“ Colleges are now being turned into remedial High Schools to accommodate the unqualified, in order for the "college" to scam the Gov’t student loan money. ”

I’ve been looking, searching for the right words that would explain exactly how I feel colleges or today. How the vast majority come off looking and sounding. Your statement right here that I am quoting wraps around the majority of colleges today. And, does it perfectly!!

Concerning that piece of garbage, Steven Van Zant, and his rant about What should be done to GOP politicians? Or does he mean supporters of the Republican party? You see he didn’t clarify anything in his statement.

I would agree with him if he would’ve said something like the best majority of Republican politicians in both houses or about as useful as a cemetery full of dead bodies. I would agree with him wholeheartedly outside of that.

I don’t agree with him hardly on anything here’s what I did with that picture yesterday. I took a picture of it just like the one you have on sub stack here with his words about exterminating them.

And I put it on all 3 social media websites. Facebook / Truth Social / GETTR Along with these words.

“ i’m calling out all Conservatives. Just like I have called you out over sports and watching them even though you know how the majority of players feel about America. And sports are no longer dominated by the white race.

You and I both know that today is the most despicable disgusting dangerous race in our nation is the black race. And they are the rays that dominates football 🏈 basketball 🏀 i’m not sure if they dominate baseball ⚾️ or not but I am checking on it very soon.

And I called on all conservatives to quit watching the Super Bowl after what the race did during the halftime show. I called on all my fellow conservatives to turn it off and not watch the rest of it, and to give it up, stop supporting an organization that despises President Trump, and despises our country.

An organization that all but lives in fear of what it can, and cannot say about China 🇨🇳 and yet you and I both know it does not live in fear whatsoever, concerning what it may say about America.

I gave up professional football over 25 years ago because the league started going softer and softer on the black race.

When it came time to issue rulings that would be detrimental to various black players for unsportsmanlike conduct. Doing backflips in the end zone and then dancing around like a chicken because they scored a touchdown.

Black players get away with all kind of things today that they used to never be able to get away with. I not only gave up football, but I gave up all professional sports. So I’m calling you out now to never watch anything that he is in.

The biggest sword ⚔️ that every single conservative carries? is his money. I suggest boycotting any and everything that has him in it and boycott everything else that despises our country and despises the founders, and boycott anybody and anything. “. And I had a lot more to say.

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There's a follow-up article he means ALL Republicans.


What a amazing idiot! Another entertainment person, with zero common sense, alienating 1/2 of his audience. And for what? Some hissy fit? He's as dumb as these black athletes alienating their audience. Only actor Daniel Day Lewis, when he was asked to comment on some political issue, said that politics wasn't his thing and that he wouldn't want to offer any opinion.

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“Only actor Daniel Day Lewis, when he was asked to comment on some political issue, said that politics wasn't his thing and that he wouldn't want to offer any opinion.”

Smart move!! Very very smart move. Van Shit Is an idiot. Card carrying member.

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Van Shit. Lol

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That’s exactly what he is. A Big pile of walking 🚶‍♀️ talking shit.

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