“ In the years since the founders laid their lives on the line to pursue the dream of individual freedom and self-government, big government has grown bigger and the rights of the citizenry have grown smaller.”

HEAR! HEAR!! I could spend an hour at a bare minimum quoting different lines, different paragraphs. And I still would only scratch the surface of such truthful eloquence. I like this article so much, that I not only put it on Facebook, and on TruthSocial, I also posted it on 3 different videos on YouTube, because I’m a member of certain channels.

One of them is Jonathan Turley’s nephew, Over on YouTube, Dr. Steve Turley. And if you are comparing who is more conservative than the other???? Dr. Steve Turley puts his uncle to shame.

Steve is 100% more hard-core conservative than Jonathan is. By-Far. But I digressed… I not only posted this article in several places, I’ve saved it. Do you use in the future because it is without a doubt, outstanding POLITICAL AMMO!!!!

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Jun 14Liked by Doug

America was created by The Founding Fathers based on a male dominant social order that we now call the patriarchy. When men ran America it functioned very smoothly. When the economy collapsed in the 1930 depression there were no riots, no massive increase in crime. Now women out vote men because they vote more as a block than men do. Women are also more vocal and demanding of government and see government as the solution to their problems. Women do not tolerate different opinions. Anything they dislike is either hate speech or some sort of safety issue to them. Their knee jerk response to opposition is to cancel the opposition. You and I are corresponding here on substack because major social media platforms do not allow speech that women disagree with. You cant even say that men cannot waive a majic wand and be women cause muh feels. You couldn't oppose covid masks or quarantines or vaccination online because women disagreed so all tech companies would cancel you for expressing any of those opinions. The list never ends. Women control every institution in America now. They have brow beaten men into complying with their censorship. Look at corporate America or government jobs. Say anything that women dont like such as most inmates in prison are raised by single moms and you will be punished. Our constitution was written for men who have honor and rules of fair play. White Anglo Saxon Men. Now that women control government, the media, universities, k-12 education, the fucking US Military God's sake, all our institutions are being misused to punish enemies and reward friends of the Left.

Socialism is a feminine construct. Women evolved over thousands of years to share things. Things that men produced. They are natural born socialists who will always default to everyone should get an equal share even if they didn't help produce it.

Western Civilization survived the collapse of the Roman Empire, Barbarian hoards, the Black Plague, Stalin and Hitler. It won't survive women being able to vote to give everything their men produced to themselves and hostile foreigners. We are already several years into the collapse of Western Civilization. Soon the US Gov debt will be so large that investors will choose to not purchase US Gov bonds. That will cause the end of the buying power of the US $ and the collapse of the tower of babel that women built. The violence and chaos that will result will be horrific. You wont be able to find a woman who identifies as a feminist when the electricity no longer works and the police no longer show up AND America is no longer a cohesive intact culture but a diverse bunch who all hate each other and are fighting over scraps. We live in a matriarchy. All matriarchies are failed societies. Black America has been that since women voted for the welfare state. Now the other races are catching up. Fast.

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“America was created by The Founding Fathers based on a male dominant social order that we now call the patriarchy. When men ran America it functioned very smoothly. When the economy collapsed in the 1930 depression there were no riots, no massive increase in crime. Now women out vote men because they vote more as a block than men do.

Women are also more vocal and demanding of government and see government as the solution to their problems. Women do not tolerate different opinions. Anything they dislike is either hate speech or some sort of safety issue to them. Their knee jerk response to opposition is to cancel the opposition. You and I are corresponding here on substack because major social media platforms do not allow speech that women disagree with.”

You cant even say that men cannot waive a majic wand and be women cause muh feels. You couldn't oppose covid masks or quarantines or vaccination online because women disagreed so all tech companies would cancel you for expressing any of those opinions. The list never ends. Women control every institution in America now.

“They have brow beaten men into complying with their censorship. Look at corporate America or government jobs. Say anything that women dont like such as most inmates in prison are raised by single moms and you will be punished. Our constitution was written for men who have honor and rules of fair play. White Anglo Saxon Men.

Now that women control government, the media, universities, k-12 education, the fucking US Military God's sake, all our institutions are being misused to punish enemies and reward friends of the Left. Socialism is a feminine construct. Women evolved over thousands of years to share things. Things that men produced. They are natural born socialists who will always default to everyone should get an equal share even if they didn't help produce it.

Western Civilization survived the collapse of the Roman Empire, Barbarian hoards, the Black Plague, Stalin and Hitler. It won't survive women being able to vote to give everything their men produced to themselves and hostile foreigners. We are already several years into the collapse of Western Civilization.”

“Soon the US Gov debt will be so large that investors will choose to not purchase US Gov bonds. That will cause the end of the buying power of the US $ and the collapse of the tower of babel that women built. The violence and chaos that will result will be horrific. You wont be able to find a woman who identifies as a feminist when the electricity no longer works,

and the police no longer show up AND America is no longer a cohesive intact culture but a diverse bunch who all hate each other and are fighting over scraps. We live in a matriarchy. All matriarchies are failed societies. Black America has been that since women voted for the welfare state. Now the other races are catching up. Fast.”

(Outstanding! Truly, Truly outstanding comment!!! Hear! Hear!! BRAVO! 👏 BRAVO!! 🙌 BRAVO!!! 👍) (The reason I took your entire comment and turned it into paragraphs, is because I read a lot better and a lot faster when it’s turned into paragraphs…)

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