Not only FIRED, Biden / his dope smoking son Hunter and every person that surrounds him and his administration that they are so proud of because they love to brag about how Joe Biden has the most men and women of color = always dumb down shit for brains that never know what they’re doing.
You don’t believe me look at Africa. Show me one successful country. That’s also safe to live in. You can’t. Nope. You cannot. But each one of them needs to be tried and convicted for treason. Joe Biden sworn owes when he was sworn in to protect the country.
Well, having an open border and letting millions of people come in that are unvented and you don’t have a clue who they are, is not protecting the country. I agree with Mark Levin.
“ we have been lucky. Damn, Damn lucky so far that no actual terrorist event has taken place. But give it time. Just give it time. It’s not a matter of if it’s simply a matter of win it’s going to happen.”
I should have put this in my comment, but it would’ve definitely been way too long. So I’m glad I broke it up!!! his latest talk that is over on YouTube right now and I watched it and listen to it, it’s titled, “VICTOR DAVIS HANSON ON THE STATE OF THE UNION… AND A BIDEN TRUMP REMATCH.” Also in the video from Japan is, Lieutenant, General H R McMaster. LT General HR McMaster was national security adviser for a little more than a year, for President Trump.
he did have run in’s with President Trump. One of several things that I greatly admire him for, is unlike most people when they serve underneath a president, the vast majority of them wind up, working with a ghost rider to release a tell-all=BITCHING—SNITCHING—Tell-All-Book. Lt General McMaster didn’t do that.
Yes, he had struggles working with President Trump. Which had been widely reported in the media. But, After a year, the President fired him. About as unceremoniously as you can get. And as much as I like President Trump, I am not a zealot.
A zealot is one of those that sees no wrong at any time in the other person. There’s nothing wrong with pointing out faults. Or Pointing out things when somebody has done something that is pretty shitty.
Trump fired this outstanding military man that gave his life and career for the military so all of us can live free. Including the president that he worked for…
And what did he do? He fired him by, By—Tweet!! I will never forgive President Trump for this. That shows no class whatsoever. Yes I voted for him and I will again but once again, I’m not a “Trump-Zealot.” In closing, everyone should know that this wasn’t the first person Trump fired by tweet.
This was absolutely excellent!!! absolutely excellent!! Everyone should listen to, Dr Victor Davis Hanson, who is a classical scholar at the Hoover Institution, a journalist on Fox News, and on his website The Blade of Perseus. His latest speech against Joe Biden, and most of all, Joe Biden’s handlers, because we all know that old Joe is not really there anymore.
(his leaders speech / talk🎤 is over on YouTube. Titled,
If anybody has even watched him walk away from the off-ramps from AIR-FORCE-1, or, when he disembarks from, MARINE-1, YOU CAN JUST TELL BY THE WAY HE WALKS, HE’S NO LONGER THERE. OLD MEN, HAVE A CERTAIN WAY OF WALKING 🚶♀️ & TALKING.
They no longer trust themselves. Regardless, if they have dementia or not, regardless if they have any kind of elderly mental illness or not. Which there is a myriad of elderly, physical, mental and emotional illnesses. When you look at the age difference between President Trump and President Biden????? it’s only 3 years & 10 months.
That’s nothing. And yet, look at who has a barrel of energy!! as a matter of fact, after President Trump won the election, and after he was sworn in, some of the people that wound up, being appointed by him, was out on the campaign trail with him, and I’m talking people that was 20 25
30 years younger than President Trump.
And they would appear on Tucker, Carlson / Laura Ingraham / Sean Hannity. And they would tell how many hours a day that he would put in and they were tired!! 🥱 😴 😪 And, furthermore, You could tell that they meant it!
Not only FIRED, Biden / his dope smoking son Hunter and every person that surrounds him and his administration that they are so proud of because they love to brag about how Joe Biden has the most men and women of color = always dumb down shit for brains that never know what they’re doing.
You don’t believe me look at Africa. Show me one successful country. That’s also safe to live in. You can’t. Nope. You cannot. But each one of them needs to be tried and convicted for treason. Joe Biden sworn owes when he was sworn in to protect the country.
Well, having an open border and letting millions of people come in that are unvented and you don’t have a clue who they are, is not protecting the country. I agree with Mark Levin.
“ we have been lucky. Damn, Damn lucky so far that no actual terrorist event has taken place. But give it time. Just give it time. It’s not a matter of if it’s simply a matter of win it’s going to happen.”
I should have put this in my comment, but it would’ve definitely been way too long. So I’m glad I broke it up!!! his latest talk that is over on YouTube right now and I watched it and listen to it, it’s titled, “VICTOR DAVIS HANSON ON THE STATE OF THE UNION… AND A BIDEN TRUMP REMATCH.” Also in the video from Japan is, Lieutenant, General H R McMaster. LT General HR McMaster was national security adviser for a little more than a year, for President Trump.
he did have run in’s with President Trump. One of several things that I greatly admire him for, is unlike most people when they serve underneath a president, the vast majority of them wind up, working with a ghost rider to release a tell-all=BITCHING—SNITCHING—Tell-All-Book. Lt General McMaster didn’t do that.
Yes, he had struggles working with President Trump. Which had been widely reported in the media. But, After a year, the President fired him. About as unceremoniously as you can get. And as much as I like President Trump, I am not a zealot.
A zealot is one of those that sees no wrong at any time in the other person. There’s nothing wrong with pointing out faults. Or Pointing out things when somebody has done something that is pretty shitty.
Trump fired this outstanding military man that gave his life and career for the military so all of us can live free. Including the president that he worked for…
And what did he do? He fired him by, By—Tweet!! I will never forgive President Trump for this. That shows no class whatsoever. Yes I voted for him and I will again but once again, I’m not a “Trump-Zealot.” In closing, everyone should know that this wasn’t the first person Trump fired by tweet.
This was absolutely excellent!!! absolutely excellent!! Everyone should listen to, Dr Victor Davis Hanson, who is a classical scholar at the Hoover Institution, a journalist on Fox News, and on his website The Blade of Perseus. His latest speech against Joe Biden, and most of all, Joe Biden’s handlers, because we all know that old Joe is not really there anymore.
(his leaders speech / talk🎤 is over on YouTube. Titled,
If anybody has even watched him walk away from the off-ramps from AIR-FORCE-1, or, when he disembarks from, MARINE-1, YOU CAN JUST TELL BY THE WAY HE WALKS, HE’S NO LONGER THERE. OLD MEN, HAVE A CERTAIN WAY OF WALKING 🚶♀️ & TALKING.
They no longer trust themselves. Regardless, if they have dementia or not, regardless if they have any kind of elderly mental illness or not. Which there is a myriad of elderly, physical, mental and emotional illnesses. When you look at the age difference between President Trump and President Biden????? it’s only 3 years & 10 months.
That’s nothing. And yet, look at who has a barrel of energy!! as a matter of fact, after President Trump won the election, and after he was sworn in, some of the people that wound up, being appointed by him, was out on the campaign trail with him, and I’m talking people that was 20 25
30 years younger than President Trump.
And they would appear on Tucker, Carlson / Laura Ingraham / Sean Hannity. And they would tell how many hours a day that he would put in and they were tired!! 🥱 😴 😪 And, furthermore, You could tell that they meant it!