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I can’t think of another presidential administration we’ve had that is as anti-God anti-religion anti-Christian as much as this one. From all my readings on different administrations over the years, that was one area of America that presidential administrations pretty much just left alone.


They didn’t touch it and of course, none of them promoted it the way Donald Trump did when he was in office. And, speaking of him, and I don’t wanna get too far off into the weeds here because I have a bad habit of doing that.

But even if he wins his case in NYC Which is never going to happen. And I have posted comments about that situation before and about why, Why he won’t win his extremely “fraudulent case”, until I’m blue in the face.

Regardless, he is still not going to win that case. I will say again what I’ve said in about 10 other comments from Facebook to one article on Yahoo! News that somehow or another wound up coming to me, via, my Google newsfeed.

That I have strict parameters around what I want to read and what I don’t want to read but most of all what site I don’t want anything from. And sure enough Yahoo news? News?? News my ass.

It’s nothing more than another beard for the Democrat Party. But now, and then something will worm it’s way through to me, And then I have to go in and re-adjust my settings on Google.

I’m sorry to admit this, But I tried the few other sites that conservatives that absolutely hate Google and they recommend DuckDuckGo, and 2 or 3, other sites. I can’t even remember what the other one’s name is now. But it doesn’t matter to me because none of them can hold a candle to Google as a search engine. None can.

But, let’s say he did run for the Oval Office again, I don’t personally think he would win simply because of all the baggage that surrounds and swirls around him. Don’t get me wrong, I believe he could win, If, if the NNC, Would tell the damn truth about him!

But, more than that, if they would tell the damn truth about his Administration, and what all they was able to get accomplished, even with such diabolical, evil entrenched organizations, and an entire flat out corrupt party that hounded this man and hounded his administration!!

24,/ 7!!! But“. telling the truth, and being honest, pertaining to all of the 5 NNC Network so called News. But all conservatives know that’s never gonna happen. Those ships sailed a long, long time ago. And I don’t ever see him coming back. Not in our lifetime.


But presidential administrations always stayed out of a few things and religion was one of them in school. Bathrooms was another one that they didn’t touch. This issue of transgenderism. They definitely never ever would touch that!!

Those 2-issues alone, would’ve been considered, off-limits. Taboo. This administration is doing things and getting into areas that even the Obama administration didn’t even dare get into.

And the one that sticks in my crawl, the most, and the deepest, because it does have the most devastating impact on the entire nation, and that is the open southern border! What border!!

All these other issues that are swirling around the Biden Administration including the illegal, dirty dealings his son, his father in this idiotic Uncle, I think, Think his name is Francis? please correct me if I’m wrong.

. Because none of them could even remotely come close to changing the entire make up of our country. The way this open border is doing. Right now, nobody is feeling it. In their neighborhoods across our country.

And that’s because we have such a big wide, diverse country. But let’s not be ignorant here. There are certain neighborhoods that even if the Biden Administration didn’t drop them off in, they would drift to them. Poor, neighborhoods.

Because they’re coming here dead ass broke. Tucker Carlson has done two specials on this on his news on his hour-long Fox Nation channel or Fox 🦊 Nation App that you have to pay, oh, dang, I’ve done forgot what is taken out of my bank account every month but I know it’s $5 dollars and some change.

To me, it’s money well spent. For that one show along. He either does interviews, and he does them the right way. He doesn’t pull any punches. Or, he does an investigative type show. On different subjects like climate change.

That one alone was excellent, because he had some of the worlds top scientists that laid out why everything that the left believes in just simply cannot replace oil. In the way that they’re so rosy cheek in Bright eyes when they get to talking about solar and wind and how it can easily replace oil / natural gas in America.

And not only here, but around the world. And it’s simply not gonna happen and I don’t give a damn how many people that are well-known on the live like Bill Gates and Joe Biden screams about electric vehicles it’s not going to happen.

And they’re doing today’s youth a great disservice by letting them continue to believe that life is not going to get interrupted. That we will be able to transition from gas and diesel to Electric vehicles,in relative comfort. But, hey man, no problem! These folks are so full of shit, and they are the world’s largest liars. There’s one thing about the real Nazis, at least they didn’t lie to themselves.

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