I don’t know why I can comment on some things, At certain times, But not at any time 24/7 around the clock.

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Germany is no different than a lot of other countries when it comes to shooting themselves in the brain over a so-called global cooling, global warming or whatever the hell they’re calling it nowadays. Here’s an article about all of Europe that I saved recently. “Lights out, ovens off: Europe preps for winter energy crisis”. (i’m going to post just a little bit to wet everybody’s whistle)

“FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — As Europe heads into winter in the throes of an energy crisis, offices are getting chillier. Statues and historic buildings are going dark. Bakers who can’t afford to heat their ovens are talking about giving up, while fruit and vegetable growers face letting greenhouses stand idle.

In poorer eastern Europe, people are stocking up on firewood, while in wealthier Germany, the wait for an energy-saving heat pump can take half a year. And businesses don’t know how much more they can cut back.”

“We can’t turn off the lights and make our guests sit in the dark,” said Richard Kovacs, business development manager for Hungarian burger chain Zing Burger. The restaurants already run the grills no more than necessary and use motion detectors to turn off lights in storage, with some stores facing a 750% increase in electricity bills since the beginning of the year.”



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Good article. I could tell Europeans were insane and heading toward a fall when I lived in the UK from 1984 to 1986. I traveled on the continent and I was appalled by their near-unamimous hatred of Reagan and Thatcher. I could see that they were dead wrong. History has proven that 99% of them are dead wrong about everything. It's extremely ironic that Reagan was cheered in Berlin when he said "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" and it happened.

The entire continent remains completely insane and are systemically unable to see anything that is right, good or realistic. Like the Left in America, they are drifting in a hell of nihilism leading to their demise. Add massive corruption of government functions and the failures of the EU itself and the Euro currency, they are really doomed. Nothing can save them. By extension, there may be no way to help the entire Anglosphere. God help us.

Please tell me that I'm wrong.

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sl’<Was you living over there because of business? Or, because of a military commitment???

They are waking up in various places, especially when it comes to the VAX / shots.

And they are waking up when it comes to heating because something about having a cold ass has a way of waking somebody up!! The same thing with having a cold back!!

LOL 😆 LMAO 🤣. I don’t know why the left is, so what’s the word? I’m looking for my friend. What’s the phrase I’m searching for? I don’t know what causes them to be so politically insane. And granted not all of them are.

Years ago back in my late 20s and in my 30s I spent a good amount of time with my wife in the Seattle yacht club group only because of a first cousin of hers that she grew up with and my wife and this girl was closer than sisters!!

The guy that she married that they met in college came from a family of very prominent attorneys in Seattle. Actually, I’m wrong it was Bellevue, which is part of Seattle but the law offices if you can call it that, it was the swankiest offices I had ever been in outside of New York City or Boston and I’ve been in some offices there that would rival offices in Rome, or London that I’ve been in.

They had two different yachts in the yacht club. One of them the law firm owned to entertain clients and to lend it out the prominent clients because it had a 24/7 Live aboard complementary, Captain / First Mate / Chief Engineer / and they also had a live aboard Chef / SOUS CHEF / And from what I remember, it also had one or two what we call on an Offshore Rig, A Galley-Hand.

And then her first cousin and her husband, the big shot lawyer had their own private yacht. A custom made / custom built, “BAGLIETTO”.

145 foot. https://www.baglietto.com/en/

They also had an unbelievable home up near the top of a place called Cougar Mountain ⛰️ in a private gated area called, Devereaux. You know one of those kind of places that makes you wanna throw up 🤮 lol because the people that live inside them, don’t live in reality and everyone of them votes Democrat.

Lol 😆 memory serves me correctly it was about 12,000 ft.² which was actually I found out when we got back home to Montana to our little 2000 square-foot log cabin home, I found out from my wife that the house that they lived in, was actually considered smaller, on the small side, compared to the majority of the ones inside Devereaux.

I don’t keep up with football, but I was told by the husband that right up the street was the home of, some professional football players. Everybody told me they were pretty well known, and he was friends with one of them, because the law firm represented him on negotiating deals.

Didn’t mean jack to me like I said, I can’t even tell you the last time I even watch the football game and that includes the Super Bowl. It’s been at least 30 years. But I really do believe that it is a mental illness.

It has to be look at that piece of shit that they hired to work for the government that wound up getting caught stealing luggage in dresses you can’t tell me that person is not mentally ill. You can’t. Even Jordan Peterson says that that thing is mentally ill, and yet they hired it for such a highly important job to do with nuclear ☢️ for Christ sakes!!! I found it!!!!

“ Who is Sam Brinton, non-binary Biden official arrested over stolen suitcase?”

(Here is just a little bit about this mentally ill, shit for brains.)

“ Sam Brinton, a Biden administration nuclear official, made headlines this week after they were arrested for allegedly stealing a woman’s suitcase in Minneapolis airport — and then using it for a month before claiming it was taken by accident.

But it isn’t the first time the 35-year-old nuclear engineer has made the news.”

“ Brinton, who uses they/them pronouns, became one of the federal government’s first gender non-binary officials earlier this year when they took on a role in the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy. So who is Sam Brinton – and what path did they take to get in the Biden administration?“


Everybody I mean everybody has to go and look at this idiot wearing Stars & Stripes stilettos celebrating the job that somebody is far as I’m concerned he is just as much of an idiot to hire this piece of shit.

This thing needs to be sent to prison so the black thugs, can have fun with his ass and I mean that literally!!! just go look at all the pictures of this thing. I tell everybody if you can stand to look at it for very long.

This is leftism at it’s finest, and Jordan Peterson in a video on YouTube, which has his degree in psychology, did a short video on him after he was arrested, and he will tell you that this person is seriously mentally ill. The video is easy to find because it’s in all the other videos of his on YouTube.

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I was working in Aberdeen for 2 years very early in my career. Yes, Leftism is a disease because it puts "man" and his institutions at the pinnacle of the universe. All that luxury becomes just another thing for these people. It gets old and ho hum. There is no future in materialism. Period. Not every time, but it's is, or can be, a grand distraction from the real meanings of life. I'll have to add lawyers to "academics" and "government" as places where people gravitate and can be wrong about everything their entire lives, and there's no accountability or comeuppance. They must laugh at Buddha or Jesus. I'm just rambling in my constant quest to describe the disease of Leftism. It ALWAYS causes damage and ruin and for these distracted people not to see it is actually evil.

You saw my post about Sam Binton, didn't you?

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What was she working on in Aberdeen????? i’ve been in the port in Aberdeen many times. On American Merchant Ships.

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“You saw my post about Sam Binton, didn't you?“


No, I don’t believe I did. Send me an email about it or show me in here where it’s at.

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