacks Are in Charge, Part 2
The Biden Bolshevik Democrats Are Following S. Africa's ANC into Chaos and Disaster
In my 2021 post, “When Blacks Are In Charge -- Crime, Corruption, Violence, Collapse” I talk about how South Africa is rapidly becoming a failed State. But the same process is at work in the USA today.
The USA is going the way of the Marxist ANC in South Africa after they took over in 1994. In Africa, they completely abolished merit in all appointees and just installed their buddies and apparachiks. They abolished merit because there are almost never competent or knowledgeable black candidates. But the ANC didn’t care about that. Their only concern was to install black faces regardless of knowledge or competence.
Expert knowledge and competence was systematically excised from all levels of the government. It’s literally been downhill ever since and in every sense.
The US Government Warns That South Africa Power Grid May Completely Collapse
The United States Government has advised its stakeholders in South Africa to start thinking about disaster management plans for a total collapse of Eskom’s power grid.
Although a total blackout remains unlikely, the risk has increased due to how unreliable Eskom’s coal fleet has become. This is evident by the higher levels of load-shedding South Africa is experiencing.
They said that although a total blackout presents several dangers, the primary threat is the time it takes to bring a system back up from that total collapse. “Eskom estimates, in the best case scenario, it would take 6–14 days to restart the power grid,” the official said.
They quoted an unnamed individual as saying, “What’s left after a blackout would be what was left after a civil war.” [Doug here: There’s a risk that things NEVER normalize.]
“Water reserves would be severely impacted. There would be no sewage pumps,” the US Government official warned. “Data centres and power stations could run out of water.” While there are 48-hour water guidelines for municipalities, they don’t all have them.
“Liquid fuel would be a challenge for everybody. Eskom would [also] have a hard time getting liquid fuel to their [open-cycle gas turbines],” they said. [Doug here: fuel for autos and trucks is unavailable too]
Biden Bolsheviks Are the New ANC In America
The Biden Administration is repeating the same mistakes that the ANC made by putting Blacks, and unqualified Black women, “in charge”. It’s especially timely topic as South Africa is on the verge of collapse now —-just like the USSA!
How many cheating scandals have we witnessed now by “Fraudine Gay” and
We’re seeing another affirmative action appointee of the totally incompetent Biden Administration being interviewed in the Senate a few days ago. Unfortunately the candidate could not answer a relatively easy question about the Law. The candidate, Kato Crews, is already a judge in Denver and is seeking a District Court seat there.

New York City Loves Their Communist Negro District Attorneys
Alvin Bragg wasn’t the first (nor the last) affirmative action hire to the Manhattan DA’s office. He’s incompetent and a useful tool for all the devious Globalists and Elites. His campaign was, of course, aided by Commie provocateur George Soros to the tune of $1 million.
The pattern in all these incompetent nominees is to use them for devious ulterior motives because they are so bereft of competence and principles. Virtually every black “official” or politician ends up in jail or destroys everything in their wake.
Remember, NY AG Letitia James Tried (and Failed) to Prosecute the Trump Organization In May 2021. Trump really lives in these people’s heads!
From Gateway Pundit on May 21, 2021:
“NEW: NY AG’s office tells CNN —“We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature. We are now actively investigating the Trump Organization in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan DA.”
The latest Black Idiot in Manhattan’s DA’s office, Alvin Bragg, has embarrassed himself (assuing he could even be embarrassed) by trying (and failing) to prosecute Trump by re-hashing the Stormy Daniels episode and her lawyer, Michael Avenatti trying to extort and smear Donald Trump.
President Trump lambasted this latest attempt at prosecutorial abuse by Bragg saying the following:
"I have just learned, through leaks in the mainstream media, that after being under investigation from the time I came down the escalator 5 ½ years ago, including the fake Russia Russia Russia Hoax, the 2 year, $48M, No Collusion Mueller Witch Hunt, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and others, that the Democrat New York Attorney General has “informed” my organization that their “investigation” is no longer just a civil matter but also potentially a “criminal” investigation working with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. There is nothing more corrupt than an investigation that is in desperate search of a crime. But, make no mistake, that is exactly what is happening here….
As a reminder, Stormy Daniels lost her case and was ordered to PAY TRUMP $300,000 for damages. Also Avenatti is in prison now. What wonderful people!!!
Welcome to our "lovely" world of corrupt, criminal black persons, ESPECIALLY black persons in public office.
See my 2012 post The Corrupt World of African-American Politicians where I talk about how in nearly every black city in this country, there are criminal and fraudulent DEMOCRAT politicians nearly ALL THE TIME. For example, it's a much smaller list to name Detroit mayors who were NOT investigated by the FBI, indicted or convicted of crime while in office.
In the recent Chicago Mayoral primary, Lori Lightheadfoot was thoroughly defeated and humilitated — as she should be.
That’s a little unusual because usually worthless and destructive Black politicians are usuallly re-elected again and again, despite their dismal and destructive performance. It may be Democrat election fraud. It may be that blacks are oblivious and can’t put 2 and 2 together, so they just keep voting for the same horrible people.
More likely is that under successive Black administrations, the White AND any decent Blacks flee, leaving these cities with nothing but black thugs, black drug dealers and gangs who don’t even vote. But those that do vote, vote for their Black idiots.