OJ Simpson and Magic Johnson both hired "Diction Coaches" to teach them how to speak English. Those are just the two that I know of.

I was in an airport waiting for a flight at the gate. Most of the other passengers waiting to board the plane were college athletes on their way to an NCAA track and field tournament. All were black. They spoke among themselves for 15 min before I realized that they were not foreign students speaking some African language. There were in fact Americans speaking hood English. I couldn't understand most of what they said. I was able to pick out a few English words.

Our kids can't get into these Universities but kids who cant even speak the language can. They are all on full ride scholarships paid for by the people they hate. While we walk around afraid of offending them, groveling to them, asking them for forgiveness for imaginary oppression while we put them in positions of authority over us. Positions they are all too happy to abuse. While being completely ungrateful for any of it.

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Yeah, they are all coddled by Universities FOR THE TV MONEY that sports TV programming gives them. I guess it's not the end of the world. Many black college stars have lucrative careers in professional sports. I'm ok with that. (but what about EQUITY??? applying to sports???? Huh? )

Their presence here is regrettable, but they have only been a 1/8th minority. Now, thanks to douchbag Democrats, they substantially drive Democrat talking points and disproportionately influence the Nation's politics and "culture". It's so ironic given that the Democrats are literally the definition of predjudice, slavery, Jim Crow, and complete racial segregation well into the 1960s and Republicans championed the cause of slaves and freed men until maybe Teddy Roosevelt???.

US blacks really want their own culture, BUT THEY DON'T HAVE ONE unfortunately---or at least not a good or even decent one. I can understand why they want to have some unique identity to be proud of, but what they choose and how they behave is completely senseless and moronic. About 1/2 are OK and can make it in America, the other half are either destructive, criminal or hopelessly incompetent and cannot make it in an advanced Democracy (or anywhere else). It's an intelligence thing which translates into a morality thing.

I could argue that segregation is exactly what most of us want INCLUDING BLACKs even now. For about 1/2 of them, they are so different to our prevailing culture, that they SHOULD BE separated into "Gaza" like areas. It's already happening except that the 'Gaza zones" are downtown urban sections of Major US cities. Decent blacks left long ago to suburban areas where they can live sensible and responsible lives and where their kids can go to majority white schools.

This is probably how Arabs in Israel were divided. The smart, sensible and non-violent ones stayed and work happily in Israel (about 2 million of them.) The Islamic nutcases, the dumbasses and scumbags live in Gaza and the West Bank and those peoples/animals need a passport (of sorts) to enter Israel. Of course the whole world doesn't want to see that, but they have no idea as to how and why this kind of separation evolved over about 100 years.

Nice to hear from you John. I'm heading back to Asia in April until the following holiday season or so. I guess I'll go back and forth. Houston has a nice cool winter season that's nice. Take care!

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