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The Left is allowed to riot. They have a legal monopoly on political violence. Leftist rioting looters get police protection. Even if they are arrested, big city prosecutors drop the charges. The Dems have two private armies, BLM and Antifa. Just as in Weimar Germany there were two private armies, the Communists and the National Socialists. The difference being that in Weimar Germany neither private army was state sponsored, state protected, state organized and state financed. In other words the Democrat Party looters and rioters are a branch of the US Government. As long as Legacy Americans, White people, Patriots or whatever you want to call non-Democrats, have money, electricity and other comforts, they are not going to risk jail and ruination of their careers. Democrat rioters risk no such thing. Its easy for them to choose political violence. They get cash and prizes and praise for burning their cities and turning them into Shit Holes. Most of the Leftist rioters live on the margins of society anyway. They are hood rat thugs with criminal records, child rapists as in the case of the scum that Kyle Rittenhouse goodified, welfare cases, homeless drug addicts. Many of the Anfifa rioters are children. 14 year old tuff guys being raised by single moms to hate themselves for being White. Trump supporters have jobs, families and something to lose by being arrested.

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