I know. I couldn’t agree more with your comment my friend. I’ve done the, “WHITE-FLIGHT”, In my life, Several different times. One time, I was living in Mesa Arizona with a very very good girlfriend of mine. It was her condo and I was paying half the bills with her. She had been living there for a number of years in the condo.

But she was actually born and raised in Arizona. Up in a little town called Wickenburg. I see a little 35 years ago, it was little. I know that it’s grown since then because I’ve looked it up and we’ve stayed in touch off and on. But where is she lived? Was it a lot of Black people.

But it was far far too many 2nd generation Mexicans for me. Now I will admit this, I can easily take living around them 100 fold more than I can black people. I simply detest living around Black people. And I really don’t feel comfortable and I don’t feel whole unless I’m living around and mingling with white people on a daily basis.

The area she lived in was considered a very good area. Up-and-coming. She was a sales manager for what she called CHEVY Chase. Chase Manhattan bank. The big one downtown that was considered one of Chases main banks for the entire Southwest. She told me.

I went in it I think 2 or 3 times she gave me a tour & security was extremely tight. I never felt any danger around the Mexicans because like I said it was a good area and everybody had jobs and they were good people and they damn sure raise their kids very good. I just hunger to be around a lot more white people.

So what did I do? It was either go back to Pensacola Florida, or go back to Montana or Wyoming, and since I hadn’t worked in the oil field, you know in safety, For about 6 months and financially, I didn’t have to really work for a couple more years if I didn’t want to.

But I decided it was time for me to get back in the field so I called my agent out of Louisiana, https://www.crescentsafetyservices.com/ (check them out if you feel like it.) for a number of years I was attached to them and two more safety companies that provide personnel for various positions in the oil field. Upstream & Mid-Stream…

And within a week I was gone. Had my Jeep J-20 loaded up in about an hour and a half and hit the interstate for Cheyenne. It was a sizable turnaround going on at the Holly frontier refinery for three months to pay in per diem was excellent and I was happy to be back at my home away from home.

Candlewood Suites, SUITE 302 again. The reason I like it is, it’s on the third floor away from the elevators and all the noise. I’m sure you know that the closer you get to the first floor or if you’re on the first floor, it can get to be really noisy with people coming and going day and night in the hotel. Furthermore, screaming kids.

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Here in Houston, I feel perfectly comfortable around Latinos. I like their manner and I rarely feel anything but WARMTH after any interaction. I know they like white persons and, thinking of the gym, they enjoy playful interactions or small talk.

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They are a hell of a lot more fun to be around and clean and keep their kids clean and their vehicles. They’re a lot more courteous to white people than Blacks are. I talked with my fair share of Latinos / Mexicans in the oil field and they definitely don’t like blacks, and I know if American ever did dissolve in the sun type of Civil War, they would side with the white people.

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Yeah, I try to stay on the top floor for sure and away from any group or families. I usually tell the desk what I'm looking for---which us quiet and no banging footsteps above.

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Yep. Same here.

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A good Republican could change all of this. We all know that and that is precisely why one would never get elected there. They can’t blame this on Republicans. Because there aren’t any. Well, to be more precise, there’s very very few of them that would vote Republican. Why so many other Democrat evil hell holes, I don’t have any hope for this place.

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Most of these Blue cities are emptying out, leaving only the most desperately poor blacks beset by roaming, wild, black animals in a complete dystopia. Whites leave first, then well-off blacks, leaving only dangerous scumbags remaining who are all black.

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They weren’t provided opportunities ? A world where everything has to be given to them.

Actually they didn’t prepare themselves for the opportunities that have been available all along.

We did our part in providing the one thing they needed “A free education” can’t help they preferred to spend their time shoplifting at a wallymart.

This is an authoritative reality-based consensus. (No agenda needed).

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With no dads around to explain life (and how to behave around police officers), and mothers turning tricks or working 3 jobs, an entire generation is growing-up as wild or 'feral' children (like Lord of the Flies) without supervision or discipline.

I've written many blogs that black kids at schools is usually a total clusterfuck as the kids are completely out of control and disruptive and that's IF THEY EVEN SHOW UP. If we were honest, and nobody IS ALLOWED to be, the reality is that most black (and many Hispanic and whites) kids don't have the aptitude AND/OR BEHAVIOR to perform at high school levels. But because you can't acknowledge this (RACISM!!!), there can be no discussion or alternate high schools for non-college bound kids of any color. Alternative high schools or trade schools can never exist because they would be about 50% black or brown faces. And we can't have that!!! You know, equality.

Before Johnson's "War on Poverty," government programs and freebies, there was a lot of integrity with black folks/families and 70 to 80% dads in their homes. Now 72% of black homes don't have dads (and the ones counted as 'present' might not really be present in a meaningful way). Busing kids to white schools and whites to black schools was also a total clusterfuck "legislated" by the Supreme Court. But that's basically over now as everyone is re-segregating. It's almost as if segregation was a normal and rational way for the country and non-Europeans to co-exist! Imagine that! Guess what?, maybe/probably segregation was AND STILL is the right answer.

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“ It's almost as if segregation was a normal and rational way for the country and non-Europeans to co-exist! Imagine that! Guess what?, maybe/probably segregation was AND STILL is the right answer.”

Of course, it’s the right answer. Remember these words don’t forget them.

“ In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation.”

George Wallace.

Wallace's racial politicking and support of segregation resonated with Alabama voters and in 1962 he was elected governor, receiving more votes than any previous Alabama gubernatorial candidate.

“After his election, Wallace wanted to make it clear he intended to keep his campaign promise to fight against integration. Carter spent several weeks writing the inaugural address, and on January 14, 1963, after taking the oath of office, Wallace delivered it from the portico of the Alabama State Capitol.

This was the exact place where Jefferson Davis had been sworn in as the President of the Confederate States of America, a fact that was pointedly noted in the speech.”


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It's hard to think that I agree with Wallace as I'm pointing out his solution without any malice intended today. I think the tendency for blacks to segregate themselves is because it's what they want. And white families will only buy houses in vastly White-attended school districts; LIKE BOZEMAN!? (and similar places outside of ghetto, big cities)

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