From Donald Jeffries at Substack (pictures/graphics from Doug)
I’ve watched far too many clips of Fulton County, Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis’s testimony lately. It’s like the proverbial train wreck. You won't learn anything from it, you won’t feel good about it. It is gratuitous stupidity on display. Too many drivers gawk at traffic accidents. I have been gawking at this obscenity.
Affirmative Action may have once served some kind of purpose. Perhaps to be implemented for a very brief time, until the playing field was leveled. But that time has long passed. Fani Willis is absolutely the most ignorant, ill-educated, and unqualified person for someone with her position that I have ever seen. As a radical blue-collar worker in the late 1970s and 1980s, I toiled alongside and socialized with literally hundreds of Blacks. None of them went to college, let alone law school. All of them were more articulate than Fani Willis. She sounds just like the average woman working in housekeeping did back than. Except that those housekeepers weren’t generally dishonest, or virulent racists.

Willis represents the next step in what is the ghettoization of America. Public officials didn’t used to sound like Fani Willis. People scrubbing toilets for a living did. There was a Black man in the Senate back in the day named Ed Brooke. He spoke English as correctly as any other dishonest “representative.” Look at Colin Powell. Or the much demonized Clarence Thomas. I think the main objection to them, on the part of depraved Social Justice Warriors, is that they don’t speak ebonics. They don’t “keep it real.” A young Black conservative who has built a big following, Candace Owens, is looked at in the same way. Not just because she speaks correct English, but because of what she says. She calls out ghetto culture. Which has become U.S. culture.
I would be all in favor of an Affirmative Action that gives those from impoverished backgrounds- of all races- a chance at upward mobility. But they’d still have to be qualified. What we’re seeing is an exclusively Black phenomenon. Can you picture some “White trash” from a trailer park, with similar English proficiency and impulse control as Fani Willis, being admitted to any law school in the country, let alone becoming district attorney? You don’t see any White talking heads, on the news or even in sports, who butcher the language the way so many Black talking heads do. What we are seeing is only slightly less ridiculous than when the federal government installed illiterate slaves into the U.S. Congress during Reconstruction.
Decades of capitulation to ghetto culture have helped to build the mess that is America 2.0. I guess I’m the only White American who doesn’t find life in the “hood” fascinating. I’m not interested in “gang bangers.” I’m repulsed by them, as all decent people should be. A century ago, the media began glamorizing gangsters like Al Capone. Tough guys portraying gangsters onscreen were the toast of Hollywood. While millions of Americans enjoyed gangster movies, they didn’t mimic the lifestyle. They didn’t pretend to be “gangstas,” throwing up ridiculous hand signs that are often Satanic in nature as well. They didn’t ostracize those in their community who read, and wanted to be educated. Fox News can dutifully say “African-American” all they want. It’s a stupid, divisive term, and serves to notify others of one’s cuck status.
During the first few decades of Affirmative Action, the scores of Black talking heads on local and national news all spoke flawless English. There was the sense that, even though their Blackness had vaulted them to the top of the heap, there were minimal requirements to be met. How much skill, really, does it take to read a teleprompter? But you were at least expected to read it in proficient English. Ebonics, for instance, would have been unthinkable. I don’t know if White Americans, already starting to cuck out at that time, would have objected, but I guess maybe it was thought that they might. I never watch local news, and only rarely watch national news, but my sense is that, generally speaking, this is still largely the case.
The early Black talking heads in the world of sports, like Irv Cross, again spoke perfectly fine English. But then multiple ex-players, all too fluent in ebonics, like Michael Irvin and Shannon Sharpe, were handed “analyst” or commentator jobs, in which they simply “kept it real,” “analyzing” football and basketball they way they do in Black barber shops. The louder the better. The way they did back when I was a Blue collar worker, discussing the sports we all loved. Except that those Black co-workers of mine were earning an unimpressive wage. They were certainly more receptive to my belief that sports were fixed. They were just as knowledgeable and entertaining, but no one would have suggested they were ESPN-worthy. Just as no one would have promoted the average Black housekeeper back then as a potential district attorney.
In 1996, America crossed a huge racial line in the sand with the Oakland Ebonics Resolution. The school board, which presumably wasn’t comprised of gangstas or old school rappers, announced a goal of “maintaining the legitimacy and richness of such language.” Think about this; a group of alleged educators gave its stamp of approval to the loudest slang, the most offensive pidgin English, the world has ever seen. But this was 1996. The resolution was soundly condemned by the likes of Jesse Jackson, Maya Angelou, and the Clinton administration. Gradualism. By 2007, the Linguistic Society of America, the preeminent group of professional linguists, passed a unanimous resolution declaring that the Oakland school board was correct in their decision and lent their support as language professionals.
Once “ebonics” became an accepted thing, it was essentially over for the King’s English. Films, television shows, and the music world promoted ebonics nonstop. It was a celebration of incorrect English. And inevitably, it was decreed that proper English, and basic grammar, were “racist.” Just like mathematics. I guess they’re still working on an ebonics form of arithmetic. Common Core math comes close. We all grew up- at least I did- with teachers and parents politely correcting you if you made a grammatical error. Mixed up your plurals and singulars. Now virtually all Black public figures mix them up constantly. It’s part of “keeping it real.” I’ve seen Black graduates of Yale and Harvard speak like those housekeepers of yore. As a mere community college dropout, I shouldn’t sound more articulate than Ivy Leaguers.
Blacks are only about thirteen percent of the U.S. population. This would be an incomprehensible statistic to an alien from another world watching American television. Blacks utterly dominate in the worlds of sports and entertainment. And network “news.” Watch the Grammys. Tell me what the racial breakdown is there. Just a bit disproportionate to the numbers in the population. Blacks have been gifted positions of prominence in all the fields everyone out there in the hinterland fantasizes about. Music stars. Movie stars. Comedians. College and pro athletes. Local and national TV anchors. There are as many Blacks in these desirable roles now as there were working menial jobs at the hospital where I was employed, more than forty years ago. But the Black public figures actually appear to be less educated.
In politics, you have ebonics queens like Maxine Waters and Sheila Jackson Lee. Again, I could take two random Black laundry workers from back in the day, insert them in Congress in their place, and no one would know the difference. And they’d be a lot less corrupt. Our esteemed vice president, Kamala Harris, is Black. Well, about half-Black. They don’t mention the Indian part. But the point is that, there has never been a White female vice president. What are the odds that the first one would be a “person of color?” As distinguished from a colored person. Which is a racist label. It’s a ghetto thing, you wouldn’t understand. I think we all can agree that Harris didn’t beat out all the White women on merit. She is a laughingstock, a national embarrassment. She has the maturity and intellect of a teenage valley girl. We’ve never had a meritocracy. We now have a ghettoized Idiocracy.
[Doug here: from my much less ‘refined’ post “Destructive Minorities and Democrat’s Hall of Shame” here’s some horrible and stupid people given important jobs and screwing-up horribly:]

Looking at the political landscape, is there any question that the first female president will also be a “person of color?” Sorry, White women, Hillary was apparently your last chance. How can any White woman compete with the likes of Michelle Obama? Stacy Abrams? Even Nikki Haley is not White, as she regularly reminds us. That’s sound political strategy. Who wants to be White now? It’s not like those “White Supremacists” who remain the “greatest threat to democracy” are helping anybody. That’s a strange aspect of their all-encompassing power. They run everything, we are told, and yet publicly promote the idea that Whites should be subservient, not “supreme.” I hope someday to actually meet one.
There are millions of hard-working Black Americans, who are living paycheck to paycheck, and have less than $1000 in savings, which is the case for over seventy percent of all workers in this country. I don’t like generalizations, but it’s indisputable that every Black public figure now is above the law. Not held to the same standards or expectations. Black athletes you’ve never heard of- fourth string NFL special teamers- routinely have serious criminal charges just dismissed against them. Our over crowded prisons are full of Black people, many of them railroaded and innocent of the crimes they were convicted for. But they aren’t full of Black public figures. The ones who’ve been “selected,” as Black journalist and podcaster Jason Whitlock contends.
Whitlock’s show “Fearless” is one of the best podcasts out there. Because he’s Black, he’s confident enough to criticize Black pathology. He ridicules and makes fun of ghetto culture, which would be prime fodder for any comedian, if politically incorrect humor were allowed. It isn’t. I don’t know how Whitlock gets away with what he does. His work exposing ESPN talking head Stephen A. Smith’s imaginary college basketball career was a rare piece of investigative journalism. He went so far down the rabbit hole that he apparently discovered that Smith recruited a bunch of short crisis actors to play the part of his supposed college teammates. Smith reacted predictably, with vicious name-calling, and as always, playing that magical race card.
Recently, the mayor of Kansas City spoke out against those referring to the “youth” who killed one person and wounded others during a Super Bowl victory parade as a “thug.” He literally cared more about “disrespecting” a murderer than the murder itself. The “youths” will be tried as juveniles, even thought they are both legal adults. I’m sure the same thing would happen if they were Whites wearing MAGA hats. We’ve seen plenty examples of this. It is entirely possible now for a Black to be caught killing someone, and blame it on being called a racial slur. In such cases, the racial slur is considered the greater offense by the lunatics in charge of this crumbling country. So “thug” is now a “racist” term? Do these social justice warriors not believe it’s possible for a Black to be a thug? But other races can? Well, Whites can. Is the word just going to be banned now, unless it is directed at a lowly White?
The term the Kansas City mayor (who shockingly enough was Black) used in criticizing the use of the word “thug” was “dog whistle.” This is an increasingly popular way of preventing any criticism of nonwhite behavior. Kind of like the equally Orwellian term “mansplaining,” which diminishes any male opinion women don’t like. The ADL used to infer that referring to “international bankers” or “globalists” was “code” for “the Jews.” Dog whistles, code, mansplaining; it’s all about restricting speech, discrediting certain views. You have to be careful when you open your mouth in America 2.0, if you’re White. And sane. Don’t refer to any Black criminality. Don’t “misgender” a “marginalized group.” Blacks are the most “historically marginalized” of all groups. They are the Beatles in the victimhood sweepstakes.
Am I being disrespectful? After all, it is Black History Month. This ghetto culture is certainly not the biggest problem in America 2.0. The counterfeit banking system. The massive disparity of wealth. The Third World infrastructure. The systemic corruption at every level of the system. But it is the most noticeable. The loudest, if you will. And the Fani Willis types are part of that systemic corruption. Affirmative Action assures corruption. Part of the role prominent Blacks play is to claim to be “victims,” even when they are wealthier than ninety nine percent of all Whites. And it’s becoming more dangerous. United Airlines and others are now using “DEI” as their primary recruiting mechanism. They specifically declare that there must be fewer White male pilots. And they’ve apparently covered up a few crashes already, which featured new “DEI” pilots doing their thing. Keeping it real.
What kind of person would support a program where airplane pilots- who quite literally have the lives of all those onboard in their hands- would be beneficiaries of Affirmative Action hiring? Fani Willis may railroad innocent people, but the White prosecutors have been doing that for a long time. As objectionable as she is, her “DEI” status doesn’t put the lives of every spectator in the court in jeopardy. The same thing goes for surgeons. Do you really want an Affirmative Action surgeon to operate on you? And again, no one has criticized the White doctors more than I have. But surely those chosen for “DEI” reasons cannot possibly be any better.
Looking at the Fani Willis case, this monstrously unqualified woman has admitted to keeping some $8,500 of her campaign money. She also described keeping large amounts of cash in her home. She called the attorney questioning her a “liar” over and over again. She threw papers, and generally acted like a woman in a hairweave pulling contest. Judge Scott McAfee has been the poster child for White cuckiness, never reprimanding her, or citing her with contempt of court, which judges are normally very eager to do. This may be because McAfee contributed to Willis’s campaign. And his wife gave Willis at least two contributions. On her purported $100,000 salary, Willis has somehow built a fortune of $8 million. As Don King- two time convicted murderer turned boxing promoter- was wont to say, “What a country!”
A fellow Black Affirmative Action district attorney prosecuting Donald Trump on another of his endless politicized “crimes,” is Letitia James, who to be fair at least speaks better English than the lovely Fani. On about the same salary as Willis, she’s done even better, amassing a net worth of $15 million. Maybe she keeps a lot of cash around the house, too, like Fani Willis, drug dealers, and human traffickers. That’s how the Mafia worked, when it was a thing. Now organized crime is just out in the open. They don’t need to send out enforcers to shake down businesses. The government does that for them. Affirmative Action Goodfellas. Or Goodladies. Goodnonbinaries. Just make sure you don’t misgender them. Get their pronouns right.
It bears repeating that Black people aren’t responsible for any of this. Well, they are the ones who kept speaking ebonics, and shaming those in the “hood” that wanted to learn and rise up in society. But it was White America that “built” this, as our first half-Black president might have said. After finally letting them frequent the same business establishments as anyone else, they skipped right past the whole equality phase, and implemented Affirmative Action. From unfavored to favoritism. We never tried to hold everyone to the same standards, or make them follow the same rules. First, you had the exceptions for the wealthy, and beneficiaries of nepotism. Now you have the Black exception. If you hold them accountable as you would any non-Black, they might get loud. And angry. And cry “racism.” Whitey scared.
It’s shameful that it’s come to this. That an utter moron, and a cartoonish, corrupt, compromised moron at that, can be artificially elevated to a position of such prominence and respect. But Fani’s hardly alone. As noted, there are alleged Ivy Leaguers proudly speaking ebonics as well, although it’s unknown if they stash large amounts of cash in their homes and/or distribute it to the employees they’re sleeping with. But it’s not just ebonics. Kamala Harris, for instance, is more of a cackling, giggling Affirmative Action case. The most important qualification for any of them is loyalty to the overall narrative. For Black public figures, this means consistently stressing the reality of “racism,” even as you are paid more money in a year than all the brothers and sisters in your old “hood” will earn collectively in their lifetimes.
As comedian Katt Williams recently stated, the Blacks that are “installed” must play this role. They must be utterly obsessed about race, to the exclusion of all else. They must constantly promote Black racial idolatry, to use Jason Whitlock’s phrase. Stephen A. Smith recently said, with a straight face, that he and his Black colleagues are held to a higher standard than their White counterparts. It was if he was describing the America of 1924, not 2024. The puppet masters who are manipulating this racial division purposefully select the most arrogant and unreasonable Blacks they can for success. They are essentially crisis actors. The scripts are as predictable as celebrity tweets after a mass shooting. That’s what makes Whitlock so refreshing.
The hostility towards Whites is transparent in virtually every prominent Black person. The ones who were chosen for just such a purpose. Fani Willis, for instance, declared that “I am not going to emasculate a Black man!” from the witness stand. Now, it might have been understandable if she left out the “Black” qualifier. Clearly, she’d have no problem emasculating a White man. The racial solidarity among the Black community, which has historically resulted in them voting over 90 percent for the Democratic Party, is promoted by these Black public figures, who don’t even try to hide their own anti-White racism any longer. How many of them don’t support the ridiculous, logistically impossible idea of Reparations? Yet, knowing of this racism, almost all Whites pander to, fawn over, and often literally worship Black people.
Recently, Black comedian David Lucas joked about George Floyd. After angrily heckling him, the entire audience walked out of the show. Lucas, whose specialty is controversial, cutting-edge humor, nevertheless wound up apologizing. Just like any White in America 2.0 would do. Joke about Jesus Christ all you want (remember when the hysterical Sarah Silverman said that she hoped the Jews did kill Christ, and that “I’d fucking do it again!”) Lovely. But that’s okay. She was only blaspheming the savior of many millions. But George Floyd- a troubled drug addict with a long criminal record? That gets you “cancelled.” What does it say about a society where a George Floyd is a more revered figure than Jesus Christ?
Are any of our leaders, especially the White ones, not on board with the program, with this odious narrative? I can’t think of any. If any of them “misspeak,” and how can you do that in a land where we supposedly have free speech, they apologize on cue. They all follow a strict anti-White agenda, especially anti-White male. But most of them remain White, despite their best efforts. I don’t make predictions, but I imagine Fani Willis will be exonerated. Despite admitting to behavior that would get any non-Black public figure prosecuted, she will emerge victorious. Can we really picture that pathetic, weak cuck of a judge holding her accountable? The one who donated to her political campaign? I hope I’m wrong. She has more of a chance of losing than the Washington Generals had of winning I guess.
While White America has learned to fear “real” Blacks, “real” Blacks have learned to relish ghetto culture. Remember how Washington, D.C. Mayor Marion Barry became more popular than ever after being caught using crack cocaine. “The bitch set me up!” almost became his new campaign slogan. Marion Barry kept it real. Sure, he led a city where lots of other, less fortunate Blacks were serving long prison sentences for using that same crack cocaine, but he showed them he could make the same stupid choices they could. He just wasn’t punished for it. As they say in the “hood,” it ain’t nothing but a thing. Just as they have conditioned White people to expect less from Blacks, they have conditioned Blacks to celebrate pathological behavior. Stick it to the man! From your prison cell.
Violence is so bad at one Massachusetts high school (which you can be certain is predominantly Black) that school officials are calling for the national guard. You know you have built quite the “culture” when not even armed police in schools are enough to handle it. And it was all enabled by White leaders, and a complacent White public. Denying reality with laughable White skinhead criminals in films and on television doesn’t solve the problem. Batman and Spiderman need to finally encounter a few Bloods and Crips in those dark Gotham alleys, and beat them up. Psychologically that might help. Black “thugs,” if I may be so indelicate, have developed a sense of invulnerability because of this preposterous media pandering.
Maybe I’m too much a stickler about language. One of the few positive things I learned from my alcoholic father was a respect for proper English. He really, really hated the word “ain’t,” for instance. I won’t even use it in jest. It’s unfair to place all of the dumbing down on ebonics and ghetto culture. We were already getting dumber without any of that. The unfortunate tendency now for many Whites to write “would of” instead of “would have,” for example. And now Whites mimic ghetto culture, sometimes speaking ebonics, flashing the idiotic gangsta hand signs. “Ima” has now effectively replaced “I’m going to” for young Whites. If you can’t beat them, join them. All those White ‘80s kids that listened to early rap music, with its celebration of things foreign to them, are now middle-aged. Some are in positions of power.
Harvard- seemingly the crown jewel of our university system- now has Hip-Hop Fellows and courses in rap music. Ivy League students studying the most primitive form of pop music ever devised. Does Harvard feature classes in the lyrics of Cole Porter? The whole “African-American Studies” programs, which are only slightly more absurd than the “Gender Studies” programs designed to instill misandry, produce the kinds of conceited, mistaken at the top of their lungs decision makers that are dominating our increasingly remedial public discourse. In the 1980s, the deadly message was he who dies with the most toys wins. In the 2020s, the reality has become he/she/it who yells the loudest wins. As long as they’re not White.
America is a unique country. Still somewhat of an empire, with our propensity for occupying smaller nations, and our troops nonsensically stationed in over 150 countries around the world. But a Banana Republic at home, with potholes littering the streets that congressmen and the One Percent travel on. Ghetto culture just makes it all that more unattractive. At least to me. I never learned to love Whoopi Goldberg. I don’t find cornrows attractive. I don’t think Blacks are natural athletes or entertainers. I actually think we’re all equal. Or at least should be treated equal. In a land that worships St. George Floyd (as Jason Whitlock calls him), and allows a Fani Willis to rise to power, I know that’s a novel concept.
OJ Simpson and Magic Johnson both hired "Diction Coaches" to teach them how to speak English. Those are just the two that I know of.
I was in an airport waiting for a flight at the gate. Most of the other passengers waiting to board the plane were college athletes on their way to an NCAA track and field tournament. All were black. They spoke among themselves for 15 min before I realized that they were not foreign students speaking some African language. There were in fact Americans speaking hood English. I couldn't understand most of what they said. I was able to pick out a few English words.
Our kids can't get into these Universities but kids who cant even speak the language can. They are all on full ride scholarships paid for by the people they hate. While we walk around afraid of offending them, groveling to them, asking them for forgiveness for imaginary oppression while we put them in positions of authority over us. Positions they are all too happy to abuse. While being completely ungrateful for any of it.