Close your eyes and imagine. What if White women know what they are voting for? What if they are not gullible children? What if they are adults with agency who are not being tricked? What if they have eyes and can see? Is there any country on earth where White women can vote that doesn't have open borders and a welfare state? Even one country? They cant vote in Russia. White people will survive in Russia and a few other small Easter European countries where women can't vote to hand their counties over to the invading hoard of aspiring welfare recipients. Few people in Ukraine understands it but the war has temporarily saved their country from the fate of Western Europe. In a weird way they are lucky to have been invaded by Russians and not muslims with their hands out. Yet.

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Sorry I missed your comment. Of course, Russia is just in Eastern Ukraine.

The Feminazi-led governments in Scandinavia are relevant examples. US suburban women voting against Trump based in "feelings" is another.

I've been thinking a lot lately about the mistake of letting women vote.

The trifecta of Incompetence, destruction and stupidity is: 1) black, AND 2) Muslim AND 3)woman, just like "The Squad." Those 3 together is just the worst! Why do you think Soros is using this combination in his subversion?? Because, taken together, they are a disaster! Even two of these together is disaster. Black alone is bad enough.

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