The fact that Tucker was still on the air was one of few things that created doubt in my understanding that we are now a Marxist country. As if rigging our elections and installing an obvious Obama puppet wasn't enough.

It's been reported that Rupert Murdoch wanted to change Fox News to be less right and more left so that he would get approval for mergers and acquisitions from US and European regulators. Murdoch made a business decision to not fight the regulators. This is the same method that the Deep State has used to capture every bank in the USA. Every bank pushes "ESG" aka radical cultural Marxism and climate change non stop.

The Left has perfected shake down. Forcing private companies to aggressively push their radical agenda through weaponization of government and rent-a-mobs.

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ESG=energy stops growing ( then shrinks). If worldwide energy stops growing and shrinks, then the world economy comes to a halt and begins shrinking too. Energy is everything.

What most people don't get is that all the debt (at all levels), that was issued to pay for our current opulence, was predicated on future prosperity and the ability to repay the principal plus interest, can't be paid. So, the result is widespread defaults and another worldwide great depression. All because you don't like energy. People have no idea. This is literally where we're headed with the bullshit "green new deal" and ESG. I think some elites see this outcome and is why they are trending toward "lock downs" and tighter controls, and really totalitarianism so they can cancel debt (default) . I'm not sure I completely understand this.....

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Tucker will find a new home and take his huge audience with him. Spotify (home of Joe Rogan)? Or how about a podcast from a tropical paradise like Tahiti?? Hey, remote work! His morning will be our evening. He'll be happier now to be his own man. Tucker is and has been evolving and growing and learning ---like the rest of us.

We're being dominated by too-large governments and their relatively captured and too-large corporations. They seem to go hand-in-hand. Too much money and power is in too few hands because of unsound money. I'd settle for the definition of sound money as the shortest-term debt pays at or slightly above the inflation rate, done by a moving average that anyone can calculate.

ESG is a disaster. ESG=Energy Stops Growing. Again, too much money and power in too few hands or corporations. Before long, we'll be in a total chaotic crisis. Biden's begging for world war and our strategic oil reserves are back to 1983 levels. Democratics and Leftists (and academics, govt types, now big corporate types) are so stupid now.

Nice hearing from you!

There's a saying: "Fix the money, fix the world." For some reason I really like this phrase.

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