And our elections are rigged so the Dems never ever have to worry about being held accountable ever again. Not that they ever were in the past but now that they are guaranteed corrupt Democrat "Justice Departments" forever they know that they can do anything and get away with it. Anything.

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100% agree. Democracy has basically died in the USSA. And no one believes it. I saw a headline where rich companies (Democrats) are putting up money to further ruin our national elections, not unlike Zuckerberg's big spending to cheat the vote. Sigh.

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“It is not that we expect decorum from our leaders today, but decency itself now seems as irrelevant as reason.”

(i’ve been voting ever since I turned 18. And during this time I’ve never known the Democrat party do you have any sense of decency. NOT. ONE. BIT!! just look at the biggest con job in our American history that they ran on President Trump, and what’s even worse than that???

The con job they ran on all of us, American people by keeping the Russia collusion hoax, front and center on all media channels. Even when it was obvious to everybody that they was lying and we all knew it. But they didn’t give a damn they kept it up. And they still are!!!

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It's 10 times worse now than, say, 30 years ago. They are a bunch of hyenas and monkeys now. Crazy too. There used to be some sensible Dems, now there are none, except for Manchin and Sinema.

They disgraced themselves so bad when they attacked Taibbi and Shellenberger. All the attacks were ad hominem, nothing with substance. It shows that you can't even have a conversation with any democraps. It's as if they closed their ears entirely which is why they are fanatics and wrong about everything.

My fantasy is that Putin launches a conventional cruise missle or two to demolish the White House, the Capital Building (while they are in session), the FBI building, the Eccles Building and the CIA headquarters (during business hours of course). It doesn't even have to be nuclear. Of course he won't, because he's entirely too sensible and rational. He's playing and winning the long game against the dumbass jackals in the West who have all lost their minds and souls ---assuming they ever had any.

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“ Of course he won't, because he's entirely too sensible and rational. ”

Bingo. Sensible and rational is something That is truly missing not only in frail don’t have a clue Joe Biden, but throughout his entire administration. I had rather have Putin as my president any day. Then I would Joe Biden.

Putin cares about his country and there’s no way he would open his borders the way this piece of shit has opened our southern border. Did you see what happened at the El Paso bridge the other day???? Did you???

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Putin is "Russia First," Trump is "America First," and Orbán is "Hungary First."

They are most hated by Globalist types. Fuck those idiots!

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