Putin run circles around all of our political leaders. I never thought I would live to see the day that I would say what I’m about to say. And before I say it, let me state this right here out in the open I do love my country with all my heart. But I never thought I would live to see the day that I would rather have this man as my president then the man we’ve got right now. But I would!!!

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They hate Putin because he's "Russia First", which is exactly correct, just like Trump's America First and Orban is Hungary First. I think Serbia's leaders are "Serbia First". The Davos/WEF/Oligarchs hate that! They are dead wrong of course.

Another thing about Putin is that he is helping to re-establish Russia's traditional cultural heritage and history. There's an Orthodox Church building program to bring back religion. The Left, of course, hates that because they hate anything and everything that is good and wholesome. (They want to upend it all!! Part of that resurgent culture is bringing back and emphasizing Patriarchy where men are the leaders in marriages, households and at the national level. The Left REALLY hates that!! I think at some level, women want the man to be the protector , leader and provider (sure there are variations on this that is no ones else's business}. The woman is the leader in nurturing of all types.

Isn't it clear that society is running off the rails in The West from Women's lib and Feminism? Look at what Feminazi governments have done in Scandinavia. Ursula Van der Leyden is another crackpot. Frankly, nearly ALL the leadership in the world is crap except for the leaders that champion their own countries and cultures FIRST (and not some bullshit from Davos or the WEF).

All we get from the Left is chaos, disorder, hate, and crazy ideas IMPOSED onto others by a bunch of busy-body righteous types who arrogantly think that they know everything but don't know shit. Fuck off Leftist morons! Mind your own Goddamned business!

You can quote this if you want. I don't even need credit.

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And once again, it speaks volumes, that we think, identical! Everything you had to say about what a woman really wants out of a man, you are so correct my friend. I’ve had my girlfriend tell me pretty much the same thing almost verbatim.

Now some will say it’s because she’s 65, my age, and therefore a baby boomer. And if they would stop and think for a minute or simply do a little bit of research, on how wild baby boomers used to be, and the operative words are just that. “USED,—TO,—BE.”

(The vast majority of us boomers grew up, and grew out, of our wild childish ways. And childish, irresponsible, thinking.)

They would know that the vast majority of Boomers was raised by parents from a different America than the ones today which I hate to say this, but it’s true. My generation, the baby boomers don’t have a lot to be thankful for especially when it comes to social issues. Look what they done to the generation that they gave birth to. They ruined them. All those horseshit of making their kids their, best friend. What a load of horse shit that was.

And, Boomers kicked God out of their lives, and therefore kept their kids out of church. Only in the last several years has there been a resurgence of boomers going back to church and they have come to realize everything that their parents taught them that they thought they were full of shit about, they realize now they were not full of shit, and that they were spot on.

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