Barack Obama has some very evil plans for White people. Imagine him laughing his ass off in 2015 as he unleashed the BLM riots in N Africa and Syria known as the "Arab Spring" thus flooding Europe with muslims.

Step one he makes us a minority in our countries, step two he teaches the new invaders to hate us if they didn't already with the White supremacists narrative (You are here), third come the cattle cars.

65% of White women and 35% of White men vote for to be exterminated this way. Every house you see with a "In this house we believe" rainbow sign in the front yard is home to a brow beaten, defeated man and strong empowered woman who thinks its funny to doom her children to being a hated persecuted minority in their own country. Getting even with her father, husband, boss and the boys on the playground is her only priority. She knows her men oppose destroying Western Civilization, therefore she's totally committed to it.

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Love your comment John. Reminds me of Ilana Mercer Ilana Mercer's peice that I posted: "Call It By It's Correct Name -- SYSTEMIC ANTI-WHITE DISCRIMINATION!" (see here for that post: https://gulfcoastcommentary.substack.com/p/ilana-mercer-call-it-by-its-correct)

She wrote a book called "Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa."

Whites are being marched to the Cannibal's Pot and they don't even know it. We're sort of already there. The difference between S.Africa and US is that blacks are only ~13.8% here vs. ~94% in South Africa. So, SA whites are truly in a desperate situation if they haven't already left.

But we have Democrats now "Identifying" as black, so the odds are stacked against us too.

I'm writing this from Mexico now (Cancun).

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