Martin Armstrong wrote that anyone who believes that the 2020 election was not rigged is just a fool. I believe that anyone who thinks that America will have a real election in 2024 is just a fool. It's hilarious to watch democrats worry that Trump might win. They should be able to relax in the knowledge that we live in a dictatorship with their false god Obama as our dictator.

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Nice to hear from you again BTW.

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All True! Martin Armstrong has also been saying that the 2024 election is doubtful. We're reaching the end of this country as it is---although these things take plenty of time to occur. Armstrong has indicated that the US will be finished by 2032, although he's continually shocked at events. He's like us: shaking his head in disgust.

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The conversion from a free functional high trust society takes time. It started in the 1930s when many university "intellectuals" were supporters of and apologists for Stalin. It had a massive expansion with the Viet Nam war when all of academia and Hollywood turned against America (meaning White people). By 2008 America was a broken society. The 1965 immigration act had already destroyed our country but most Americans were unaware and or denial. I watched a very stupid movie "Smokey and the Bandit 2" yesterday. Every person in the movie was White. There is scene at a truck race on track, similar to Nascar. Every. Single. Person. In. the. crowd. Was White. Can you even imaging such a thing now? And that was late 70s. Not ancient history. It was very sad to see what we had and what we lost.

Then came the anti Christ, enthusiastically embraced by our women who used to faint at the sight of him at campaign events. Clinton was jealous. He started making comments to reporters that "women faint around me all the time". No they dont. Only Obama holds the dark communist muslim evil that makes women swoon.

IDK about Martin Armstrong's predicted date of 2032 and his Socrates model. I'm skeptical that a computer model can predict exact dates. But we are making things worse as much as possible as fast as possible. The inflection point will be the debt. When investors no longer buy US Gov debt the wheels of the welfare state will fall off and reality will rear its head. Ugly head to them. Beautiful to me because the assholes who voted for this will have to face reality. As we speak the National Debt is $35trillion. That's $100,000 per person living in America including babies, elderly, illegal aliens and career criminals. $300,000 per taxpaying American. Since the top 10% of taxpayers pay almost all of the federal income tax the debt is closer to $3million per taxpayer and rapidly growing. The house of cards is going to fall. The only question is when.

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So true. About the only "good" thing happening is a period of 'sound money'--which I currently define as a situation where interest rates are about or possibly slightly above the rate of inflation. BUT, annual interest payments on Federal debt have soared to $1 Trillion or even as big or bigger than the entirely bloated military budget now & heading to $1.5 T.

We're definitely in the "end game" now regarding exploding debt worldwide: a relatively quick trip to $50 Trillion and interest rates head much higher or our Bokshevik regime puts a gun to the head to the Federal Reserve to restart "printing" which kills the dollar.

To be honest I don't know how it's going to play out. I'm not a gold bug, but it seems metals and commodities will soar if the dollar falls. Seems like we're heading into a commodity supercycle in this case. Oil and commodities will do the tightening if the Fed. Reserve fails to.

The big economies are all reaching their 'end game' regarding debt and that includes China, the EU, and the USSA. Seems like the Russia bloc, the commodity producers, are sitting in the cat bird seats?

I'm trying to grapple with all this to preserve my savings.

But, one day at a time! Keep ur head on a swivel.

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