The rape victim "hurt their feelings!?" Fuck off You Idiots! These people are animals; not human and NONE of them should be in Germany. Period. There is literally no hope.
Who stand in the airport with refugees welcome signs? Who puts those signs in their yard and on their car bumper? Who votes to make themselves a minority in their own country? Who riots to make non White above the law?
“ In 2020 a 15-year old ethnic German female was raped by nine Immigrant-invaders in Hamburg, Germany. In response, a 20-year old ethnic German female citizen called one of the gang rapists a “disgraceful rapist pig.” The German citizen was sentenced to jail for defaming an immigrant-invader, a protected species under German law. The rapist was given a suspended sentence and served no jail time.”
This entire article is absolutely , 🤢 DISGUSTING!!!!!!🤮 After the way, the Germans was during WWII, so rigid, so strict and so damn manly. A man’s man!!! What happened to them???
Did their balls drop off? Unbelievable!!! Simply unbelievable. I will definitely be putting this on Facebook!!!!!
Germany deserves extinction and they just might get it. There's nothing worth saving. Incomprehensible! Failed state! Criminal immigrant invaders have more rights than German citizens. What universe are they in?? Not in mine! This Germany SHOULD die.
I seriously doubt that a lot of the folks, and by the folks, I mean the blue-collar, and a lot of the white-collar folks don’t feel that way. You can bet there’s a hell of a lot of people that found out about that ruling and they got downright pissed off, disgustingly 🤢 mighty disgusted!!!! 🤮
I don’t know. But I do know that over in Norway they are now conducting research into deaths ☠️ that are caused by the Covid medicine that so many people have taken and died early.
Who is really the only one I know that has his ear to the ground on everything about Covid is Peter Sweden… I just woke up briefly to go to the bathroom. I’m going to go back to sleep now, and when I get up for good, for the day, I will forward the two different articles to you. Bye-bye for now.
Who stand in the airport with refugees welcome signs? Who puts those signs in their yard and on their car bumper? Who votes to make themselves a minority in their own country? Who riots to make non White above the law?
Bat shit crazy Leftist (I realize that that is redundant) WHITE men and women?? Do I win a prize????
“ In 2020 a 15-year old ethnic German female was raped by nine Immigrant-invaders in Hamburg, Germany. In response, a 20-year old ethnic German female citizen called one of the gang rapists a “disgraceful rapist pig.” The German citizen was sentenced to jail for defaming an immigrant-invader, a protected species under German law. The rapist was given a suspended sentence and served no jail time.”
This entire article is absolutely , 🤢 DISGUSTING!!!!!!🤮 After the way, the Germans was during WWII, so rigid, so strict and so damn manly. A man’s man!!! What happened to them???
Did their balls drop off? Unbelievable!!! Simply unbelievable. I will definitely be putting this on Facebook!!!!!
Germany deserves extinction and they just might get it. There's nothing worth saving. Incomprehensible! Failed state! Criminal immigrant invaders have more rights than German citizens. What universe are they in?? Not in mine! This Germany SHOULD die.
I seriously doubt that a lot of the folks, and by the folks, I mean the blue-collar, and a lot of the white-collar folks don’t feel that way. You can bet there’s a hell of a lot of people that found out about that ruling and they got downright pissed off, disgustingly 🤢 mighty disgusted!!!! 🤮
Did MRNA "vaxxes" lower male testosterone levels?? Inquiring minds want to know.
I don’t know. But I do know that over in Norway they are now conducting research into deaths ☠️ that are caused by the Covid medicine that so many people have taken and died early.
Who is really the only one I know that has his ear to the ground on everything about Covid is Peter Sweden… I just woke up briefly to go to the bathroom. I’m going to go back to sleep now, and when I get up for good, for the day, I will forward the two different articles to you. Bye-bye for now.