What happens when the blacks realize that they have been baited again over reparations. We are probably setting the country up for some very unpleasant outcomes. Also how exactly did Blacks jump the line to get ahead of Native Americans? That would mean “Indians “ for those of you that watched too many John Wayne movies. Native Americans, now there is a group that deserves reparations. We stole the whole damn country from them and killed most of them in the process. Blacks got a free boat ride to America and can’t even see they were the lucky ones.

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I don't think any slave was lucky. Probably 1/2 of the ones brought here died during their voyage.

Native Americans were run over by the vast hoards of Europeans. They definitely got a raw deal. Native American culture is in total collapse.

This country has already paid blacks $7 or $8 trillion in 'reparations' since the start of the "war on poverty." It didn't work (surprise, surprise) as poverty is even higher now. And US Black "culture" is in total collapse now. Nothing will work for these people.

"Government" will eventually bring total collapse for everyone. That's why I'm bailing out.

If you haven't seen this post, check it out. I also wrote a different post where I claim that Blacks owe Whites reparations!


Enjoy your weekend.

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One thing Joe knows is “ Black LIES Matter”.

The blacks have a choice compete or demonize. White superiority is the problem and Black inferiority is what makes America strong ? Amazing what they’ll say if you vote in a block for their candidates.

Imagine the world if the whites voted in a block! The left would cancel democracy.

Like SA said “get the hell away from the blacks” fortunately that is easy to do. Say goodbye to our major cities.

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Biden and Democrats want to pretend that US Blacks are the pinnacle of our culture/country?? Could there be anything more absurd and laughable?

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Black inferiority IS the problem. And US black complete alienation from the entirety of West Civilization is another huge problem. I notice on YouTube, there are channels I call "Reaction" videos," which are almost always blacks listening to the Beatles or Righteous Brothers (and acting so surprised) because they literally know nothing of our Euro-centric Music or any of Western Civilization.

They DO NOT have the cultural or genetic heritage of Western Civilization. It ALL passed them by: Christianity, Roman civilization, Greek Civilization, greek democracy, literature, classical music, rennaissance art and architecture, advanced education and all the scientific advances, all the political philosophies that became enshrined in our Constitution: , the Magna Carta and the beginnings of political rights, the 18th century Enlightenment, European political philosophies are hallmarks of Western Civ. I could go on and on.

The only things Africans do 'know' historically are Marxism, Islam and mostly Islamic slavery. When the going gets tough for Africans, then they ALWAYS revert to mob rule and mob violence.

They want to be unique and have their own culture, but THEY DON'T HAVE ANY CULTURE. After white flight, even somewhat responsible, somewhat sensible blacks have abandoned the inner cities leaving the dreggs of the dreggs in a war zone of violence, drug dealing ruled by "war lords" just like Africa.

We need to set-up a barricaded, walled and guarded "Gaza Strip" in America to "contain" the violent blacks with mile-long rap sheets. There are a million black men who are career criminals who need to be separated permanently from our society and ensconced in a walled hell-hole where they can't harm anyone (including many black persons) but themselves.

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Every February we are bombarded with celebrations of "Black History Month", especially on TV. But then absolute silence on actual black history. No documentaries on black history at all. Because there is nothing to celebrate, nothing to show, nothing in their history that could be called an accomplishment, an invention, an advancement. No use of the wheel, no written language, no domesticated animals capable of pulling a plow. No buildings taller than 2 stories, no use of metals. Even today they cant even dig a well to supply water to villages. The villagers go to a muddy germ and crocodile infested river to get water, they get sick or attacked by crocs.

The closest they ever come to showing black history is to steal Egyptian history and falsely claim that the ancient Egyptians were black. That's it. Nothing else to show. They loudly celebrate nothing every year and no one seems to ask, where is the history we are celebrating.

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But, but, but, Wakanda??


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Wakanda. A fictional civilization thought up by a Jewish man, Stan Lee. Blacks can't even invent a fantasy of a decent society much less built it.

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OMG, you're so right!

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Every major city needs a Gaza Strip..clearly the push to segregate is growing stronger.

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Every major black urban area IS a Gaza Strip. The only key thing missing are the pre-fab concrete walls and "border" police to keep these fuckers from escaping. Even without walls, some of these ghettos are already no-go zones for ambulances or police. This is Biden’s America. And like all those old Democrats, they were the most racist people in the world. Thanks for our conversation.

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True, but the Marxists have a plan to move the ghetto into the suburbs. They are forcing suburbs to accept low income housing so the drive by shootings, drug dealing, rape and chaos will be forced upon us. Anything to make white women feel good about themselves. They can brag about how diverse their neighborhoods are and be smug and happy about it until their own child is killed or becomes a drug addict. Even then the women who vote for this will never admit it was a mistake.

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It's happening on my block. Section 8 housing money is funding all sorts of trash into my neighborhood. I'm going to sell and move to MX.

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Your are moving to Mexico? A narco state owned and operated by drug cartels? BTW, if we had built a real wall we could put those cartels out of business but that would stem the flow of aspiring welfare recipients who are the the Democrat Party's strength. Flooding America with the dregs of the earth has been the highest priority of the US Government since 1965.

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