A slightly dated but the best summary of "The West's" dire prognosis that you will ever read. Yes, it's as bad as you thought. But I'm afraid it could be even worse
My son considered joining the US military. I advised him not to. Let the trannis, feminists, gays, radicalized muslims and Venezuelan who own the country fight for it. We White Men are a hated oppressed minority marked for extinction. Why fight for that? Let our Betters fight for their own dystopian future where they live in a shipping container, cut their dick off and eat bugs.
I thought so too. Kudos to the amazing Martin Armstrong. 👏 I want to make sure that Martin gets 98% of the credit, but I get 1 or 2% ‘credit’ for highlighting it. I haven't seen anything else so comprehensive anywhere. Thanks to Eddie Sessions for emailing it to me. 👏
My son considered joining the US military. I advised him not to. Let the trannis, feminists, gays, radicalized muslims and Venezuelan who own the country fight for it. We White Men are a hated oppressed minority marked for extinction. Why fight for that? Let our Betters fight for their own dystopian future where they live in a shipping container, cut their dick off and eat bugs.
Excellent and thorough analysis Doug.
I thought so too. Kudos to the amazing Martin Armstrong. 👏 I want to make sure that Martin gets 98% of the credit, but I get 1 or 2% ‘credit’ for highlighting it. I haven't seen anything else so comprehensive anywhere. Thanks to Eddie Sessions for emailing it to me. 👏