Russia and N Korea might be shit countries but at least they are allowed to know who their dictator is. Everyone knows that Biden was never making decisions. Does anyone believe that Kamala was and is the power behind the throne? I believe its Barack Obama. Maybe its a cabal of cabinet members, who btw were chosen by Obama. Maybe its Soros. Whoever it is, they dont have to answer questions or tell us what they plan to do. Couple that with rampant election fraud and we live in a dictatorship.

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Spot-on as usual. Greetings from Bangkok, where I'm having a little holiday from my holiday. The burdens that I bear! 🙂

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I am seriously considering SE Asia. My plan is to get through this next sham election and see what Dear Leader Obama decides to do. Does it please Dear Leader to accelerate the destruction of Western Civilization so that he can enjoy the pain and suffering of White people and go down in history as the conqueror of us? Or does he decide to be more practical and not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs? Good for you for doing it and actually being there. High five to you.

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Even though this is by Paul Craig Roberts???? I believe, I am so glad that you posted it. Although I have to admit, it is without a doubt, DOWN-RIGHT-SCARY!! There’s no getting around it. To me it is. Very, Very scary…. I don’t know what’s going to happen with the country that I grew up in. But we are at a crossroads right now. It wasn’t too long ago, even though I’m 66 and I’ll be 67 on September the 14th, it seems like it wasn’t that long ago when I used to think that the majority of Americans, held similar Christian conservative beliefs, like me.

And I have been from Seattle to Miami. And I have traveled quite a bit in Canada. And because of my career of going to sea, in our United States Maritime-Trades. Somewhere between 48 and 52 different countries. I have been to. And Lord only knows how many, different PORT-OF-CALLS. As us high seas seafaring Mariners say…. And during all my travels, I’ve met many many different conservative folks….

And so many of the ones I met would have made good Americans. Very, very good CONSERVATIVE AMERICANS. And today I hate to say it, but it appears that about half the country hates our founding fathers. And what gets me is they simply can’t open their eyes and their heart, to be able to see just what all the founders actually did. And what they actually gave us.

They gave us something that has never been done before. And the beauty of everything that they did, in my opinion, it had to be inspired from above!! From God. To boil it down to gravy, Right on down to gravy, inspired from, OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, WHEN YOU READ IT AND READ IT SLOW, When you read it, it’s absolutely beautiful. Flawless, timeless. And beautiful.

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I queried "is Kamala Harris a communist" and predicably got nothing but obfuscation, experts saying she's not. Even an article that she's not a socialist

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Aug 27
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It's really hopeless.

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Dave, if you haven't, look at my recent posts about wholesale ballot manufacturing for ineligible persons in ineligible and/or entirely phony addresses at Walmarts, 7-11's, strip malls, closed businesses, etc--- to the tune of 500,000 or more in each swing state. If these ballots are undeliverable than those ballots sit at USPS offices and paid Leftists/Communists (and/or paid niggers) come to pick them up and drop them in unattended drop boxes. I don't have to remind you of the race of many/most of local USPS office employees in the key counties of the key battleground states. And these illegal and illegitimate ballots make it to Fulton County and all the other "ghetto" counties in the key counties in battleground states (only about 15!!), that determine the Presidential election. But the downstream Republican candidates are getting the same teeatment: CHEATED! Kari Lake can forget being elected! He'll, DeSantis could even lose.

See my post: "Democrats are the masterminds of The Steal, but Blacks are "the muscle.'" It’s early morning here, so I'll let you find it (please?). Ok, back to sleep.

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