Thank you for posting this. We are churning out poor quality people who don't know how to think or how to act, and for some reason, they don't get it. Those critical thinking and introspective skills are just not here.

Many, many years ago I worked in the EMS department at a hospital in Brooklyn, NY. It was majority Hispanic (because the Hispanic CEO fired all of the Indian workers). I was appalled at their behavior - they were all sleeping with each other, gossiping about each other, and really lacked empathy. I thought that once people became educated and were employed, they would change, but that's just not the case. It's an all around nightmare. I just have no idea how these people are being raised.

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Yes, this was a well-done article. Hispanics here in Texas are fairly upstanding citizens; they take of their own, they work hard and they like White people (unlike you-know-who). Hispanics in this part of the country are still most Christian/Catholics and share a common European heritage. Millions and millions of Hispanics have come here and generally not that many problems. Surely there WILL BE HUGE problems with scumbag Hispanics, gang members, blacks from Africa, Haiti and Cuba are streaming INDISCRIMINATELY into the US. The US Government is essentially in bed with the Mexican cartels in a vast human trafficking scheme. Does that sound even remotely what you and I thought that the US was???

The military, the vastly bloated US "sickcare" system, to some extent the ridiculously indiscriminate Student Loan fiasco, and all the other actual "Welfare" programs dating from the 1960s are 1) giant VOTE BUYING schemes, 2) giant welfare and/or job programs courtesy of our absurd, out-of-control government where nothing is ever fixed. They persist until the government goes broke or, like in Venezuela and Argentina, the value of your benefits shrink to nothing. I'll bet it's the latter case.

Virtually every trend in America is a downward spiral---except Conservative America, you know; nazis, extremists, racists, homophobes, xenophobes. Did I miss any accusation launched at me??

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We're headed for a collapse and I don't think these problems will be fixed in our lifetime. Unbelievably sad what this country has come to.

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