Joseph Dugashvili aka Joseph Stalin pointed out the obvious fact that in corrupt one party states it doesn't matter who votes, it only matters who counts the votes. Most American's have not come to grips with the fact that all states with entrenched Democrat machines are corrupt one party states.

This is not new. 2020 was not the first time the Democrats used corruption to seize the White House. Chicago mafia stuffed the ballot box in 1960 which gave JFK IL. Without IL Nixon would have won the 1960 election. Tammany Hall in NY during the 1800s is another well know corrupt Democrat machine. In 2012 there were three voting precincts in Philadelphia where 100% of the vote went to Obama. Not one single vote for Romney in three black voting precincts. Each precinct counts about 20,000 votes. Obvious corruption.

The difference now is that the rigged vote counting is not isolated to a few big cities. It now occurs in every city controlled by Dems, which is every big city in America with the possible exception of Miami and few others. This makes it impossible for a non Marxist to win the presidency. The same big city Dem machines can and do steal Senate elections because they are state wide votes. They have a more difficult time stealing House of Representative races because of gerrymandered precincts.

This as created a situation where the Republicans have a small chance to win the Senate in any given election. An almost fair chance at the House and zero chance at the Presidency. Larry Kudlow on Fox Business spoke out about the FBI being part of the Dem machine now as well. Without prominent people with a large audience speaking out about this we are doomed. Tucker Carlson was serving that purpose and we all know what happened to him. This shows that the media is not after ratings and money. Tucker had a huge audience. It's about ideology not money.

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What amazing comments. Thank you very much. With your permission, I may use ur quote in a post. First, I need to do some research. My eyes were opened by the blatant cheating in the 5 ghetto cities in the 5 swing states who chased out elderly (and naive) republican election observers.

You can correctly say that ghetto blacks were "the muscle" in Biden’s election steal. This means that US blacks have basically and substantially destroyed this country and continue to do so.

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Thank you. Permission granted to quote.

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