Victor Davis Hansen is writing a series of articles on the supposed Awakening of the Conservative Dragon. We will find out soon enough. There is no way the Blob can allow Trump to be Pres again. This time he wont be naive enough to let the Blob pick his Attorney General and real investigations would follow. All of them would lead straight to Barack Obama being behind the preposterous frame job known as trump russia collusion as well as weaponizing the IRS, FBI, CIA and every other federal agency against Democrat political opponents. Trump could take away liability protection from the tech giants. The Blob can't and wont allow this to happen. When the 2024 election is stolen we will see.

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Also in August 2020, I wrote this: Green New Deal is Part of Democrat's Bolshevik Power Grab at


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It's going to be hard to see how this ridiculous and horrible situation ends. Maybe Putin hits Ukraine with a tactical nuke for the expressed intention of shaking the collective West out of their dreamworld.

Oh yeah, Obama and Hitlery have their hands on all the crimes underway now. Both should be assassinated or sent to Guantanamo.

It seems like I wrote a post in August 2020: Only A Brutal Purge of the Left Can Save Us

at https://gulfcoastcommentary.substack.com/p/only-brutal-purge-of-left-can-save-us

I still think much/most of it's about right. The President can declare a national emergency if I'm not mistaken; which is obviously key to that post.

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