Every time I see a picture of, “Janet munchkin Yellen”, I can’t help but laugh. I mean it I do. And even more so now since this article came out along with your writings. Because you can bet President Putin along with President of the Peoples Republic of China 🇨🇳, Xi Jinping, both laugh at Biden & Co little hollow threats. Funneled through munchkin Yellen. Lol 😆

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Anyone with a brain can see clearly that there are nothing but fuck-ups and idiots in the Biden Communist Junta. It's sort of the definition of a Communist Junta: a bunch of losers who are insane and/or stupid.

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I don’t disagree with your comment whatsoever. But there is something that I feel led to address after Joe Biden usurp the presidency, and as far as I’m concerned, he illegally beat Donald Trump.

It’s a known fact that even if there was no illegalities whatsoever, During this election, he would have still beat President Trump just by winning these swing states. Otherwise called Battleground States. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia!!! Ohio!!!!!!!

The governors of Pennsylvania and Wisconsin changed the voting laws that up until their governor did it by an executive order the only way it could’ve been done before was through the state legislature. What both governors did was open the door for mail in ballots.

Which anybody that is honest knows that mail in ballots is open season for cheating. Otherwise called legal cheating. You don’t have to steal ballots, and throw them away to win an election. All you have to to do is open your state up to millions and millions of mail in ballots.

Let’s face it, and there’s something that most people that really adore President Trump don’t want to admit. During his presidency even though he was correct on so many things, Trump was about as pleasant as a root canal.

Now granted, The vast majority of conservatives know how to take a joke. Where those on the left not only do not know how to take a joke, They themselves, but in an entirely different way, are also about as pleasant as a root canal. Needless to say, They are completely Joke-Less.

They don’t have a sense of humor whatsoever. And they are flat out political insane zealots. How much of a zealot are they? these garden variety ones on the far left, I will tell you. In the movie, “THE WORLD 🌍 ACCORDING TO GARP,” there is a group of women that call themselves the, “ELLEN JAMESIANS.”

Jenny in the movie is Garp’s mother. Robin Williams, another nut 🥜 case in real life, who wound up committing suicide plays a struggling writer himself. Whereas his mother? Jenny Fields, portrayed by Glenn Close, is a rabid feminist, The movie starts off set in 1942.

She is an RN charge nurse in a hospital that caters to returning soldiers damage from the war in Europe. She wants a child, but she does not want to be married because to her marriage is nothing more than a license for a man to own a woman and boss her around. Think about that.

A rabid feminist in 1942. Unheard of. Needless to say, this boy was coming up in a time of America, with the mother, who many people said, was ahead of her time. In a bad way.

She finds fame and fortune by writing, and becomes immensely popular. But only among women like her. They were the real mothers of feminism. And then the movie you find out just how rabid they really are.

“Garp spends time visiting his mother and the people who live at her center, including transgender ex-football player Roberta Muldoon. He also first hears the story of Ellen James, a girl who was raped at the age of eleven by two men who then cut out her tongue so that she could not identify her attackers.

A group of women represented at Jenny's center, "Ellen Jamesians," voluntarily cut out their own tongues as a show of solidarity. Garp is horrified by the practice and learns that the Jamesians have received a letter from Ellen James begging them to stop the practice, but they have voted to continue.”

Needless to say, the movie shows you just how dangerous Cults can be. How rabid, they are. Look, how rabid the youthful left is today. And, how dangerous they are. They don’t think of nothing of laying down in the middle of the road to stop traffic. They don’t think of nothing a burning down parts of a town during there riots.

If anyone gets killed in the process, they don’t care. And the people that are supposed to be adults and hold these things accountable?? Like the media for starters. And most definitely politicians.

But we watched how the Democrat party back them up and most Republicans, not all of them, of course, but the vast majority of them was too damn scared to open their collective mouths 👄 👄 👄 👄 👄 👄 👄 👄 👄 👄 👄 👄 👄 👄 👄 👄 👄 👄

Can you imagine what our nation is going to be like when a lot of these brainwashed youths / forever rabid left wing enviro minded shit for brains reach the age that they go into politics. Try to imagine what our Nation will be like.

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