There is no need to beat around the bush. The United States is a complete fraud and a terrorist monster. There you have it, so how will you handle this information? Most tend to fly a bloody flag, salute and pledge allegiance to the State, sing the murder-supporting and pro-war national anthem, and willingly vote for your selected king and master every four years. This is the behavior of an obedient, enslaved, and dying society. Do not ask who is to blame unless you are prepared to look in the mirror.
There are rumors being spread by many, especially in the so-called alternative space, that people in this country are waking up. This is an outright fabrication, and is completely contradictory to reality. Yes, a few are frustrated, some actually complain, some pick up a sign for an afternoon together with others who also dare not strike out alone as individuals, and some write and do podcasts claiming to be anti-state while supporting this horrendous governing system. But has anything of value changed, or is it getting worse every single day, as it has for an eternity? I think you know the answer to this question; or maybe you do not. It seems to me that no more than a handful can grasp the dire state of affairs that surround us every day of our lives, and even fewer are willing to fully denounce the State, and demand its death.
I do realize that many of my readers and subscribers are not in this camp, but most all others are, and that includes most all in this country. The coming bogus 'election' will bear this out, as most of the cowed 'citizenry' will be at each other's throats over which piece of garbage, and which evil party, takes over the controlled kingship, and will continue to fight about each and every narrative fed to them, while the big picture is once again ignored.
One piece of anecdotal evidence to support this is to watch most any sporting event where large numbers of 'citizens' are gathered. It matters not what sport it is, football, baseball, NASCAR, or anything else. When tens of thousands gather for these events, and the announcer says for all to stand, take off your hats, and salute the State apparatus, those orders are almost unanimously followed. All the adults, and all the children do as instructed, for not bowing to the State with reverence could be seen as 'unpatriotic,' and cause one to be shunned or worse. No one wants to be singled out, so all comply. Sadly, this compliant behavior is mostly observed completely voluntarily. It is a pathetic sight to behold.
The U.S. governing machine, that entire system, including the actual deep state ruling class, all its pawns in government, and all its false authority, is based on the fraud called 'democracy,' and this began during the time of the so-called 'founding,' and has worsened dramatically ever since that time. Many will attempt to argue the bullshit "republic' and 'representative' aspect, thinking this is consensual, or a 'free' system, but that is an absolute lie. At least in the far distant past, government did not have the wherewithal to track, trace, surveil, and enforce its bogus laws, restrictions, and regulations on the population, but as time passed, so did technology, and to such a degree as to allow the ruling cabal to control, monitor, and enforce violently all its huge number of illegitimate 'laws.' No one knows how many 'laws' are on the books, but certainly millions. Any nation of arbitrary 'laws,' is an evil tyranny lording over the enslaved masses, and the U.S. has more laws than any nation, or any number of nations combined in history.
If any wish to call me names or curse me due to my position concerning this or any other State, so be it, as I learned long, long ago, that all governments, all States, and all rule are evil, and meant only to construct a totalitarian society built on the premise of false authority and domination of the masses. Any who cannot see that this is exactly what has happened over the past 240 years, is blind to reality. I have no allegiance to any blood-soaked flag, State, any nation, or any country. Those who constantly claim, and I hear this nonsense every day, that they love 'their' country, but not 'their' government, are either confused beyond recognition, completely ignorant of their lot in life, or so brainwashed as to believe they can 'love' and support a 'country,’ support its military and its murderous wars of aggression, support its tyrannical legislation, support its bogus constitution, but at the same time, hate the government, are hypocritical imbeciles.
This "united states," has committed every kind of heinous act, murdered tens if not hundreds of millions of innocents, tortured, burned alive, bombed, poisoned with deadly toxic skin-scorching bio-weapons, stolen resources from its victims, supported dictators, destroyed infrastructure, taxed multitudes into poverty, starved hundreds of millions due to political policy and protectionist measures, promoted and built the biggest fascist State in history, locked down the common herd, destroyed our own economy, taken this country to bankruptcy by printing tens of trillions of dollars of fiat currency to enrich itself and its major supporters, practiced democide against its own, funded genocide, which is happening as I write this as Israel is slaughtering all Palestinians, among thousands of other atrocities committed in the name of being 'exceptional.'
If you really want to 'wake up,' you might consider that you live and support the most evil, murderous, and destructive nation in the world, and claiming a false love of country, is in effect, promoting and supporting the very evil that you heap on others around the world, who are not even a flea on the ass of terror that is prosecuted by this 'country' you claim to worship.
Yes, there is natural beauty in this country, and there are some good people, but many less than is believed, as any support for this horrendous governing system and nation-state is in direct contradiction of good. It is a wonder to enjoy where you grew up and live, but when attitudes revert to a 'false' love of State, instead of to self with respect for others by adhering to total non-aggression, then you are the problem due to upholding the authoritative rule that has consumed you.
The truth is that Americans have sat by and allowed this monstrous government and its heinous mob of enforcers, to claim superiority over all others, pretending to be righteous and free, when just the opposite is the truth. You, all of you, have not been spared in this assault on humanity by your 'beloved country,' all under your watch, as this population has been violently abused all along as well. While constantly tearing down everything of value in life, 'your' government and the ruling cabal have laughed all the way to the bank. We are now on the precipice of final annihilation, and worrying about playing games on your cell phones, about stupid 'elections,' about how Trump faked his so-called assassination, about mainstream news feeds spewing their garbage daily, and about anything political, is only an obvious avoidance of truth. That can only lead to even more hell, before you are consumed and spit out to live a mindless existence.
Before your anger gets the best of you, you might remember that I live my life fully, I have a wonderful and loving family, I embrace life and am as free as possible, I enjoy all of nature, and I laugh and smile every day, in order to stay sane in this idiotic world. I am not a pure cynic, am not a doomsdayer, although I am willing to tell it like it is, regardless of whether any other on earth takes offense or not. I care not about playing to the crowd, or sugar-coating reality. While I do not have confidence in our future, I have good reason for taking that position, and until I see large numbers of individuals negating fully all rule, and demanding the end of State 'authority,' my position will not change.
Once you see, touch, and feel the truth, there is no going back. But if you avoid it like the plague, as most do, you will never see any light, as only darkness will consume your world.
“The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?”
~ George Orwell, 1984
This is really the definition of being black pilled as most use the term today. No solutions provided with the exception of a slight hint at revolution with this line, "see large numbers of individuals negating fully all rule, and demanding the end of State 'authority,'". But, consider if that happens and the outcome... No government, no ruling party, no laws, no country, no borders. Do you think the rest of the world will see it as a model or a place ripe for takeover? In any case, someone will end up in charge so solutions are important, not just complaints. I assume, while Gary thinks there is no hope, he continues to live a comfortable retired life in Montana and pay his taxes and support the system he is against.