We are a republic, not a democracy. Democracy is rule by big government. A republic is rule by the people through elected officials...officials elected by authorized voters.

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Armstrong is highlighting the end of our republic, end of fair elections and possibly NO elections at all by 2024.

As Armstrong reiterates, we're headed for national disaster. I think we'll be in a hot war next year, maybe a world War.

Have a plan to bug-out to a safer location if you're near a major military installation or in a major city. Just saying...

Did you read the post? Other countries are in shock how fast our country is unraveling. All countries are aligning should a World War break out.

I might be wrong, but only in degree..

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I read it. I get irked when people refer to this country as a democracy. Article IV, section 4 says we are a Republican form of government.

I already know that people in other countries think the USA is unraveling because my family in other countries think the USA has "gone down" and they've been saying it for years. It's very sad.

Also, I read Thomas Chittum's book called "The Coming Break-up of America" and I believe another war is inevitable. I cannot get over how this country has been and is continuously being ruined.

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Republicans are just "controlled opposition" now. One tell was 20 Republicans voting to keep Adam Schiff from being censured (or reprimanded) for his non-stop, blatant lies about Trump. I'm wondering if that fucker has ever told the truth? But, you'd have to censure all the lying asshole Democraps. They're all liars and slanderers and cheats. I don't know how they live with themselves, they're so dishonest. I guess it goes hand and hand with being a professional liar as a lying attorney, absolutely zero remorse. Good people like you and I have difficulty understanding evil, and that's the Achilles heel of Republicans and conservatives. On the other hand, Leftists are professional liars and slanderers! They just don't value truth.

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