From Brownstone Institute:

"We’ve learned how fragile our rights are. We’ve learned about the administrative state and the industries that control it. We’ve found out the real ambition of the powerful: they shut us up, made us obey, forced us to take their meds, closed businesses, restricted travel, tracked and traced everything we do, censored science, and turned society into a quarantine camp.

Now they want to sweep it all under the rug. We cannot allow that to happen.

We’ve observed as never before the connections between the silos: public health, economics, medicine, science, privacy, rights, public morale, trust, and freedom itself. Departing from good sense in one area risks everything else, the combination of which constitutes what we call civilization.

We’ve also learned about the power of information. It has been citizen resistance, bolstered by awareness, all over the world, that has beat back the hegemon. And no, the influencers that made this happen are not getting credit. The ruling class has never been so angry, or determined to retain their power and position.

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“ What if the Republicans instead started chanting in unison, "No More Debt," "No More Debt" and really meant it? It would be the most significant rallying cry since Paul Revere and his associates cried-out "the King's men are coming!" [Ok, you know I’m dreaming, but bear with me.]”


I could not agree more with this entire article word for word. Where does it end? and I’m dead serious. Where does it in? also, how does it end? Where and how does it end??? The reason I say all this is because it never fails with the Democrats.

Every time the debt ceiling fiasco comes up, they drag out their bag of scare tactics. And they do not deviate from the script. They do not deviate from the words they use at the last debt ceiling fiasco. I’m all for not raising it.

But my question is, if we don’t what can we possibly expect to happen? Below is just a very very small sample of the scare tactics they have used and they use every time.

“ If, we do not raise the debt ceiling, we will default to China!! 🇨🇳”

“ if we don’t raise the number banks will fail left, and right. Credit will dry up literally overnight!!”

“ if the debt ceiling isn’t raised, and raise it substantially, so we don’t face this again, It will be the end of America as we know it!!”

“ The Republicans are trying to sabotage and kill people of color by not raising the debt ceiling!!

(Said by, AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ON THE Joy Reid Show the other day.)

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The Republicans are going to take a shellacking anyway. Fuck it. Take the whole goddamned system down.

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