Railing against 'White' or so-called 'White Supremacy' is really a hatred & rejection of Western Civilization. It’s all truly insane, evil and stupid, but here we are. It’s just reverse racial discrimination against white people in a country that more than corrected black discrimination more than 50 years ago.
Indiscriminate MASS IMMIGRATION is and was always intended to marginalize and reduce the White population to a minority in the country that White Europeans (and some E. Asians) built. And it’s promoted by people who are unable to build anything. It’s been ongoing since the Hart-Cellar Act of 1965. You can read about it at my post Dem's Plan to to Assure Electoral Dominance: Make the US a 3rd World Shit-hole.
So migrants from anywhere and everywhere, entirely unvetted, with few to no qualifications and often with no English language skills have been flooding our country during the entire Obama administration, and now again in Obama’s 3rd term, ie., the Biden term. No doubt, prisons are now being emptied and prisoners are sent out of their countries to Amerika. I wonder how many radical Islamists have entered? Today’s radical Democrats continue to deny this is happening through bald-face lies that deny the obvious.
Elon Musk posted several tweets this week that show how out-of-control our indiscriminate immigration flood is. The first one below is a re-tweet from Texas Congresswoman Mayra Flores Vallejo about an impending flood coming from Mexico:
And to PROVE that the Democrats literally want the worst of the worst and not the best of the best, they are NOT APPROVING higher/highest qualified immigrants applying for H1B visas. The backlog of H1B visa applications has soared:
So the entire strategy of the Democrats is to "dumb down" our populace so that they can better fleece and trick the public to guarantee their power.
Democrats are the anti-white party who are dedicated to illegality to boost their power. They are continually trying to allow these illegals to vote and are gradually succeeding. Democrats stand for the same disastrous "diversity" that is also ruining Europe and this country.
Whites MAY ALREADY be a minority in the USA
In my 2015 blog post "Democrats strategy for electoral dominance: make the US a 3rd world shithole" Julia Hahn at Breitbart said;
"Fifty years ago today, Ted Kennedy began changing the face of the United States by ushering the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act through Congress. That legislation resulted in the fundamental transformation of the demographic, economic, social, and political landscape of nation, exactly the opposite of what its supporters promised."
She explains that "in 1965, the US was, according to Pew, was 84 percent white, 11 percent black, 4 percent Hispanic and less than 1 percent Asian."
Hahn said in 2015 that:
"as a result of Kennedy’s immigration law, the country is now 62 percent white, 12 percent black, 18 percent Hispanic and 6 percent Asian."
But just a few years later, from the 2020 Census, the White-alone non-Hispanic population is at 57.8% (DOWN FROM 84% IN 1965). But that is likely another Government lie.
A 2018 study from Yale shows (surprise, surprise!) that there might be as many as 2 to 3 times the number of illegals hiding in our country than is being reported by the lying media. So, rather than 11 million illegals, we more likely have 22 million or even 33 million. Even that is probably low that Biden is adding untold MILLIONS more. I wrote in 2013 that whites would be a minority in the US by 2050, but it's possible that whites are already a minority now.
This is the goal of Democrats in order to get all of these greatful persons to vote Democrat; legally or not.
White = Western Civilization
For 80% of American history, the vast majority of immigration into the US was mostly from white, high-IQ Europe and East Asia. This worked very, very well. Remember, it's only Northern Europeans, East Asians and their descendants that have median IQs greater than 100. The rest of the world has an median IQ of about 82.
Only 18 median IQ points, and 1000 years of cultural and intellectual development separates mostly white and East Asian nations from all others. These nations have enjoyed high levels of prosperity, law and order, democracy, tolerance and happiness. Much of the rest of the world (lower median IQ) countries are often relatively impoverished, crime-ridden, run by corrupt tyrants, sometimes near collapse and miserable.
So, mixing of different populations with entirely different cultures, history and intellectual acheivement is sure to cause a disastrous clash of civilizations. See my 2015 post Clashes of Civilization.
This is NOW the ideal face of America’s future according to Democrats. (Hint: whites, straights, or men need not apply:

The US needs the best and brightest, not the lowest of the low. The Latino Americans and Black streaming across our borders, really an invasion, are lower skill, lower productivity workers. Latin countries of full of incompetent voters, incompetent politicians and these countries have large criminal elements. Murders and crime in most Latin America and Africa countries are quite high. Many of these countries are basically failed states. For Democrats, THIS IS APPARENTLY WHAT THEY WANT FOR AMERICA.
Whites are already a minority in California and their poverty level is higher than ever. Why? Because, the average pay (and therefore their productivity) of Central Americans and Mexicans is miles below the US poverty level. For example, the minimum wage in Mexico and most central American countries is about $4 PER DAY! (50 cents per hour). Those same people are invited by The Left to arrive illegally into California and everywhere else --- then insist that businesses pay them 30 times more or $15 per hour as a minimum wage. Then local hospital and public schools are forced to give these people free medical treatment and free education. And you wonder why we have non-stop truck-loads, train-loads, and multiple caravans at our southern border?
All of this is, of course, the strategy of the Left's destruction of this country -- their quest for unending power. It's working!
Leftists love the fact that non-white immigrants tend to gravitate to the disaster of Marxism like Chavez, Castro or even Obama. Many 3rd worlders think they want a big government and/or tyrant leader to take care of them. You see, they can't handle freedom like the self-organizing white/east Asian people have done.
Another example, look at the formerly prosperous, but white minority-ruled South Africa. The Left couldn’t stand this! They had to end it. Now the violent and militant Marxist ANC blacks are now running the country into the ground. Violent S.Africa blacks are persecuting and executing white citizens and farmers, a breakdown of law and order has emerged, the economy is being ruined and they can't even keep the power on now more than half the time. It's just a few short months until starvation and calamity arrives.
In short, and in the most politically incorrect way, we ideally need to make America white again. Unfortunately, that ship has sailed.
Close your eyes and imagine. What if White women know what they are voting for? What if they are not gullible children? What if they are adults with agency who are not being tricked? What if they have eyes and can see? Is there any country on earth where White women can vote that doesn't have open borders and a welfare state? Even one country? They cant vote in Russia. White people will survive in Russia and a few other small Easter European countries where women can't vote to hand their counties over to the invading hoard of aspiring welfare recipients. Few people in Ukraine understands it but the war has temporarily saved their country from the fate of Western Europe. In a weird way they are lucky to have been invaded by Russians and not muslims with their hands out. Yet.