“””Blacks are killing each other blacks in droves, committing gun crimes and felony murders at 7 to 10 times the rate the white population.“””. Always good to end the piece on the good news.

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oppps...i see where I fucked up: it should be "Blacks are killing each other in droves...." I'm not much of a writer and my excuse is that I'm just a dumb engineer! But yes, most of their victims are other blacks. (something like 90%). Pity the other 10%.

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Your garden-variety American-Democrat-Politician, is on the same mental level as your South African Politician. And we see what kind of a shit show they have did to South Africa. They ruined a country that white people, my people, had brought out of the Stone Age so to speak, And put it on Firm feet, To prosperity. They are absolutely a menace to any town to any city in America.

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When the voters have an average IQ of 85, 50% of them have felony records and can't legally vote but they do anyway, 90% are on welfare of one form or another, 99% have relatives in prison, 50% have family members who have shot or been shot by their peers, 50% didn't graduate high school and are functionally illiterate, 95% vote Democrat no matter what, 90% hate their own country because it's racist to not give each and every one of them $5,000,000 for muh reparations an sheeet who do you think they are going to elect? If they could vote for Idi Amin they would. They wouldn't even notice that their country has reverted to stone age squalor.

When South Africa completes it's reversion to the mean and ends up with no electricity, running water or law and order the people who voted for that will be happy with it. Just ask Zimbabweans.

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Yep. Nailed it. If there was a (revised) Constitution where only home or land holders in good stead could vote, this would prevent the "takers" from exceeding the "makers." This would be a way of disenfranchising the riff-raff voters. Hey, I'm allowed to dream, aren't I??

Or how about counting black votes as 3/5th of a vote? They average about a 15 year old mental age (85 IQ). Of course half the white population is below 18 yo mental age (below a 100 IQ) too, so half are "mentally" below the voting age of 18. But ninety percent of blacks are at a mental age below 18 yo., so they really shouldn't be allowed to vote. Thus my requirement for holding real estate in good stead.

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I never thought I’d live to see the day that I would become so ashamed of my own race. But I am now. I deliberately make sure I am aware of my surroundings. Every time I go out. You’ve heard the old saying on movies, Action movies, starring Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, and so on and so forth. “ Head on a swivel.”

“ keep your head on a swivel.” well, I do exactly that every time I go out, even if it’s just a short hop, to the local grocery store. When in the hell did camouflage overtake my white race!!!???

Everywhere you look my race has camouflage not only for pants and shirts they wear when they go out, but also for seat covers, and now bed covers! that’s right. Camouflage sheets, camouflage, blankets, camouflage, pillowcases!!

Camouflage, socks, camouflage, vest, camouflage, jackets!! when it comes to the word, camouflage, the list is truly ad infinitum! My raise has lost it’s fucking mind over camouflage!!! Next, on the list of shit for brains, is tattoos. My race has become fully addicted to what is truly disgusting to look at, is tattoos.

I’ve seen so many pictures of young people completely screwing up their future with tattoos on their damn faces, and showing all over their necks no matter how high of a collared shirt they wear!!

Tattoos from their shoulders, all the way down to their wrist’s!! It’s called, getting “Sleeved Down!”. I did a little bit of research on this, and it comes from white Aryan brotherhood members in prison. And, of course, the next thing on the list is young white people emulating the worst scum in our nation.

And that is the black male members of society that are as thick as bees are here in Montana on a spring day! and you find them in any, Any democrat city. Which you can tell you are most definitely in, the very minute you crossover inside of one.

They look like shit. And they smell like shit. Because they are a city that is built on shit of every kind of shit, you can think of. I can’t remember one of the good black members of society, one of them that your average shit for brains blacks will call and Uncle Tom, but I’ll never forget the words.

I read out of him an article when he said black music today is them rapping about the black society today. Which is all about the destruction of what little is left of their race.

They are destroying their own-selves, at an astonishing pace!! but I digress. My comment was about the destruction of my own race at an astonishing speed.

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