Excellent article. 👍👍 Don't take this as picky. You mention 501c3. I ran one. They are forbidden to be involved in politics. You must be a 501c4, like Obama's Organization for America that used to be Obama for America. All the groups are 501c4s.

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Hi Doug, like a lot of you, I too said that Trump would lose in 2022 due to cheating.

Government is broken. Trump exposed government's rot and they have been trying to destroy him ever since.

This was a chilling article. Omega4America presents a realistic view into how Democrats cheated in 2022 and how they'll cheat again in 2024. This particular sentence on the original article was scary:

"Oh look, here are 24 addresses in Milwaukee whose voter count increased by more than 3X in 60 days! "

Liberals view their work of defeating and destroying Donald Trump as if they are doing God's work, therefore it is not cheating. Tucker Carlson always said that the Democrat's favorite phrase is "It's OK when we do it." And then they accuse the Republicans of the crimes they themselves do.

As I said, government is broken. It used to be that a civilian, a normal person, watched the problems in Washington DC and said, "I can do better." That person got elected, left their hometown and job, and moved to DC to fix things. After a term or two, that person came home. Not anymore. Swamp dwellers like Joe Biden and Adam Schiff have turned government into long-term careers, careers where they get rich. Careers where they are never held accountable for their mistakes, careers that let them yell at us about the problems that need fixing despite their having been in DC for the last 50 years. Biden gets cranky and starts yelling about the x and y that need fixing. Well, Joe, what have you been doing for the last five decades other than decomposing? And now you want us to reward you with four MORE years? Shouldn't you have fixed pretty much every issue in DC in the last 50 years? And just how, on a humble government servant's salary, have you amassed three homes?

No, government's broken, the Democrats have no shame in destroying ANYONE who dares to expose the rot that government has become. If, Trump wins this electiom, it will be a miracle. And the Democrats will stop at nothing to keep him out of the White House. After all, they're doing God's Work .

PS I'm toying with two slogans for election-year t-shirts and/or bumper stickers:

1. Our leaders hate us. They want our wealth and they want us dead.

2. My wallet was better under Trump. So was yours.

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IMO, Trump was our last elected President. Biden will probably be our last White President. Maybe second to last. Obama might choose Hillary or Newsome as his next puppet.

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Hillary and VP Michelle for Obama's 4th destructive term. As I show, they no longer have to win! Republican dolts, already stupid, are losing IQ points monthly due to old age.

Deagal.com long predicted a 70% population decline in the US and EU due to superior weapons of Russia by 2025. That's looking like an increasingly good bet.

He also predicted basically no population decline in Russia in the same timeframe--which I tend to see as creditable.

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Obama is in his fourth term now. He was pres of the deep state 2016-2020. Trump was tied up with false allegations of colluding with russia while obama ran the real government.

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You did see that post "Barack Obama' Was Entirely a CIA Project: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA?"

He was/is definitely a deep state plant (and therefore the deep state pres) even if that post may contains quite a bit of conjecture.


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that website has long been scrubbed

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Talking about voter margins: In Michigan, Trump is "reported" to be basically even with our "Living Cadaver" "President." In the above post Trump begins in Michigan with a 7% voter ballot fraud deficit. See RealClearPolitics:


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