I think the only way that nuclear war would happen between America and Russia would be if, If Vladimir Putin Felt like he has been put / pushed into a corner that he simply could not get out of short of firing off a nuclear missile.

But, we all know that’s a very minute he did that would be pretty much the end of the free world as we know it. Because no sooner than when whoever is the sitting president of our country, fully determined that a nuclear warhead had been fired from Russia, they would fire one off over here, Headed for Russia.

As far as the nuclear war between America and China, there’s only one thing I could see this playing out. And it wouldn’t be over an invasion of Taiwan by China. I don’t believe for a minute that Joe Biden, if he was president would start a major war over an invasion of Taiwan.

And, as far as and “Western European Nations” which all of them or our allies, President Macron of France showed the world 🌎 And he showed this piece of shit dingleberry President and his Administration, right where he stands.

When it comes to his administration standing with China 🇨🇳 he flew in to China for a 3 day visit along with the head of the European commission, and its entire delegation. Over the 3 day visit, they stood / held together a photo-op, 1-A-Day. For 3 days.

The head / leader of the “European Commission” Is, Mrs Ursula von der Leyen. And let’s keep this in mind. Throughout this entire debacle that Russia has been made out to be the bad guy by our leader that has shown the world that he does have dementia beyond a shadow of a doubt.

And none of this would’ve ever happened if our country had not of been pushing and pushing for this war. But since the day that Russia crossed over into Ukraine, President, Putin has shown the world just to mentally stable.

He is, and he is the only one that is mentally stable between him and Joe Biden. But since the day that Russia crossed over into Ukraine, President Putin has shown the world just how mentally stable he is, and he is the only one that is mentally stable between him and Joe Biden.

Last Friday Tucker Carlson did about a 15 minute segment on Putin and Biden on how stable. He is an unstable Joe Biden in certain people in his administration. Are not stable.

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Very good comments. Finland just added 800 miles more of NATO treachery to Russia's borders. How's that for pushing Putin into a corner?

Zelensky is likely to toppled soon. You would think that would bring a settlement to that war. But NATO is so desperate for war, they may have to invent an atrocity and blame it on Russia (a false flag). Yes, Putin would respond in his measured way.

Biden dingleberries are begging for war. They want an opportunity to default on debt, ,cancel paper money and IMPOSE a digital currency. I know it sounds insane, because it is. Biden is braindead, he's just reading shit that's put in front of him. His handlers are all-in on this climate change bullshit too.

Personally, I've said to be on Defcon 1 if Putin is no longer in power thru illness or an internal coup. They have crazy people there too. And you can be sure that many in his government are seething with anger at NATO-stan and Imperial Washington.

Dr. Coleman has had a string of amazingly accurate predictions. He's going to be correct unfortunately. From a historical timeline, we're on an high speed train; a fast track to World War. When that happens all bets are off. It's going to happen. There are dozens simmering hotspots around the world, and alliances and adversaries are already pre-negotiated. It'll be total chaos. It'll be EXTREMELY dangerous. For a while, nukes won't be used. And then......

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