Get rid of it. Eliminate most of the Federal Government and devolve power to The States--which WAS our actual history AND the original intent of the Founding Fathers and Constitution
To Melba Gonzales who emailed me and says to me. "So the solution is to eliminate government, let the states be independent? That’ll be even worse. You have complaints & no solution! Just like a rebellious teenager. Just like tDrump who’s going to fix the world without a plan. You’re throwing out the baby with the bath water!"
Dear Melba,
You make a very arrogant assumption that "you're just wrong." Really? Really Melba??
We had an extremely minor Federal Government for about half of our country's history funded only thru trade tariffs and excise fees---basically very little going to the Feds. The country prospered mightily with State and Local rule.
Ok, I exaggerate about eliminating the Fed Govt, but seriously revert power to The States is entirely warranted. Otherwise, how much worse will you blightly tolerate?? And how much worse can things get for our country now that the US government is literally inviting nuclear war with Russia regarding a conflict that our corrupt government started? It's a civilizational risk. THAT’S how bad our huge Federal Colossus has become.
The Federal government corruption has reached astonishing levels of corruption and mismanagement. They are warping the legal system to interfere with this upcoming election. You're OK with the end of law and order? The free-for-all in Washington is now a final looting of our Treasury, spending A TRILLION DOLLARS every 100 days of money they don't have. Did you know that honey??
But that's WHY they're pushing for War and digital money and really totalitarian control by the dumbest, most unserious and most corrupt people in our history. They are persecuting and slandering Conservatives (about 1/2 of the country). So, you're OK with that?? We're becoming a version of the Soviet Union with the Biden Junta subverting nearly everything to remain in power despite 8 or 10% real approval ratings. How bad does it have to get before your myopic eyes can see the writing on the wall?
You're willing to keep paying big bucks to maintain that???? HUH?
Power needs to be reverted to the States. That's a fact. We can argue about how much IF WE SURVIVE. (I'm not joking at all, nor exaggerating). You're just blind and historically ignorant.
Have you ever studied history? If so, you'd know that the Federal Govt was virtually inconsequential to national life for a very long time. The Federal Government was extremely limited for most of our history and it was funded only thru tariffs and fees, a very small amount. Our US Constitution wanted it that way!!
People didn't even know who the President was for most of our history. Washington was mostly irrelevant to most people's lives until 1913 with the creation of the previously ruled unconstitutionality National income taxation and an abhorrent privately owned Federal Reserve bank. It's really downhill since then. Forever wars, US troops in 170 countries, a CIA completely out of control, the FBI investigating Catholic churches for the "subversion" of religious conservatives?? OMG!
States had nearly all the power and governed as they saw fit for a long time, until the atrocity of the Civil War. Even then, States were the center of power and truly represented their citizens local preferences and traditions after.
I know I'm wasting my time trying to educate you. You probably have no idea that our Federal govt is now openly ending 1) guaranteed freedoms, 2) law and order, 3) endangering the existence of our country with nuclear conflict.
All because Federal COLOSSUS is ENTIRELY OUT OF CONTROL and bankrupting the country. We're in our last days of our existence thanks to an explosion of Federal Govt recklessness. You need to read more of my blog to educate yourself, BECAUSE YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.
Good luck to you. I've fled the insanity and living safely and freely in Cambodia.
I'm sure I've wasted my time, but for you to claim less Federal govt is worse than devolving power to where it has always been intended, ie., The States, is amazingly flippant and ignorant. Shame on you.
Thanks Ted, you’re my first like on that post. It’s not too bad. Maybe it’s far too boring for most… Anyway, thanks. Enjoy your weekend!
To Melba Gonzales who emailed me and says to me. "So the solution is to eliminate government, let the states be independent? That’ll be even worse. You have complaints & no solution! Just like a rebellious teenager. Just like tDrump who’s going to fix the world without a plan. You’re throwing out the baby with the bath water!"
Dear Melba,
You make a very arrogant assumption that "you're just wrong." Really? Really Melba??
We had an extremely minor Federal Government for about half of our country's history funded only thru trade tariffs and excise fees---basically very little going to the Feds. The country prospered mightily with State and Local rule.
Ok, I exaggerate about eliminating the Fed Govt, but seriously revert power to The States is entirely warranted. Otherwise, how much worse will you blightly tolerate?? And how much worse can things get for our country now that the US government is literally inviting nuclear war with Russia regarding a conflict that our corrupt government started? It's a civilizational risk. THAT’S how bad our huge Federal Colossus has become.
The Federal government corruption has reached astonishing levels of corruption and mismanagement. They are warping the legal system to interfere with this upcoming election. You're OK with the end of law and order? The free-for-all in Washington is now a final looting of our Treasury, spending A TRILLION DOLLARS every 100 days of money they don't have. Did you know that honey??
But that's WHY they're pushing for War and digital money and really totalitarian control by the dumbest, most unserious and most corrupt people in our history. They are persecuting and slandering Conservatives (about 1/2 of the country). So, you're OK with that?? We're becoming a version of the Soviet Union with the Biden Junta subverting nearly everything to remain in power despite 8 or 10% real approval ratings. How bad does it have to get before your myopic eyes can see the writing on the wall?
You're willing to keep paying big bucks to maintain that???? HUH?
Power needs to be reverted to the States. That's a fact. We can argue about how much IF WE SURVIVE. (I'm not joking at all, nor exaggerating). You're just blind and historically ignorant.
Have you ever studied history? If so, you'd know that the Federal Govt was virtually inconsequential to national life for a very long time. The Federal Government was extremely limited for most of our history and it was funded only thru tariffs and fees, a very small amount. Our US Constitution wanted it that way!!
People didn't even know who the President was for most of our history. Washington was mostly irrelevant to most people's lives until 1913 with the creation of the previously ruled unconstitutionality National income taxation and an abhorrent privately owned Federal Reserve bank. It's really downhill since then. Forever wars, US troops in 170 countries, a CIA completely out of control, the FBI investigating Catholic churches for the "subversion" of religious conservatives?? OMG!
States had nearly all the power and governed as they saw fit for a long time, until the atrocity of the Civil War. Even then, States were the center of power and truly represented their citizens local preferences and traditions after.
I know I'm wasting my time trying to educate you. You probably have no idea that our Federal govt is now openly ending 1) guaranteed freedoms, 2) law and order, 3) endangering the existence of our country with nuclear conflict.
All because Federal COLOSSUS is ENTIRELY OUT OF CONTROL and bankrupting the country. We're in our last days of our existence thanks to an explosion of Federal Govt recklessness. You need to read more of my blog to educate yourself, BECAUSE YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.
Good luck to you. I've fled the insanity and living safely and freely in Cambodia.
I'm sure I've wasted my time, but for you to claim less Federal govt is worse than devolving power to where it has always been intended, ie., The States, is amazingly flippant and ignorant. Shame on you.