Our Filthy, Perverted, Idiotic, Corrupted, Despicable, Parasitic Ruling Class
When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion - when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - you may know that your society is doomed."
-A. Rand
Tucker Carlson spoke to a group of people on X talking about how worthless our bureaucrats, academics and politicians are: Take a look for 3 minutes of distilled truth and deserved derision:
Here’s a transcript from ZeroHedge:
"In the last election Biden voters owned 70% of the wealth in the United States and Trump voters owned 30% and I thought to myself: on the one hand it's like okay Republican Party's now the party of working-class people great but then I thought how did they get 70% of the wealth they don't do anything?"
"Actually," Carlson goes on, "they have no skills. There's nothing they do that we really need."
"If your average Biden voter somehow like got pulled out of the workforce, would you be okay?"
"How long do you think this country could survive without private equity? A week? Before we all just starve to death.
"How long could you and your family make it without a DEI consultant on site? ...I'm serious. Could you get to Halloween? Or will one of your little children stare up at you with doe eyes and say, Mommy, I need a DEI consultant. I need it now. Honestly, I need a school counselor or some heavy set nurses who can convince me to go trans. I need that."
"Honestly, I need Tim Walz talking to me about my sex life in high school. Really, I need a creep like Tim Walz. No, I do. I need that... Not creepy okay let's your instincts be your guide on that one let me just say as I always would tell my children someone seems creepy he is."
"Am I indicting him for the crime nope I don't have any evidence. I don't need any that guy's a creep, sorry. Chances are my dogs would bark at Tim Walz if he came over to my house, 100%. Oh yeah they would. They'd back him into a corner and be like, stop that! And they wouldn't stop. Because they know.":
"But the point is that entire, not just political party, but class of people has created an entire economy and credentialing system to reward themselves with money and power that is not deserved."
"That's exactly the truth. I don't like to swear, but the phrase bullshit jobs is a real thing. Those are all bullshit jobs, every single one of them..."
"And yet they're lecturing people who, I don't know, plumb your house, keep you from getting murdered, put out the fires when they start, rescue you after a car crash on the highway, build the building you live in, pave the road you drive on, grow the food you eat."
"Those are the deplorables? Really? Good luck when the power goes out, honey. You can call your average college administrator to save you."
Their 2nd Desperate Election Steal in November:
There is NO WAY THAT THEY WILL LET TRUMP TAKE OFFICE, come hell or high water. Their pathetic, criminal "feeding trough" of other people's money cannot be relinquished (or even threatened)!!
Sociopaths, idiots and liars, like “news” anchors/reporters, Fauci, Janet Yellen or idiot John Kerry, can't make it in the "real world" where you have to produce something useful by honest work!! People in gov’t, NGOs and academia can't survive outside of their fake, propped-up world of other-people's-money!!!!!! If they don't have that, they'd starve to death or not be notable at all!! THAT'S WHY THEY'LL FIGHT/CHEAT/STEAL/KILL TO MAINTAIN THEIR ENRICHED, FAKE, PATHETIC 'WORLD’!
Because Gov’t or Academia is all they’ve got! They can’t really do anything useful! Their whole, fake life of easy and ill-gotten money might come to an end. And to be a mere plebian is unacceptable!
Maybe Trump can prevail, but I expect large-scale bogus ballot fraud to continue for many days after election day ( like last time). For starters, many of the 30 million illegal’s fake ballot votes will all be observed by Lara Trump’s 1000’s of Republican observers, as they are counted and will therefore CERTIFY those phony votes! The “party of dumb” has little idea of the bogus ballot machine at work. There’s big money at work to accomplish the steal. You see, there’s millions of bogus ballots sent to bogus “residences” with addreses listed as 7-11s, Wawas, strip malls, Walmarts, vacant buildings, vacant lots. (All of these locations can be viewed with Google Maps in “street view”as OmegaforAmerica has done.) Then cheaters: NGOs, Democrats and their armies paid by dark, even Chinese money will round-up all of these bullcrap ballots and get them into the system. Many of these bogus ballots will accumulate at local Post offices as “undeliverable” and picked-up by Democrat operatives. Expect many of the black (and other) democrats working at those post offices to hand off these “ballots” to paid Leftists, who will help get these phony ballots filled out and into unattended ballot boxes. It’s probably already happening.
See Republicans On Track to Lose the Most Important Election in 100 years. Also Democrats Are the Evil Architects of the Election Steal in 2020; Blacks Were the 'Muscle', Is There Even One Democrat Who's NOT a Liar?? and many others. I haven’t verified the Tweet below, but it sounds right:
The Coming Civil War?
The President of the Senate decides the results of the Electoral College tally. Guess who that is? It’s the VP, ie., Komrad Kamala!!
Dems/Kamala Chameleon will try to use the fake insurrection charge against Mr. Trump to de-certify the election IF Trump squeaks through. It's so fake! But it's been their plan since 2020. These people are like the Russian Bolsheviks and want war, theft and revolution. If they prevail, then it's Communism, Revolution and war. Expect honest/outspoken Republicans to be rounded-up!! It sounds insane, but you wait!! Hopefully I'm wrong, but I doubt it!! I think the military might fracture. Civil War??
It could last months. I'm just guessing. There will be no peace because the Democrats are horrible, deranged people/niggers-of-all-colors. Their true ‘colors’ will be clearly visible.
I wouldn't be surprised if the resulting mess ends up at the Supreme Court. It may take months! That's the BEST case.
How did this happen??
In my recent and long post Economic, Cultural and Spiritual Declines Are Causing Mass Anxiety and Mental Breakdowns, I wrote that we've allowed ourselves to become divorced from our history, our culture, our heritage, our religions. But it goes even further than that.
People that live and work in our big cities, the large megalopolises, the big universities and ESPECIALLY around "Government" are often completely disconnected from everything that is important. They don’t even know from where their food comes. They are fools, ignoramuses, idiots!
‘They’ Can’t Make it in the “Real” World of Useful, Productive Work as Tucker Says
I remember Mayor Bloomberg, when he tried to get into politics, making fun of farmers when he said, "Gee, you poke a hole in the ground, and drop in a seed!" What could be easier?" But he was so tone deaf that even New Yorkers didn't vote for him.
First, he has no idea of how difficult and risky farming is. He has no idea how hard farmers have to work to make a living. It's said that farming is the only profession where you have to buy "inputs" at retail prices and sell your product at wholesale prices. Bloomberg could NEVER, EVER make billions in farming or any other honest, productive work.
Bloomberg and millions of others in the New York city area, and on both coasts, are basically parasites, feasting on the fabulously wealthy financial system. They have no idea from where their food comes!
Most people who live around and work in “government,”universities, big Media, big Tech, show business, government think tanks, NGOs, the Federal Reserve usually are amazingly ignorant, full of their academic and/or Marxist theories, full of leftist propaganda and frankly full of shit. There, they can be and often are completely wrong about everything for all of their lives and never have to face any consequences.
You see that in spades with eCONomists (like childish Janet Yellen), tenured professors, college administrators, nearly all the Fed Reserve heads (all PhDs), all the career government people, career politicians, the twenty-something fact-checkers and (former) censors at Twitter and at other (anti-)social media companies, teleprompter readers at “news” rooms (especially minority ones, but hardly limited to them), and nearly all Leftists. This is the big problem of Leftism. They’re are usually wrong about everything. They don’t have any common sense. They don’t know that they completely wrong!! They are so wrong that they are actually deluded. And they believe that everyone else is wrong!
The Clinton Archipelago
Most of these people live on one of the islands of the “Clinton archipelago.” These are of the people on the Left. Many of the smallest “islands” scattered around are where universities or State capitals are located. The biggest “islands" are where the biggest metro areas have developed into megalopolises on both coasts—the centers of our hyperfinancialized “economy” or in Hispanic or Black areas.
People that inhabit college towns or State Capitals: politicians, professors, PhD students and other students, that are funded by $trillions in Gov’t student loans, can live effortlessly and at ease as trillions of dollars of money flow to the university towns (often at State Capitals with their additional inflow of tax dollars). This has enabled the bloated and woke administrations at State capitals and the Universities; who now offer new bullshit majors for the mentally deficit so they can attend “college”. Many stay on. Who wouldn’t want to live in a paradise like that?
Most the “islanders” have enjoyed the biggest financial bubbles of ALL TIME. Many of these people feel so confident and superior to the fly-over people. Afterall many are richer than Midas ever dreamed and they create new Islands like Jackson Hole, WY called “Teton Island” in the map above.
Many of these people feel like they are Gods and that they think they are so wealthy because they are so virtuous, correct and wise. These “masters of the universe” are really full of themselves! They are so confident that their version reality is vindicated, and they gleefully “cancel” those less “worthy” — the flyover people and especially Trump sympathizers. They feel vindicated and righteous and often dead wrong.
The Virtues Of Fly-Over Persons
I’ve spent plenty of time in Thailand and recently in Cambodia. They’re very happy places. There, and everywhere Thai or Khmer people live, they will create a small community of locals even in crowded Bangkok. Up until recently, everyone was equally poor, so there was no “class warfare.” Of course there are many small villages outside of the big city.
In all of these small communities, everyone knows everyone very well. It’s impossible for a young person, or any member of that community to live in a fantasy world or deceive or delude themselves in any way about anything (gender, doing chores, working, going to temple) because everyone knows you very well and they will immediately disabuse you for any foolishness or any delusions. This situation fosters mental health and happiness. I also believe that SE Asians are genetically predisposed to being joyful.
Like those who live in small communities in US “flyover” land, as in Thailand or Cambodia, everyone really knows you and they know the land and how food is produced and harvested. It’s harder to hide or stay deluded there. There’s more sense of unity there and in their faith communities. There, they usually do honest work of actually producing something useful like food, services or raise families.
Funny thing about doing “real, productive work” in small-ish communities, it causes/forces you to intimately interact with reality directly and repeatedly —often for your entire life. And reality is a tough broad. She’s a harsh teacher. You’re immediately disabused of any thought that is NOT based in reality. This is the origin of wisdom and common sense. Some use the term “horse sense.” None of it comes from a lifetime in academia or government.
These are among the strengths of the supposedly “unsophisticated” flyover people who are belittled and hated by the undeservedly wealthy in the big ”money center” cities on both coasts or who inhabit the Clinton Archipelago.
The Clintonistas hate them because horse sense trumps their highly vaunted academic “learning” or their propaganda nearly every time. The people with horse sense (Conservative types, Trump sympathizers, Thai/Khmer people) are nearly always right because they are reality-based and have wisdom through experience, ie., common sense.
Conservative persons are basically correct all the time in their assessment of events. It also shows that academia harms the rise of common sense or horse sense, especially career academics/bureaucrats. And Trump supporters can smell a crock of shit a mile away. They mostly get it right. See my post How Trump Voters Formed an Ugly—and Accurate—View of America’s Ruling Regime. This is why they are enemy #1.
The Left doesn’t get it. They’re phony, wrong, full of shit and they hate the fly-over bumpkins, the Trump sympathizers and detest their horse-sense or common sense. They accuse Trumpers of having unfounded conspiracy theories and scoff at those spreading “misinformation.” But these “conspiracy theories,” based on intuition and common sense, turn out to be true nearly all the time.
The products of this dichotomy between relatively grounded fly-overs and the spoiled and deluded Leftist “Islanders”are huge. Flyover-land is suffering mightily as jobs and entire industries were offshored to Asia during the last 40 years. There’s enormous despair, wealth inequality and damage. There has been an economic refugee crisis in our country where people are leaving their smaller towns and migrating to the centers of hyperfinancialization, ie., the big cities in the Clinton Archipelago. I know because I see so many out-of-state license tags here in Texas. I always feel bad because I pity those left behind in the economically depressed heartland. Their story is never told. Flyover people are suffering. You can’t blame them for voting for Trump.
Now the divide has devolved into culture war and outright war by the Biden Bolsheviks (we won’t even go into this Junta begging for war with Russia and even World War). And our society is beset with multiple crises of incompetence, ignorance, delusional thinking, mental illness, pathological lying, thievery, malfeasance and culture wars.
The Left especially are now basically mentally ill and deluded. They are "People of the Lie"--In a Dangerous Spiritual and Psychological Crisis”
The Left are such fools and they don’t even know it. Contrast them with the wisdom of the grounded Amish, who are all about maintaining real community, faith, growing their own food and doing honest work. HONEST WORK! Now there’s a concept for you! Those “bumpkins” didn't take the highly janky covid “vaccine,” and very few, if any, died. They made a mockery of the hysteria, bad advice and phony “medicine” and continued their good work.
Easy Money, QE Forever, Financial Parasites, Bubbles Galore
The big cities, on both coasts, are now centers of our extraordinarily "hyper-financialized economy" where people make enormous amounts of money just by creating and trading assets, often reselling the same things, just with different names.
It's biblical "money changing" on steroids being fed a steady supply of new digital (fake) money by the government that inflates EVERYTHING, making all the parasites, and anyone that owns housing and assets like stocks, fabulously wealthy ---for doing nothing!! They’ve never had to break a sweat! Easy peasy, you’re rewarded for taking on as much debt as you possibly can. What could go wrong?
We live in a time where nearly everything is fraudulent. Ponzi schemes abound and are sustained by successive rounds of fresh (digital) money by "government." Financial frauds and financial games abound and pay entire armies of financial parasites.
Even our artificially inflated money supply is increasingly divorced from our nation’s REAL productivity. You know; real, useful stuff made through HARD WORK, which is supposed to be the basis for our stock of money? Now, trillions of digital dollars are created overnight by the government using a few simple key strokes on a keyboard. The result is income and wealth inequality is off the charts and now there’s inflation.
The people in hyper-financialized urban areas receive this FAKE money first. It’s deposited in the big bank’s accounts in the centers of hyperfinancialism. It must be like magic to be close to all that fresh money! Naturally much of it filters into various financial markets inflating them to the moon. Those “handling” the many transactions live in penthouses, gated communities and high rises with restricted entries. Some of even live on private islands. The money changers are not only crowding "the Temple,"they crowd entire cities and live as parasites on this bloated financial system -- an ossifying and bloated "system."
The US Government collossus itself is the biggest Ponzi scheme in the world fed by an enormous influx of tax dollars; trillions per annum and always rising, and fed by endlessly rising debt and, of course, funny money. Washington and the 5 wealthiest counties that surround it contain a small nation's population of people who exist on other people's dime or, worse, live on money "willed into existence" by government money printers — inflating (devaluing) the hard-earned savings of the fly-over people.
Here’s the thing, when the greatest financial bubbles of all time, the everything bubble, bursts, it will likely be a shock for the arrogant and pompous. If or when fake money goes “poof” to money heaven and their wealth is either worth less or disappears, there’s likely to be biblical wailing and gnashing of teeth. This should have already happened, but instead, each time markets wobble, it brings a barrage of “fresh” new “money” printed into existence to cover the massive speculation and inevitable losses of financial panic. Bubbles can't be allowed to burst now—they are too big.
When/if the bloated financial system collapses, no doubt, with all the ‘money changing’ going on that is counted as"GDP," our nation’s economy will be revealed as something much smaller in the same way the exaggerated illusion of strength and power of the Soviet Union shrunk by 90% or so when it collapsed. We’re living in a house of cards just like the old Soviet Union. See my posts The West is Collapsing as Russia is Rising and More Evidence That Russia Is Rising as The West is Collapsing.
We're seeing the decline and fall of America in real time. I guess it was inevitable. Many republics only last 240 years or so as people's representatives can all be bought and manipulated. Perhaps it's because "good times create weak men." If this is so, this implies however, that we are due for hard times to create strong men once again.