Dirty and Dumb Niggas Do the Dirty Deeds for Democrats
Who needs them? Other than Democraps.....?
First, let’s be clear that nearly all of the “muscle” in the Democrat’s 2020 election steal were ghetto blacks in the 6 battleground state capitals. See my post Democrats Are the Evil Architects of the Election Steal in 2020; Blacks Were the 'Muscle'. Here’s a shot of a black police officer denying entry of (white) Republican observers into the cheating operation:
Real nice people those Ghetto niggers doing the dirty work of the Democrat party. And how about all the black cheaters and plagarists that are being found out at top universities? Think Claudine Gay, the subversive Obama and Kendi the idiot race hustler. And our 14 year old mental-aged Ketanji who was installed for LIFE as a Supreme Court justice? Oh God, how we’ve fallen. These are destroyers of civilization.
How about the fact that every black in Congress is a complete moron and massively corrupt? But that’s not really that unique as all the white ones in Congress are either opportunists, theives, sociopaths and mostly corrupt. There’s few exceptions. With few exceptions, there’s zero integrity as far as the eye can see.
Have you noticed that most of the outrageous front persons in the Democrats phony lawfare campaign against Trump are black??

I don’t think I’m the only one seeing this. And it’s not a good look. They’re not doing their race any favors, really worsening white contempt for idiot blacks.
Maybe white Democrats choose these idiots to lead the ridiculous, fraudulent and phony charges against Trump because they know that you’re not supposed to bad-mouth blacks. Well, fuck that! It’s time to call a spade a spade.
These frigging niggers are corrupt, beyond stupid and completely incompetent—just like EVERY black mayor or nearly every black congressperson in this country. These people couldn’t manage their way out of a paper bag because they are so frigging stupid, low integrity, criminal and all so very destructive—which is exactly what Marxist Democrats want.

So, if you don’t like me bad-mouthing the niggers who stole the 2020 election and who are happily being used in the current election-tampering and prosecutorial abuse, I don’t care. I really don’t. I’m beyond caring for our idiot-criminals —all of ‘em and of any color.
I guess you saw where the predominantely White suburban community, St.Georges, secceeded from their union with sorry ass niggers in Baton Rouge? Oh, the horror to not being able to squeeze money from the white folks! It’s some serious shit and they’re in a panic. It’s because, as a group, they are worse than worthless.
Scott Adams already mentioned that, since US blacks are basically a hate group, that whites should just get as far away from them as possible.
Is Cambodia or SE Asia far enough??
And then there’s this collection of mug shots of Mass Murderers from 2021. Notice anything? Given that Blacks are 1/8th of our population, I would say, by eyeball observation, that there is a huge over-representation of blackness but certainly a lot of Latinos too. Out of 248 pictures below, I counted less than 30 white or “white-ish” persons. If you go to any courthouse in the US, THIS IS APPROXIMATELY WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. But, but, diversity is our strength—damnit!
If I never see another US black person again, I’d be ok with that. It sounds terrible for me to say, but there’s virtually no downside to such a sentiment—only more peace and SAFETY. It’s because US Blacks can be a special brand of horrible, like the Palestinians are to Israel—that group that has been ruined by “international welfare” that was mostly STOLEN by the PLO, Arafat, Abbas, or Hamas and US blacks have been ruined with “government welfare” by the US gov’t. Both groups can, and often are, devious and dangerous. And the money keeps flowing….

On the other hand, African blacks are 10 times better than our niggers. I enjoyed being around Gabonese or Nigerians when I worked in those countries. We had fun! They liked and respected White persons! Yeah, everything was a mess, but they didn’t blame the White people working there. My experience is that they were honored to have the opportunity to work with White folks in Africa. They tried to learn as much as possible. All the really bad Africans go into politics of course where they run rampant frauds.
Everywhere you look in America, you see scumbag and/or massively incompetent Blacks destroying literally everything. Every black mayor or politician is either a total dirtbag and/or utterly incompetent and usually corrupt or massively corrupt. Baltimore, Detroit, New Orleans, basically all of ‘em. The white ones are crap too, but the black ones are a special kind of bad. To wit, they don’t see what a disservice to their race that they’re representing. And they’ll be first to cry “racism” when they don’t get the respect that they demand.

All White People and White Civilization are Rayciss!

Decades of stats show that US black people are not just a hate group, but pervasively criminal in behavior and typically quite low intelligence. Yes, there are delightful outliers. I met an amazing black man here in Cambodia the other day. I think he’s going to be my best friend here. I mean it!
Jordan Peterson, a professional psychologist, explains the problem inadvertently in his 4 minute YouTube Video where he explains “What it Means to have an IQ LOWER than 83” (which is about the bottom half of US Black population or ANY Black population. ) In the YT video below, he explains why the US military’s policy is to basically reject inductees with low IQs, below something like an IQ of 83, because they are shown to be un-trainable or of no use for important military service or leadership.
It’s very informative and instructive. From Jordan Peterson, prominent psychologist:
Persons, of any color, having an IQ below 83 are unable to learn any kind of significant trade or elicit any sort of integrity in their thinking or their behavior. The US military found this out during World War II—thus their policy of rejecting those of low IQ.
Of course there are plenty of jobs that don’t require much intelligence, like peeling potatoes and custodial work. Getting those low IQ types to show up is a big problem.
This is the crux of our “black” problem:
About one half (1/2) of US blacks (below 83 IQ) are lost in our modern world and a significant number are “wards of the State” or in a state of custodial care—or institutionalized with many in jail. Others terrorize their urban neighborhoods with rap sheets a mile long. It won’t change because it can’t change.
So many can’t be taught in high school. How many blog posts have I claimed that YOU CAN’T TEACH BLACK KIDS? Even the ones that can learn are dragged down as “too white” if, heaven forbid, they do their homework or participate in class discussion! I’ll guarantee that EVERY black high school is massively cheating on both attendance and grades to graduate the unworthy. The other half drops out. It’s a scandal that no one wants to look at. It’s lurking below the surface.
The other scandal is the number of intellectually incompetent black (and white) kids taking government student loans as that program is entirely indiscriminate. It’s a giant multi-trillion dollar welfare program as NONE of those loans given to the incompetents will ever be repaid. I’ll wager that ALL the loan money that black persons take is immediately pissed away with zero attendance at any class or never paid back. And the “government” keeps handing out the money—your money (your debt).
These comments are not meant to be said with any anger or hate, but rather with a resignation to reality. And then there’s this:
Destructive Minorities and Democrat's Hall of Shame
The black "culture" in the US continues to be a trainwreck of stupidity, corruption, sexual depravity, immorality, violence and criminality. But that's not keeping them from being elevated to many important offices across the land where they routinely fail, mismanage, cheat, lie, steal and screw-up.
It's a trainwreck that envelopes the entire community; responsible black citizens included. And our lying media suppresses horrifying news of the widespread criminality of these people. Because of that subtle propaganda, the black American trainwreck is reaching to the highest offices in the land.
Blacks and even some Hispanics have a solid Third World mentality that begets Third World reality --even in America. Look at any black or minority Democrat today – Stacy Abrams, Jim Clyburn, AOC, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush, Sonia Sotomayor and others, even those who hold law degrees, seem to be radical and surprisingly ignorant. They are even more ignorant than White People can imagine (in part due to media propaganda).
As a group, blacks have little self-insight as to their shocking inability to create or live peacefully in a liberal democracy. They just don't get it. They don't understand it. All they are capable of is UN-CULTURE, MOB RULE with little due process.
Instead idiot and brainwashed voters keep putting these very incompetent and ignorant people in high positions that continually damage our communities and country. Civilized Whites are forced to suffer and even die at the hands of primitives.
The VAST Majority of Black Politicians Are Stupid and Corrupt
Black politicians are routinely elected and re-elected regardless of record, regardless of qualifications, regardless of corrupt and criminal wrongdoings and regardless of criminal indictments and even jail time. Just look at the sorry record of Black Democratic voters and the politicians they support in Washington DC and Detroit: Marion Barry, Vincent Gray, Kwalme Kilpatrick, Charlie Rangel and Jesse Jackson Jr. It's all dismal.
Black people support their corrupt leadership until their leaders are put in handcuffs and put into jail---which happens all too often--but maybe not often enough.
Black Failure After Black Failure in Many Major Cities: Look at Baltimore
Like Detroit, corruption and fraud go hand and hand in Baltimore City. Disgraced former Mayor Sheila Dixon was charged more than a decade ago for embezzlement. Ex-Mayor Catherine Pugh was sentenced to three years of jail in 2020 for wire fraud and conspiracy to defraud the US government. And now it's Mosby's turn to take center stage.

Left-wing Baltimore, Maryland prosecutor Marilyn Mosby, an early figure in the Black Lives Matter movement, was indicted Thursday on federal charges for fraudulent mortgage applications on homes in the Republican-run State of Florida. See Breitbart article here. (Of course Black Lives Matter was an utter scam and all the money donated by dumbshit CEOs was STOLEN. IT NEVER CHANGES! Get it?)
A grand jury indicted her on Thursday for lying on mortgage applications when she used the excuse COVID-19 related hardships to withdraw tax-free funds from her retirement account to purchase vacation homes in Florida, according to local news Fox Baltimore.
She's been slapped with two counts of perjury originating from false statements of COVID-related financial distress and charged with making false statements on two mortgage applications.
Mosby also failed to disclose a $45,000 tax lien to the federal government. The Internal Revenue Service went after her in 2020.
Mosby is another dullard law enforcement officials supported by left-wing billionaire George Soros in his quest to remake the criminal justice system in the United States.
The Latest Dumbshit NYC "Prosecutor" Promoted by George Soros: Alvin Bragg
Bragg: The Latest Agent of Chaos from the Party of Chaos
From Breitbart, Bragg was elected in November 2021 with indirect backing from left-wing billionaire George Soros, who gave $1 million to the Color of Change PAC, which spent to elect Bragg.
“Soros also donated $1 million to Alvin Bragg’s successful DA campaign in Manhattan, funneling the cash through the Color of Change political action committee, according to public filings,” the New York Post reported.
Soros has spend millions in recent local prosecutorial elections, often backing left-wing radicals against incumbent or moderate Democrats. His involvement has coincided with a massive rise in violent crimes in Democrat-run cities.
Bragg ran a campaign centering around his pro-jailbreak agenda that seeks to end prosecutions for what he calls “minor offenses” such as marijuana misdemeanors, turnstile jumping, trespassing, driving with a suspended license, prostitution, resisting arrest for non-criminal offenses, and obstructing the work of the New York City Police Department.
Numerous arrestees, some of them accused of violent crimes, were released in 2020 and 2021 in New York City as a result of state bail reforms. Some allegedly went on to commit crimes that shocked the public, such as an antisemitic attack in Brooklyn.
Stupid Kim Foxx Re-elected Despite Profound Incompetence, Ineptitude and Malfeasance
(From Jonathan Turley website, photo from Zerohedge:)
Cook County special prosecutor Dan Webb has issued his report on the Jussie Smollett scandal with scathing findings of misconduct by the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office. The findings include a determination that Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx lied to the public about her communications and role in the scandal. [Oh, I'm so shocked!!!]
Despite the highly improper handling of the case (including the dropping of the original charges against Smollett), Chicago voters still reelected Foxx who has an appalling record in office.[Nothing new here.] For a native Chicagoan, it is an all-too-familiar pattern of corrupt or incompetent elected officials continuing in office. The question, however, is whether Foxx will face any bar action for allegedly lying to the public about the handling of the case.
The report confirms what many of us have long stated about the Smollett case. The evidence of his guilt was obvious from the start, particularly given his ridiculous account of being attacked around 2am by roaming MAGA-hatted, racist Trump supporters screaming “This is MAGA country.”
By March 2019, prosecutors secured a 16-count grand jury indictment against Smollett for filing false police reports. Then suddenly a few weeks later, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx dropped all charges – a decision that was universally condemned. The outcry was louder due to Foxx’s correspondence with powerful friends of Smollett and the refusal of her office to fully explain why the charges were dropped.
Webb was appointed Special Prosecutor and Smollett was indicted a second time in Feb. 2020. Ultimately, the jury found Smollett guilty of all but one count of criminal conduct.
Webb confirms what was long suspected: prosecutors thought that they not only had a strong case but a case worthy of prosecution. The report details how the office made “false and/or misleading statements” about the decision to drop the charges for a ridiculous agreement that Smollett perform just 15 hours of community service and pay a $10,000 fee as punishment.
The report found that Foxx’s office “breached its obligations of honesty and transparency.” The report also found that Foxx had made false or misleading statements about her communication with Smollett’s sister, actress Jurnee Smollett.
The Sorry Ass Missouri "Prosecutor" Kim Gardner
Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, the St. Louis prosecutor who charged Mark and Patricia McCloskey for brandishing guns at protesters in the “mostly peaceful” Marxist summer of chaos and violence, could have her law license revoked following a professional misconduct investigation and impending hearing.
The Missouri Chief Disciplinary Counsel found probable cause that Gardner is "guilty of professional misconduct" after she allegedly hid evidence and fabricated facts while she was prosecuting then-Gov. Eric Greitens, according to court documents reported on Wednesday.
……and on and on and on….
Wow Doug! Great article. Why isn’t an article like this not ever seen in the mainstream press? Thank God for SubStack.