My guess is that Obama is going to choose his "wife" as his next puppet in the White House. Either her or Gavin Newsom. Newsom would serve the same purpose as Biden. He's a tall white man who looks official and not threatening. The Normies will gladly accept the fake image that he is some sort of moderate. But Barack Obama has been there and done that with Biden. Obama was raised by his Berkley radical Mom to be a revolutionary. Installing Michelle as his puppet would be more humiliating to real Americans. She is more radical than Newsom, with her as Pres there would be no denying that Barack is back in charge. This would thrill his supporters and demoralize the rest of the country by making it almost impossible to deny that our elections are fake and that a permanent Marxist cabal rules America and all formerly White, now multi culti countries on earth.

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Jul 23, 2023·edited Jul 23, 2023Author

Yes, I agree 100%. The FOURTH term of Obama! Plan accordingly, but there is nothing that you or I can do about it. The Marxists and warmongering neocons will remain as the world’s biggest problems.. ..until the money runs out (or D.C. is nuked?). Even then 'money printing' and yield curve control will enable doubling of the national debt from here. War is almost a given now. Michelle, our wartime puppet president.

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